
Chapter 20: Found Out

Luci’s POV:

Please tell me Gavin did not just see those stupid dick pics on my phone. Even though the photo notification was small, it’s not like it made the image any better.

I felt my face grow hot as I turned the phone off in my bag without looking at it.

Of all the f*cking texts I could have gotten right now, why did it have to be Alex?

I wanted to scream and cry in a ball, but it’s not like I could do any of those things. I was stuck in a room full of people, so it wasn’t like I could lose my sh*t in peace.

Even though my head was tucked away, I knew Gavin was watching me. I may not be able to see his eyes between his curtain hair and sunglasses, but I knew by the way my heart quivered that he was staring at me.

I need to explain to him what just happened, but what do I even say? How can I explain some psycho wannabe Alpha shifter is harassing me at the behest of my father?

“Welcome class, let’s get started,” the professor said as he took attendance.