
My Lust System In The Anime World

Training, Hard work, and struggles... why should I bother with such things when I could just conquer powerful wives? All I have to do is enjoy the beauties of the multiverse

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

New Magic

Cana and Alex's hands wrapped around each other in a strong hug while their mouth connected madly with each other. To make things easier for them, Alex began to move his clothing, and seeing this Cana did the same while trying her best to keep the kiss going,

in seconds, Cana was in her underwear and bra, while Alex stood in his boxers. Alex's hands moved, to play with Cana's ass. this was the first time he ever experienced anything like this, so he took it slow to explore this new thing.

Cana feeling my hands on her butt let out a moan. As Alex sat up, she sat on his lap before freezing when she felt something hard within Alex's boxers. this thing held great power which was enough to draw her attention from the kiss to look down. there she saw it, a tent stood between her and Alex.

"Is that?" Cana asked softly, to which I nodded slightly. Cana's hands moved, and removing the boxers, there she saw the rock-hard dick, which had pre cum at its tip. Her nose twitched slightly, my pre cum had a unique smell that only turned her on. her hands moved to hold it, but I could tell she didn't know what to do with it.


Just when I was about to speak, I went quiet seeing Cana open her mouth and lick the pre cum. something about that pre cum made her mouth water, and she couldn't help herself from taking it into her mouth. the pre cum was so sweet. taste which made her want more. but it was not only the pre cum, the whole dick tasted amazing, leading her to open her mouth, taking the dick into her mouth. 

I couldn't help but let out a moan, I realized I was far more sensitive than in the past, sex brought out far more pleasure than in my past life, to a degree where it was addictive like a drug.

I couldn't help but take hold of Cana's head, and help her take more of my dick. my soft moans couldn't be held back, while Hana's hands moved to play with her pussy, which was dripping wet. At some point, I didn't even need to move her head, as her head was taking my dick at a faster rate. although it wasn't throat dick, I didn't force her to do something like that just yet.

Instead, with my hands support, I faced the sky. with my body shaking slightly, I unleashed a load within Cana's mouth. Cana's eyes widened for a moment before she tried her best to swallow it all. sitting up, she licked up all of the cum she couldn't swallow up, it would be a waste to let something that tasted so good go away. Breathing heavily, she looked at my dick for some time. she never imagined that just sucking on something could lead to her feeling such pleasure.

"My turn," I said softly while having her lay on her back. although I wanted to play with her before taking her virginity, I didn't. what if she didn't have the energy to take my dick after some simple foreplay?

So, removing her underwear, I locked eyes with her while I played with her pussy, leaving Cana's loud moans filling the room. she had just played with herself just a moment ago, but it felt nothing compared to this moment. Cana wanted more, but I stopped not wanting her to cum... I wanted her first orgasm to come from my dick.

So under Cana's confused eyes, I aimed my dick at her pussy. Cana seeing this, Cana wrapped her legs around my hips, and she looked deeply at me. 

"Are you ready?" I asked, to which Cana nodded slightly. So, I slowly sent my dick inside. Cana's body shook slightly from the pain, she bit her lips for a moment, but the pain was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure of the dick making its way through her tight walls. I only stopped when I felt my dick hit her walls, After a second, I began to move my hips. although this was my first time, my dick sensitivity allowed me to quickly get a feel for Cana's weak points, but I ignored them. I didn't want her to cum too soon. My hip movement grew faster, leaving Cana's moans to grow louder and louder.

"Oh yes, don't stop! Don't Stop!" Cana cried as her legs and arms hugged me tightly. Cana didn't stop talking, but quickly her words became unrecognizable, all that could be made out was grunts and moans. Cana's body shook after just a minute as she had her first-ever orgasm in her life. just this pushed her to her limits, but even while feeling her juices wetting my dick, my hips didn't stop.

My trust kept moving, causing her juices to fly out with each thrust. my thrust grew faster and faster, while Cana's moans grew louder and louder, before I came inside, causing Cana to cry in pleasure feeling the warm liquid inside her.

Although I wasn't tired, I fell next to Cana while breathing heavily. I looked towards Cana and saw she had fainted. I was stunned for a moment before a screen appeared in front of me.

{Name: Cana Alberona

Age: 13 years old/ 90 years old

Race: [Human]

Tier 8: Urban



body- 20 (Tier 8: Building Level

soul- 16 {Tier 9: Wall level

spirits- 25 {Tier 8: City Block level

power- 20 (Tier 8: Building Level

Potential- 40 {Tier 6: Island Level


Ability: [Cone]

Techniques: [Card magic]}

'She is powerful for her young age...' I thought while looking at her stats, before looking at her card magic. although she had 1 form of magic, this magic covered a wide field. she could even use her magic to foresee the future. 

also, her body might be powerful at a stat of 20. but that didn't mean she could withstand powerful attacks without magical energy to boost her durability. In the end, she was a human. her flesh didn't grow more powerful as she grew stronger.

Next, I went on to look at my stats.

{Name: Alex Morningstar

Age: 6 hours old/ 500 years old

Race: [Unnamed Incubus race]

Tier 9: Superhuman



body- 15 ->16 (Tier 9: Wall level

soul- 6 ->7 {Tier 10: Athlete level

spirits- 6 ->8 {Tier 10: Athlete level

power- 9 ->10 (Tier 9: Street level

Potential- 6 ->30 {Tier 7: Small Town level


Ability: [Enhanced Sex Appeal], [Sex Empowerment], [Natural Weaponry]

Techniques: [Card magic]}

'System, how did my potential shoot up to 30?' I asked in shock seeing my stat boost, I was also confused seeing how my stats only increased by 1 to 2, all but my potential. although I had a guess, it was better to ask the system.

