
Chapter 6

Upon his arrival home, he realized the house was really quiet since he lived with just his brother and the workers probably asleep, he walked around the house remembering all their happy times when they were young, all the crazy and funny things they did together and finally remembered how they got separated, he blamed his mother for convincing their dad to take them abroad, he went to his bedroom laid down and tried to sleep hoping to forget everything the next day.

The next morning when Bernard woke up Rhoda wasn't beside him so he went downstairs and to his surprise she was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, just then Mr. Samuel also came downstairs and both the two gentlemen looked at each other astonished but didn't want to ruin the peaceful moment so they just sat down to have their breakfast, in about 3 minutes Rhoda served them and just then Bismark came in also acting like everything was okay. Mr. Samuel just smiled and they all had their breakfast fast peaceful. After breakfast, Mr. Samuel couldn't just let it slide so he called Bismark to his study room and asked what happened, Bismark knew just what he was talking about so he laughed and explained that last night while he was trying to fall asleep Rhoda called him to apologise and explained her behaviour so he forgave her. Mr. Samuel saw how they reconciled to be funny and a little silly yet amazing, but before he let him go he made him promise to never bring tears to Rhoda's eyes again, Mr. Samuel was happy to hear Bismark promise with so much enthusiasm, Mr. Samuel patted his shoulder gently and said he wished Rhoda could love Bismark as much as he loves her. After their conversation, Bismark went to sit beside Rhoda and Bismark, Rhoda had also explained everything to Bernard so there was nothing much to say. The three friends were cozy in the sofa watching a movie when they heard a knock on the door, Bernard went to get it an unexpectedly it was Mr. Rockson, the doctor that treated Rhoda, Bismark rushed to call Mr Samuel to the living, Rhoda was very happy to see him since he had been a good counsellor to her which she really appreciated, he told them he was going somewhere and decided to drop by and check if everything was alright with Rhoda and also brought some pain killers for her. Mr. Samuel asked how he got to know their address, he smiled and replied that even a new born child knows everything about "Rhoda the fashion designer " everyone laughed. Mr. Rockson decided to take his leave but Mr. Samuel told him to have coffee with him before leaving but he said his son was waiting for him in his car outside so he couldn't but Bismark suggested that he calls his son inside to have a drink together, Mr. Rockson thought it was a nice idea so he went out to call his son inside, after he came back with him, he introduced him to them as Derrick Rockson, as soon as his eyes met with Rhoda's he asked what she was doing there with a frown on his face, everyone was surprised so Mr. Rockson asked Derrick if he knew Rhoda and he said she is the lady he talked about, Mr. Rockson couldn't so he asked to explain Derrick replied that she was the lady he had been pursuing for years but got disgraced everytime he approached her. Rhoda felt a little embarrassed so she looked away. Mr Rockson laughed and everyone joined in except Derrick and Rhoda, they all had some drinks and talked a little about nothing in particular, after they were done Mr Rockson decided to leave, Mr Samuel told Rhoda to accompany them to their car which she couldn't refuse. After they left Rhoda sat down with a frown plastered on her face. Mr Samuel and the twins began teasing her, Bismark began mimicking Derrick, they all laughed including Rhoda herself until Mr Samuel said how nice it would have been if she had accepted his proposal, everyone turned to look at him with a frown, he was confused and didn't know what to say so he said he had some work to do in his office and quickly left. The twins asked why she never told them about Derrick, she also asked them why they said nothing about Olive, Bismark stared at her and said he thought she promised never to discuss about Olive again. Rhoda remembered and apologised and also said not to discuss anything about Derrick either. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Bernard suggested that they go watch a movie so they all decided to go, when they arrived at the theatre, Bernard and Rhoda bought the tickets while Bismark got popcorn, later they all went inside together and sat down, Rhoda then remembered the first time she went to the movies with the twins where they cried, she began smiling which didn't go unnoticed by Bismark so he asked and she told them about it which ended with them all laughing together attracting attention to themselves since the movie they were currently watching was a tragic movie, they quickly sneaked out from the theatre, they couldn't think of any fun place to go so they just decided to park their car and walk around the park together, while walking they saw Derrick with a girl of Rhoda's age obviously a year or two younger than Derrick, they all assumed she was his girlfriend so they approached him ,when they got closer Rhoda said it was amazing how Derrick got himself a girlfriend just when she rejected him, this made the girl laugh really hard, Derrick also shook his head and said at least he has two but Rhoda had two guys following her around like her bodyguards, this made Bismark angry so Rhoda told him to shut up , the twins both got angry and left with Rhoda.