
Chapter Eighteen

"I must issue my challenge to Berbrooke straight away." Anthony stated on the carriage ride home. Daphne and Violet sat across from him, while Loren was seated beside him. "Anthony.." Violet murmured, but he continued, "I assure you I've been properly trained in the matter." Violet shook her head, "You are not to duel with Lord Berbrooke. Do you understand me? I do not care what kind of training you think you may have. It is illegal, not to mention positively horrific." 

But Anthony continued to argue, "Gentlemen are left with no other choice, Mother. When a young woman, let alone one's sister, is rumored to be dishonored, the consequences shall be deadly!" Loren nodded along with his words, "Anthony is right. At this rate, I'll challenge that bastard myself." The woman was still infuriated by Berbrooke's words. And somehow, Anthony was even more angry than her. It is one thing to insult his sister, but to also insult a respectable woman like Loren, it was beyond infuriating. 

"It is not a solution. And Loren, I ask that you do not encourage this behavior, nor use such language. I raised you better than that." Loren sighed softly, glancing out the window as Violet turned her attention to Anthony, "Should Lord Berbrooke decide to make good on his threat before you shoot him dead, brother, what happens then?" Daphne then spoke for the first time since their ride home, "He may decide to open his tiny mouth at any moment, and then I shall be ruined... as will we all. I must marry Nigel Berbrooke. It is the only choice." The sadness in the young girl's voice was heartbreaking. Daphne had always wished for a love match, and now, because of Nigel Berbrooke, she would never find one.

The carriage ride was silent from then on, no one daring to speak until they reached the Bridgerton household.


Upon returning home, none of the siblings had talked with one another. The sad energy in the house wasn't welcoming so everyone just kept to themselves. It was a silent dinner, for no one really wished to try and cheer up the sad girl. It was quite a depressing day, indeed.

It was dark when Loren had finally emerged from her room, she couldn't sleep and believed a glass of milk would help. As she made her way down the long corridor, she noticed that the door to the Viscount's study was cracked open slightly. Temptation clawed at her, but instead she stalked past the study, not wanting to give in to her desires. 

The woman though, was quite tempted to turn back around, but then something caught her attention out the window. Eloise and Benedict were seated upon two wooden swings, and it appeared to Loren that they were smoking. All thoughts of the Viscount dissipated, her only focus being the two Bridgerton siblings outside. The woman immediately went out to the backyard, calling out to them in a very stern tone, one that Anthony used quite often, "Benedict and Eloise Bridgerton." 

Both turned around, a look of frozen fear upon their faces. Loren attempted to conceal her laughter by keeping a serious expression, but failed, a large grin replacing the disappointed frown. "Might you have another for me, Eloise?" She asked, approaching the two. Eloise simply nodded, retrieving a cigarette for the woman. The girl handed it the her, along with a single match. Loren thanked her as she seated herself against the trunk of the large tree that the swings were attached too. She lit the cigarette, bringing it to her mouth, inhaling softly before exhaling, a wave of smoke emitting from her lips.

The trio sat in silence for a while, admiring the moonlight above. Suddenly, Eloise spoke, "I wish to be like you, Loren." The woman glanced at Eloise, "You are expected to marry Eloise, you must fulfill your duty." Benedict nodded along with Loren's words, agreeing with her. But the young Bridgerton continued, "Suppose I desire something different?" 

"How do you mean?" Benedict asked. Eloise sighed, "Just different. I watch Daphne prepare for these balls with all of those dresses and the many suitors, and I am exhausted. Suppose I want a different life, that I truly believe I am quite capable of something more, even when I am not allowed to have anything else." The man processed his sister's words before responding, "Then I would say that you are not the only one." 

Eloise desperately wished for him to elaborate, but Loren spoke up instead, "What is it that you wish to do, Eloise?" "I do not know. I wish that I could go to a university. I wish I could do whatever a man did. As women, we are expected to sit still and look pretty. But I wish for an education. If I were a man, I could do that."

Loren understood how the young Bridgerton felt. As a young girl, Loren too wished that she could go to university and learn, but sadly in these times, women did not have such privilege. Loren smiled at Eloise, coming up with an encouraging response, "Hopefully soon, because of girls like you, women will be granted the opportunity to learn. No one knows what the future beholds."

Eloise sighed, twirling the cigarette in his fingers, "I hope you are right, Loren. Perhaps someday the next generation will be blessed with this privilege." The woman stayed silent, believing there was no need for a response. The trio then all fell silent, admiring the gorgeous stars above them, without a single care in the world.


Anthony had found his mother seated in the family room by the fireplace. She was occupied with her embroidery and hadn't noticed her son had entered the room until he cleared his throat. Violet glanced up at the man, smiling at him in greeting, "I have heard talk that Berbrooke has left town. I think this solution to our problem did not come about by chance. I am resolved to handle matters differently in the future." He explained. Violet only shrugged, her focus still on her craft, "Or perhaps not at all. I know society has dictated your present role in this family, Anthony, but with Daphne officially out, I assure you, I am more than capable."

The woman held up the embroidery, showing it to her son, "This is for Daphne. Tulips. They symbolize passion. A most appropriate hem for your sister when she decides to marry the duke." It was quite a beautiful design and Anthony knew his Mother was proud of it. He debated making a remark about marrying the duke, but all his thoughts were halted by his Mother's next statement, "Perhaps your bride would like the same."

Anthony nodded curtly, "Good night, Mother." And without another word, he left the room. Violet sighed as she watched him go. She knew that eventually Anthony would find a bride, it was inevitable. And she believed wholeheartedly that his future love would be a certain beauty whom he seemed to be completely captivated by.
