
A deal

"I apologize for making you leave your office for this. If I had—"

"Look at you acting all docile and sweet." Sly opened the door to his car, and I entered before he closed it.

"What are you talking about?" I asked when he entered the car.

He asked Pop to return home with our purchase, that was the reason she was not with us.

"You were butchering Kira with your tongue. But now, you are acting as if you can't kill a fly."

"She made me angry. Though I wasn't planning on doing anything to her, she started everything. You can ask Pop. I was ready to leave, but she started it.

I was pissed off that she had to open that mouth of hers and spurt out rubbish."

Sly started laughing, "I love this side of you, Lee. It's funnier than the Lee who always has his head on a book, nodding at everything you say." He murmured something under his breath.

It was something along the line of 'what caught my attention,