
My Magic Systems

Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren’t strong enough to defeat the monsters. At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to give special abilities to whoever posses them but, will this be enough to save earth from the destruction ahead? (P. S support me by reading this book to the end)

Anonymous_234 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter one: Prologue

My name is Rick Hunter and I was just admitted into Colliric magic school due to the fact that I just got my magic system. Although these systems seem unimportant, there is a great significance attached to it. Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren't strong enough to defeat the monsters.

At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to posses two types or one type of magic from the core stones. Ever since then, people who just fifteen before the last day of the year were infused with a system in order to protect themselves if they got attacked by a monster. Also, each individual with a system got rated according to their rank. The method of ranking was developed by the government to know who were capable of fighting the monsters at the battle front in order to prevent unnecessary deaths. There are only five different ranks which are rank A – E. The rank A magicians were known to be the most powerful and strongest of all magicians while the ranks B – E were regarded as weaker magicians with each decrease in rank. Although it was going to be my first day and time I was going to be in magic school, I didn't have any sort of weird emotions or show any sign of excitement so, I dressed up like it was a regular day , I had my breakfast and then I bade my parents goodbye before entering the bus that was to take newly recruited students to the school. It only took us about ten minutes before the bus alighted at the academy and the first thing I noticed was the academy was bigger than I had imagined it to be. Right after that, we were all taken to the admins office were we were given two magical wristbands with our weapon inside one of them. Well, I picked a katana with no curve then, I went to the hall to attend the seminar that was organized for the newly recruited students. Although, it took me quiet a while before I could find a seat, I finally found one which was not occupied but, since I wasn't sure if it was occupied I decided to ask the boy who was sitting right next to the seat.

Is the seat next to you occupied? I asked.

No it's not, he replied.

So, I say next to him. Please excuse me, what is your name? And what year are you in. Ohoo, I said. How rude of me.Well, my name is Rick Hunter and I am a year one student.

Wow! That's nice because I am also a year one student and my name is Tom Brady. Nice to meet you, he said.

But, before we could continue our conversation a man went to the podium and then, he started seminar.Good day everyone and I welcome you all to Colliric, he said. But, before we proceed I will like to introduce myself to the year one student as principal Nathan or you can call me principal Nath. And I will also be assisting your teachers in grooming your magic.

Well, the first part of the seminar is going to be about the wristbands that were given to you. The first wristband given to you is to check your system information. While the other band is to summon your weapon. Even though the seminar was quite interesting, the second and third year student were bored. So I believed that he must have given the same speech over and over. But, I put all those thoughts aside since I wanted to see what kind of magic I got. So I pushed the blue button at the center of the band on my left wrist. Suddenly a blue holographic screen with my system information popped up from the wristband.

The magic system

Name: [Rick Hunter]

Current level: [level 1]

Maximum level: [not defined]

Skills: [none]

Weapon: [katana]

Rank: [ E – class magician]

Magic type: [ time magic]

What the heck is this, I mutter while heading back to my class.

It was as if someone had written it on air but, still that was not the problem. The problem was my magic type. Time magic, I mutter to myself again.

Although I was in a confused because I had never heard of time magic so I decided to go to class first. Maybe I will be able to think of something when I get to class.

Even though the class was serene, I couldn't think of anything. I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not realize that the teacher had walked into the class and was asking me to briefly introduce myself and state what kind of magic type I had so as to make the training more effective. So I stood up and introduced myself.

I'm Rick Hunter and I got time magic.

As soon as I finished my sentence, the whole class became as quiet as a graveyard.

He's a time magician, I heard a girl whisper to her friend.

Even the teacher was also shocked.

Now that's a rare case anyway, see me after class, she said with a surprised look.

A few seconds ago, I was shocked when I saw my magic type but now, everyone in the class was looking at me like I was the hero in a movie.

Even though I had no idea about my magic type, I knew that there was something wrong with it but, I put all these thoughts aside because the class was about to start.

Well, welcome students I will be your teacher for the entire year and you can call me miss Tasha.

Today, I am going to be teaching you how to use your first magical skill which is concentrating your energy to produce magic from your Palm and then to every part of your body as you advance but mind you, you won't be able to perform any other magic skill without this basic skill. So she showed us an example and then she formed a water ring on her right palm.

Then, she gave us a few minutes to try it out.

Although many of us tried to do the trick, we couldn't do it but, only a few of us were able to do it. But there was a problem with my magical ring. It was a glowing blue light and it didn't contain any sign of elemental magic like that of the others.

This must be related to my magic type, I whisper to myself.

Even though everyone in the class was as shocked as I was, miss Tasha remained calm and even smiled slightly.

Afterwards, she explained the different kinds of magic skill level which were the preliminary, intermediate and advance level. But before we could proceed, the bell was rang indicating that the class was over. And since I had nothing else to do I decided to follow her to her office.

On getting to her office, she suddenly turned around and asked me a question.

Are you sure that your magic type is time magic, she said with a serious look on her face.

Yes, I'm very sure, I answered.

Then if that is the case I will have to train you personally, she said with her face loosening up a bit. And before I forget, you are going to have your first training session or let me be precise it's going to be a fight.

A fight, I say with a surprised look on my face.