
He Summons You

Zagan kept replaying the loop of what had occurred on the map. He couldn't understand what his eyes were seeing. He had never witnessed anything like this before.

"You called for me?" Seth appeared behind him, and they both watched the map illuminate with streaks of light that resembled something more like lightening than a typical alyko event. There was no singular light source. It began with a flash that spread over the entirety of the island.

Zagan paused the recording and traced his fingers over the light paths that spread and interconnected. Where had he and Zosime been when this occurred? His finger hovered over one point that should have been about where they were both walking in the bent forest. Light illuminated that area. It was like it swept past them in that shock wave and spirited Zosime away.

"Where did they go?" he muttered to himself.