
Chapter 12

Dina later saw Rhoda walking sadly on the terrace and approached her. Why do you like running away from your problems instead of facing them Dina said jokingly but Rhoda didn't smile, she looked sad, she asked Dina what she was supposed to do, she didn't want to hurt anyone but it seemed choosing either of them is going to hurt the other and that's the last thing she wanted. Dina hugged her and said, someone is bound to hurt either way so why don't she save herself the trouble and just follow her heart, she hugged Dinw back and said she was tired already, she didn't want to lose either of them, she loved them both and couldn't stand seeing the sad and knowing she is the reason.

Stop blaming yourself for everything and stop saying you don't want to hurt anyone Dina interrupted, you need to be selfish for once okay start thinking about what you really want, and stop making decisions based on others feelings.

Rhoda knew Dina had a point,she gave Dina one last hug and headed home.

Her dad wasn't around but Olive was in the living room, Olive saw how sad she looked and asked what was wrong with her, Rhoda knew Olive would probably convince her to choose Bismark so she didn't want to tell her but Olive kept insisting so Rhoda told her everything that happened at the office between Derrick and Bismark she didn't include the part about Derrick and kiss because she would probably tell Bernard and Bismark would definitely find out too so she told her only the part she needed her to know, Olive as expected told her to choose Bismark because she knows how Bismark has been patiently waiting to tell her how much he loves her and wants to be with her. Rhoda now was beyond confused, this wasn't how she envisioned her love her. She left Olive downstairs and wentvto take a rest in her room but just a few minutes later Olive knocked and told her Angela was waiting for her downstairs , Rhoda couldn't think of any reason Angela would look for her but as she descended the stairs and Angela came to view she saw that she look a little sad and knew it would probably be because of Derrick.

This is the last thing I need right now Rhoda murmured to herself, Olive excused them and they both sat down, Angela with tears told Rhoda to stop hurting his brother because since he met Rhoda his life had been miserable, all he does is think about Rhoda and nothing else, he neither have enough time for his family or work. Rhoda told Angela she didn't understand because , Angela told her to just reject or accept him and not keep giving him hopes, Rhoda told Angela she wanted to rest so Angela should leave and she promise to talk to Derrick tomorrow and clear things with him, Angela saw that Rhoda was hurting but purposely acting strong and since she had nothing to say, she left the house and Rhoda went back to her room and thought about all what Angela said then tried to sleep hoping everything will be alright ny the time she wakes up.

Later in the evening when her dad came home, he met Olive downstairs serving dinner so she asked if Rhoda was home already, yeah she actually came a bit early today but has been in her room since then Olive explained. Her dad figured she was probably resting to he let I slide till Olive went to knock on her door to come eat super but got no response, her dad knew something was definitely wrong so he asked Olive if she knew anything and since she was always worried about Rhoda,she told him everything Rhoda told her and about Angela's visit too, he quickly went to Rhoda's door and found it unlocked so he went inside but Rhoda was soundly asleep but from her face he could tell that she had cried her self to sleep, her dead kissed her on the forehead prayed for her to always be happy, he cupped her cheeks and left her room after a while. He went downstairs to have his dinner but he couldn't bring himself to eat knowing his daughter went to bed with an empty stomach so he went back to his room.

Olive on the other hand got her call from Bernard to have dinner out so she hurriedly packed the food into the fridge and left the house.

The next day Olive woke up a bit late since she had a long night, she quickly took her bath and went to Rhoda's room to check up on her but she was already gone, she saw Mr Samuel downstairs and asked where Olive was, he told her she left early for work and also informed him that she wouldn't come home tonight, she was going to spend the night at Dina's which he didn't understand but agreed anyways. Olive was confused too but didn't say anything, he thanked Mr Samuel for telling her and left for work.

Rhoda was in her office with Dina, she told Dina she had made a decision so she was going to call both guys to the office and end this love triangle, Dina thought it was a good decision so he helped her call Derrick while Rhoda herself called Bismark.

The two boys without hesitation rushed to the office, coincidentally the both met at the door to Rhoda's office, Bismark glared at Derrick and asked why he was there again, Derrick calmly told him he was in no mood to fight with him so he should just keep his "shit" to himself, Bismark looked at Derrick with wide eyes since he had never heard him use a bad word before but guess what people do change he thought to himself, Derrick ignored him and they both went inside. When Rhoda saw them both she stood up as Dina quietly left after smiling to both of them.

I called both of you here just to clear things, Rhoda started, I had been thinking all night and I decided to keep you both from the dark , I know this is going to be hard for one of you but trust me it hurts me more, Derrick and Bismark glared at each other from time to time as she continued, Am sorry i have waited this long to tell you this but I don't think it would be fair to either of us if I keep giving you hope, Rhoda looked down to take a deep breath, I'm sorry but I don't want to be with you , she said looking at him, he was beyond shocked, he nearly lost his balance hearing Rhoda say this but just left the office so angry and hurt.