

I run through the doors nearly knocking down Luna. I lean on my knees trying to catch my breath.

"Well, looks like you slept in today because I didn't wake you up."

I straighten my back and look at her.

"It's bad enough am dependant on you Luna."

"That's not so bad," she says swinging her arm over my shoulder," come on let's get going."

Side by side we advance into the hospital and split up to perform our tasks.

"Earth to Nine, hello? Hey!"

I blink and turn to Abryl.

"You okay? You seem distracted."

I look down at my untouched food and sigh.

"Am fine. Don't worry."

"Are you sure? You haven't eaten anything since you got here. Is the food not to your liking?"

"Did I say that?"

"You didn't have to, it's written all over your posture."

"So now you can read postures like some magician?"

Abryl chuckles and raises his hands in mock surrender.

"Okay okay you win. But if something IS bothering you, don't hesitate to come to me for help."

"Thanks Abryl. I'll take you up on that offer if something DOES happen."

That's enough for him and he heads towards his post leaving me to my thoughts again.

"How are my favourite ladies doing?"

I sigh and close my eyes in annoyance at the recognition of the voice.

"Hello King. To what do we owe this surprise visit?"

"Do I need a reason to come visit my two beautiful ladies?" he asks in his usual playful tone and I resist the urge to roll my eyes at his remark.

Luna giggles beside me as King takes her hand kissing her knuckles his signature smile on his lips.

"And you my lovely Luna, how I missed your angelic voice."

"You guys can have your time am leaving," I say packing my bag and leaving without sparing them a single glance.

As I walk into the room, a huge mess graces my presence. I look around the items tossed and carpeting the floor and my eyes rest on a fast asleep Black on a stack of newspapers.


He shifts and turns and I stride over to him pulling him up by his ear. He lets out a painful shout as he follows my hand.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Sister..."

I let go of his ear and he sits cross legged on the newspapers rubbing his ear.

"Why are you so mean?"

"Mean? Look at this mess. I leave you home for a few hours and come back to this?" I ask pointing to every direction of the room," you need to clean up NOW!"

Black flinches under me and I plant my hands on my hips tapping my foot impatiently.

"Can I maybe..."


Black obediently stands and busies himself picking the trash and I head to my room slamming the door shut behind me. I lay on the bed and soon doze off. Am startled awake by a soft knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The door slightly opens and Black's head pops into the room.

"What is it Black?"

"Are you hungry? I made dinner."

I sit up in bed and study his face filled with remorse. I get down from the bed and follow behind him as he leads me to the dining room. I take a seat and Black serves me some food before serving himself and taking the seat across from me. I look around the sparkling room and a smile forms on my lips. I move to say something when he speaks up first.

"Am sorry for trashing your place sister. This is my apology."

"How thoughtful. Am sorry for snapping out on you earlier. I should have helped you clean up instead of disappearing to my room."

"No harm done sister. Am glad you still have some of mum's traits in you."

I look at him with a raised brow and he shrugs turning to his food. After our meal, I help him carry the utensils and clean up and soon he settles on the couch.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable sleeping there? You're neck will be sore."

"Don't worry about me sister, I've slept in worse places," he says bundling himself onto the chair like a huge cat," goodnight."


I lay awake for a few minutes before finally drifting to sleep.

The night air blows and I shiver. I look around and realise am in the foggy forest again. My feet carry me down the path and soon I appear over a hill overlooking a dense forest underneath. Footsteps sound from behind me and my body leaps down the hill. I open my mouth to scream and jolt up in bed a concerned Black hovering above me.

"Are you okay?"

I nod slightly unable to express my reeling thoughts. Black soothingly pats my back and the tension inside me fades as my heartbeat slows down to normal.

"The forest..."

"Sshh... try and rest sister. It's been a long day for you.."

His soft words soothe me and soon my eyelids grow heavy as I drift off to sleep. Black plants a kiss on my forehead and heads back to his 'bed'. I stir and open my eyes to a bright morning. I yawn and sit up on bed.

"Morning Black," I look around the room for him to no luck," Black?"

I head out of my room to look for him and after searching the entire place, I pick my phone to dial his number when I freeze in my tracks.

(Black doesn't have a phone, does he.)

I throw on some decent clothes and head out of my apartment.

(He couldn't have gone far, maybe if I can ask the guards at the gates, maybe they saw him pass through.)

As I move to ask one of the guards, a feeling of dread wells up in me and I feel as if am being watched. I turn around eyes scanning the area for anyone.

(Maybe I was imagining it. Now back to searching for Black.)

' Thanks to all those reading my work, you all make me want to try harder writing this story <3'

Huojincreators' thoughts