
My Master Ruined Me!

Getting killed by Truck-kun, transmigration to a cultivation world as a hero. Later, he finds that others are doing his hero work. He acquires a broken system. Is it wrong for him to pursue his dream of cooking? Meeting a man whom he acknowledges as his master and only family. His master passes away, leaving behind a scroll that compels him to marry princesses from ten realms?! Why can't he peacefully follow his dream to open a restaurant and make it world-famous?! Why did his master have to be a renowned chef in multiple worlds?! He was alone during his time on Earth as an orphan. Now, he doesn't have just one but ten wives to be responsible for?! His daily life turns upside down after learning about his own origin. Does he really deserve a normal life? Well, he has to become strong enough to protect his wives, make his restaurant famous in their realms, and die a peaceful death in their embrace! That's what he thought, but his destiny disagrees. Follow Leo in his Journey of encountering opportunities and his lovely cultural sessions with his beloved wives. Spoiler Note - Slight NTR in the further future, No Yuri, No NTR towards MC, MC has a hidden Yandere side too, The nature of MC will change as the encounters in his cultivation. At least read the first 30 chapters.

Psycho_Rawal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Chapter 10 - Congratulatory Gifts

Author: The first power stone has been dropped. You all know what it means right? I want Powaaaaaa! Muahhahahahhaha! ;) Drop some reviews toooo, Please.

Leo felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins as the white stream of light penetrated his chest. The mythical attire he wore seemed to amplify the mystical connection, creating a moment of intense connection between Leo and the cosmic forces at play.

As the light settled within him, Leo could sense a profound transformation taking place. His senses heightened, and he became aware of a newfound strength coursing through his body. It was as if he had become one with the ancient powers embodied in his attire.

The air around Leo shimmered with residual energy, and he could feel the weight of destiny on his shoulders. The mythical attire, now radiating a soft glow, seemed to resonate with his very essence.

"Fuck... Just kill me already!" Leo screamed in his soul, only to be interrupted by the system.

"Master, there has been a wrong determination." The system's transparent blue panel shined.

"What wrong determination?! About what?! Speak it quickly as I don't have much time left, you broke thing!!" Leo exclaimed at the system.

"Master... The current events happening… never threatened your life. It was just a wrong calculation from my side." The system spoke with its apologetic tone.

"What do you mean?!… If all this doesn't threaten my life… then why the hell am I being attacked right now?! Did your circuits started burning or something, you stupid thing?!" Leo was screaming and cursing with all his might at the system.

"I apologize for my miscalculation, but the women you just got engaged with are now your official wives and the emperors-empresses in front are your in-laws." The system's transparent panel was shining.

Before Leo could continue cursing, the system spoke again.

"Master, you are not being attacked right now. These are the blessings from your fathers-in-law. Your body is being strengthened by this white stream light to let their respective blessings become a part of your body. You would have exploded the moment if any of these raw blessings were to enter your weak human body." The system stopped shining as it felt Leo's anger being soothed a little.

Leo felt countless emotions surging in his mind. He had various thoughts such as "Is this all true?! Huh... So... everything was fine!!!" 

"Hey, system! You destroyed my happy day, you know? Next time, speak carefully." Leo spoke to the system in a commanding tone.

"Yes, master." The system replied with its usual tone, which pleased Leo to divert his attention.

Leo stood there, feeling the intricate network of runes coursing through his entire being. The once separate symbols had amalgamated into a complex and interconnected pattern, creating a mesmerizing tapestry beneath his skin. As the runes merged, Leo sensed a harmonious resonance among them, as if they were working together in perfect synchrony.

The newfound patterns on his skin pulsed with a gentle glow, attesting to the immense power now flowing within him. Leo could sense the essence of each rune, each carrying its unique energy and purpose. The ones on his back felt like a source of support, the ones on his head and eyes enhanced his perception, while the others bestowed various abilities that awaited his command.

The surrounding hall remained oblivious to this transformation, as the mystical alterations occurred beneath Leo's skin. He marveled at the fusion of ancient energies coursing through him, wondering about the responsibilities and challenges that awaited him on this unforeseen journey.

With the runic fusion completed, Leo's mythical attire closed seamlessly, concealing the ethereal changes that had taken place. The emperors and onlookers continued their discussions, unaware of the extraordinary events that had transpired within Leo.

Leo turned around to face his wife, Sorina (the princess of the sorcery), her presence offering a comforting reassurance amidst the mystical changes occurring within him. Despite the profound alterations taking place beneath his skin, her words brought a sense of solace.

"Husband," she continued, "you are now attuned to the ancient forces that course through your veins. Embrace the power within, for it is a gift bestowed upon you by the emperors themselves. The runes are not here to harm you; they are a part of your essence, intertwining with your very being."

Leo, though still adjusting to the overwhelming sensations, nodded in acknowledgment. He could sense the genuine concern in his wife's voice and appreciated her support during this transformative moment. The princess's radiant eyes seemed to pierce through the layers of his being, understanding the intricacies of the mystical fusion.

The silence that followed Sorina's words lingered in the hall, and her self-consciousness grew as she felt the weight of everyone's attention. The fading glimmer in her eyes reflected a momentary vulnerability, replaced by a pair of eyes that held a mix of curiosity and embarrassment.

Leo's warm smile in response to her words offered a sense of reassurance, but Sorina couldn't shake off her own internal critique. As the atmosphere in the hall remained hushed, she discreetly looked down, attempting to conceal her blush and collect her thoughts.

In the privacy of her own mind, Sorina scolded herself, "Sorina, you idiot! Why did you have to speak!?" Her inner monologue echoed with a mixture of frustration and amusement at the unexpected attention she had brought upon herself.

"Thank you, Sorina." Leo said to her, revealing a smile on his face.

"Okay. Fine. I get it. You can now stop being all lovey-dovey, Son-in-law." The emperor of sorcery said with a glint of mockery in his eyes while facing his head towards the other emperors. 

The emperor of sorcery was so happy that he couldn't control his mischievous thoughts, "You old bastards, look now who's getting the upper hand? Hahahahaha!!" 


"Yes, I agree."

"Youngsters nowadays really don't know how to hold back."

All the emperors spoke out loud to control their murderous intent towards the man mocking them.

"Ahem!" Another ethereal voice echoed in the grand hall. It didn't belong to the emperors, as it belonged to one of the empresses. There was nothing else she wanted to add to her very short conversation, but the emperors all had cold sweat on their faces, and the emperor of sorcery felt a cold chill run down his spine.

The empress was none other but the renowned dragon empress, who had once thrashed all the emperors present in the hall when they were young cultivators. 

Yes, she was the most powerful one among these renowned figures. 

Hearing her intrude, the emperors knew what they had to do now.