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Sly smirked as he continued.

A small moan escaped my lips.

He moved and I was inside his mouth. All I could feel was warm, wet heaven wrapped around my cock. He sucked gently, then swallowed the entire shaft, all the way to the root.

"Oh— Oh my," came from my lips. "That feels so good."

Holding my hips, he rocked his head back and forth, making my member slide in and out of his incredible mouth. It was so much, so fast, that I felt something tighten on my stomach. The feeling was indescribable. It was like none I've felt.

"Argh!" I moaned.

The feeling increased.

"Stop, I want to urinate!" I tried to tug on his head to get him to release me, but he didn't stop.

He pulled my shorts that were on my feet and wrapped his hand tight around ms. Another moan came from me.

I trashed at the feeling.

He stood up and, with his other arm, wrapped me up and grabbed my hair. Then he kissed me, once more.