
Sly's Pov

"Where are you?" I rush out of the office and headed toward the elevator.

I would have used the stairs, but I figured it will take a lot of time, compared to the elevator.

"You know where the city Library is, right?" Kira asked. Her voice was annoying as ever, but I decided to endure it.

"I know. Just tell me exactly where he is," I had to resist the urge to snap at her.

It was beyond annoying, to listen to her.

"Okay. I'll send the address to you. If you don't understand anything, you can call me."

"I don't think I will need that," disconnected the call and rushed towards the garage.

The security man on duty greeted me, but I didn't respond.

My mind was filled with thoughts of what was happening with Lee.

I entered my vehicle and dialled Lee's number.

It rang for a long time, but no one picked up the call.

"Damn it, Lee. Pick up your phone?" I called him once more, but he wasn't picked up.