
You could have put yourself in harm's way

"Lipin city?" I frown at him.

"Your mother lived there before she got married to your father. That's the reason she decided to stay there when I rescued her."

"And you think I'm going to believe a word that you said?"

Nothing makes sense.

Lipin city is Just a four-hour drive. It's not as if it's that far.

"Why?" The old man furrowed his brows at me.

"Why will she be in Lipin city, and haven't contacted me?"

"That's simple. Your mother thought you died that night."


My mind was filled with everything the old man told me.


Only when Sly answered the call did I recall that I called him.

"Where are you? I'm standing in front of the library."

"Huh? Why does your tone sound off?" He sounded concerned.

"Please be fast. When you get here, I will let you know." I disconnected the call and pocketed my phone.