
the class room

when jorden walked into the classroom jorden found him self to have to sit next to the only person he did not want to sit by ....

he walks over and sits down

jorden hi

issabelle no I dont want to sit with you

jorden well this is the only seat I can sis in so

issabelle no you can sit in that seat

"issabelle points to the "bad" seat"

jorden no way in sitting there

issabelle then I will move u there

issabelle gets up takes his stuff and moves it to the "bad" seat and then the teacher comes in and says

teacher jorden why are u not in your seat

he looks up and says

jorden but I an in my seat mrs teacher

teacher no your not your stuff it that seat

jorden looks at issabelle and gives her the Death Stare

issabelle font look at me like that

jorden gets up and walks to his seat but inseted of sitting in the seat he sit on the ground

teacher jorden get up and sit in your seat

jorden no I refuse to sit in that seat