
Chapter 19

Rhoda was taken to the emergency room when they got to the hospital as Derrick,Bismark and Angela were told to wait outside. Derrick was panicking, he was so worried and couldn't even sit, he just kept moving to and fro, Bismark was also worried but seeing Derrick panicking made him approach Derrick, and told him to calm down and stop acting like he was related to Rhoda, Derrick remembered Rhoda and his relationship was a secret so he just sat down still nervous though. After about 35 minutes time the doctor came out and said she was fine for now and can go home but they were doing a some tests on her which the result would come out tomorrow so they can take her home to rest. They all went inside to check up on her but then a nurse came in and asked to see a relative of her and since Bismark was the boyfriend he went. As soon as he left Derrick hugged Rhoda as she had regained conscious now, he asked her why she refused to go to the hospital when she got sick but she told him she didn't want to, Derrick threatened that the next time she refused to go to the hospital when she is ill he wouldn't think twice about announcing their relationship, Rhoda loved the idea of everyone knowing he was her's but then again remembered it's not as simple as that, she smiled and promised not to do that kind of thing ever again. Angela asked when the two would finally spill the beans but Rhoda replied that soon, she told them her dad had gone on a business trip and she wanted to tell him first so as soon as her dad arrives she was going to tell him everything and also talk to the twins too. Derrick was happy beyond words but tried to act cool. While the three were still conversing Bismark entered, he told Rhoda that he had something to do at the office and left, everyone was surprised, he was acting like he didn't care, Rhoda was wondering what encountered between him and the doctor for him to act like this, Derrick excused himself and followed Bismark out of the room and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing, Bismark raises his eyebrows acting naive, Derrick asked him why he would leave Rhoda in such a condition, he replied that everything happening was Derrick's fault and went away mad. Derrick went back inside and asked Rhoda if that's how he had been treating her and she said no, Derrick told Rhoda to go home with him but Rhoda refused, he got confused so he asked why, Rhoda told him she didn't want Bismark seeing them together since he might get jealous or mad and do something crazy, Derrick got angry, not at Rhoda but at the fact that he couldn't do anything even though he wanted to, he also left the hospital but before going asked Angela to send Rhoda home.

When they got home they both sat in the living room, since her dad wasn't around and Olive gone Angela decided to keep her company for while. Rhoda suddenly asked Angela why she wasn't in a relationship, Angela replied that she is in love with a man that doesn't even notice her presence, Rhoda told her to try and fight for the man she loves. Instead of answering she also asked Rhoda if she would leave Derrick at some point just because Bismark showers her with lots of love but Rhoda said No. Rhoda understood where she was going with this, the two talked about their love life for a while without noticing how late it was, it was 7pm now and both were hungry so Angela secretly called Derrick to bring them food from the restaurant since they were both tired to cook, coincidentally Derrick was already on her way to the house. Rhoda went to the washroom while Angela stood at the door waiting for Derrick, he arrived earlier than expected but didn't go inside , he didn't want to see Rhoda, he felt that if he stays he might not want to leave her and might probably spend the night which could be a problem if Bismark finds out, he gave the food to Angela at the gate and asked how Rhoda was ,Angela told him she was fine, he told Angela to stay the night to keep Rhoda company since no one was in the house, he hugged his sister and left the house.

Rhoda came downstairs and asked where the food was from, Angela didn't want to lie to her so she told her the truth. She quickly asked why he left and Angela explained that he didn't want to create a problem for her that's why he left, Rhoda got sad but tried to hide it. They both ate their dinner and went back to the couch to continue their conversation.

Rhoda asked who the guy Angela was in love with, Angela replied that he was someone she knew so Rhoda mentioned few of her workers but she said none, Rhoda was confused because she didn't have lot if male friends, she then asked if it was one of the twins, Angela smiled and looked away, Rhoda thought it was Bernard since she claimed it was one sided love, she told Angela that Bernard and Olive were already in a relationship so she should probably look else where. Angela laughed and told her it wasn't Bernard but Bismark, Rhoda was happy for her and hugged her but Angela thought it was not possible since Bismark was already in love with Rhoda. She quickly apologised and told Rhoda she would try and look elsewhere but Rhoda assured her that Derrick was the only one she loved and Angela could try and shoot her shot after she breaks up with him. They both decided to go upstairs and sleep, Rhoda asked if Angela would spend the night which she said yes, while climbing the stairs they heard heavy banging at the door, the both were nervous since it was around 9pm and they weren't expecting anyone.