{the greater the tier, the higher the stat value. Cana's potential is 40. 1% of that is 30. shocking? but you would need to sleep with her 5 times to just increase that stat by 1. Once you have done it 50 times, you would need to do it another 50 times to get it to 40} At those words, I sighed. truly, growing stronger would be hard work.

{by the way host, you have gained 10,000 Lust Points from sleeping with Cana. note that the points are measured on stats, status, and virginity.} The system said while I opened the system to look through the tabs.

Going through the system, I first looked at the price to upgrade the system. which would be 1 million Lust Points. the price to upgrade my bloodline was 10,000 Lust Points, and to upgrade my current abilities, it was far cheaper, around 500 Lust Points to 5,000 Lust Points

To upgrade my stats, the price was huge. for stats in tier 10, to improve them by 1 was only 100 Lust Points. those at Tier 9, was a price of 1,000 Lust Points. those at tier 8 cost 10,000 points, and so on

I can do the same for the harem members, but it was 10 times cheaper for the harem members which made me press my lips slightly. but there was currently no one in my harem, I had to ask a person to join the harem. after this, I looked towards the store.

[Healing Kiss]: A kiss that can heal a target at the cost of energy. by kissing the injured place, your kiss would be able to restore the condition of the said spot.. note as the greater the injury, the greater the energy it would suck. Cost- 100,000 Lust Points

[Craving Touch]: Your touch will make a woman crave more and she will never be sexually satisfied by anyone else. The more time you spend with a woman the stronger the effect gets. The more Sexual the touch, the greater the effect. COST- 100,000 Lust Points

[Eyes Of Insight]: Your eyes are far shaper, allowing you to see the smallest of details, see targets extremely far away, see-through items, and many more. it would also have an added boost to one combat capability, as it would allow you to not only react faster but to read your target and guess your target's next movement. COST- 1 million Lust Points

I looked at the many skills, but they were mostly all lust-related skills, and they had a limited amount. around 20, none of them were combat-related which was disappointing. Frowning slightly, I went on to return to my upgrade tab. What would happen if I upgrade my [Sex Empowerment]

[Sex Empowerment V2]: the same as the previous version, but this effect is far more effective. this would allow one to gain 2% of the partner stats, while at the same time allowing one to use this ability once every 12 hours. Upgrade Cost- 2,500 Lust Points.

'By the way, can I use magic now?' I asked while picking up Cana, and taking her toward the bedroom for her to rest. after all, she couldn't sleep on the ground.

{Yes host, you just need something to help you awaken it. for example, take Cana cards and try to use card magic.} THe system said before my eyes turned towards Cana cards. walking up to the cards, I did as the system said and with my current potential, I was able to feel a warmth within me after focusing on the card for some time.

But it didn't stop there as an explosion came off me, everyone had a magic that best suited them. To learn Magic, you must train your intellect and spirit. However, it should be noted that the stronger the Magic, the more it tends to select its wielder. if the Mage's mind is frail, the Magic will take over and destroy them.

At this moment, the magic that best suits me had selected me. Demon Lord Magic.

[Demon lord magic] A rare form of magic which is the fusion of the 7 main families of the demon realm magic. 

[Pride magic]- Pride magic is a powerful magic, that used to be known as Light Bringer magic, this magic had been twisted and turned to be known as Pride Magic. This magic gives one absolute power over light, this covers the sun and fire. It has the side effect of making one extremely arrogant, which in turn leads to one willpower becoming unmatched.

[Greed Magic]- Greed magic is a powerful magic, that can bring out the greed of others. this magic would also give one control over one's greed, but it goes deeper.. it gives one the power to recreate wealth and to form contracts.

[Envy Magic]- Envy magic is a powerful magic, that allows the envy of the user to give them unmatched power. Leviathan households with the power of this magic were most feared by the gods.

[Wrath magic]- Wrath magic is the most powerful attack type of magic, although one person has ever used this magic to its fullest. he alone was able to walk to the gates of heaven and unleash his full wrath upon the heavens. all gods stood in his way, but before his ever-growing rage and hatred, they were all beaten black and blue. the Satan household can't even use 1% of this magic's full potential, even so, it allows them to stand amongst the rulers of hell.

[Sloth Magic]- Sloth Magic is well known to be the most annoying magic known to demons and gods. this magic allows the user to be able to turn dreams into reality, if they have enough magical energy, they can recreate armies or even the demon lord copies, all as strong as the main demon lord or even stronger. All they have to do is sit back and daydream

[Gluttony Magic]- Gluttony magic is a powerful magic that allows a person to eat everything. This magic allows the user to eat anything to heal, strengthen themselves, and so on. it makes them almost immune to all forms of magic as they can just eat it. They could even eat living things to gain bits of their magic.

[Lust Magic]- Lust magic is a powerful magic that allows a person to charm anything, living or not, anything could be charmed by this magic. it also brings out one beauty to the highest. before this magic, even if you have the strongest of wills, so long as you hold some lust, the user of this magic can take control of that lust and strengthen it. although one might not have enough magical energy for this if they are strong enough. once a person with this magic has sex with another party, they can suck out the other party's magic power, and leaving their partner all dried up, while they grew stronger

All of these magic fuse and empower themselves, making one the lord of sins.} the system said.

{Note, this magic is highly connected with Link Magic. To help yourself grow stronger, it's best you form links with those who best suit one of the 7 forms of magic. through the link, they shall all help you grow stronger. although once all 7 sins are formed, you would only have 3/10 of your full strength.} the system said making my eyes narrow slightly...