
Kim So Hee from Duty after Sch**l

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. Names(Aside from Sohee), characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The events happened here is purely fictional.

This is Sohee, she had always been a fierce, independent woman and chatty, and she refused to let anyone get in the way of her goals. At the age of 23, she had already made a name for herself as a successful South Korean actress, and she was determined to keep climbing the ladder of fame.

Everyone loves her acting. She has fair skin, slender body and she looks like an angel. She's one of the most beautiful actress in South Korea.

Richard, on the other hand, was a bit of an oddball. He was 25 years old and had joined the military straight out of high school. He'd never really given much thought to love or relationships, and he certainly didn't expect to find himself getting tangled up with someone like Sohee. He is lazy, unattractive and you can say that you won't even like him at first glance.

Sohee and Richard's paths first crossed at a red carpet event in Seoul, where Sohee was promoting her latest film Duty after Sch**l and Richard was attending as a security of a foreign official.

Sohee was used to being the center of attention, but she couldn't help noticing Richard as he stood quietly off to the side, looking slightly out of place in his uniform.

"Who is that guy?" she asked her manager, pointing discreetly in Richard's direction.

"I don't know, some military dude," her pManager shrugged dismissively. "It doesn't matter. Let's just focus on you. And don't you ever think about dating him. Do you understand?"

But Sohee couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different about Richard. Maybe it was the way he held himself, or the slightly crooked smile he gave her when she caught him looking. He's not even that handsome but you can feel his sincerity towards his work. Whatever it was, she found herself intrigued.

As the night wore on, Sohee found herself drawn to Richard's quiet strength and easy charm. He wasn't like any of the other men she'd met in the industry ;he seemed genuine, unassuming, and just a little bit goofy. Most of men she met was controlling, unreliable, manipulative and even disrespectful towards her and others.

She tried to make small talk with him, but he was shy and didn't seem to know what to say.

"Hi, what's your name? What are you doing here?" Sohee said.

"Richard. Security." Thats all what he said.

Sohee was used to men falling all over themselves to impress her, and she couldn't help feeling a little irritated by this guy's apparent disinterest.

But as the night went on, something shifted between them. Sohee found herself laughing at Richard's goofy jokes, and he started to open up to her about his life in the military. She was fascinated by his stories, and he seemed genuinely uninterested in her work as an actress.

As the party started to wind down, Sohee found herself lingering near Richard, hoping he would ask for her number or suggest they get a drink together. But he just gave her a simple smile and said goodbye, slipping out of the event center without another word.

Sohee was surprised to find that she was disappointed. She'd convinced herself that she didn't care about this guys opinion or interest, but now she found herself wishing she'd had the chance to get to know him better.

"Aish. Manager, Am I not beautiful? Koreans find me attractive but he... Aish Shibal! (Korean Curse Word) Sohee was so disappointed

"Ya! (Hey! in korean) Don't you ever think about dating him or anyone. I don't want a scandal and besides, you haven't asked him if he is single. He might have a family. " Her manager reminded her

Sohee overthinks more since she heard it.

Over the next few weeks, Sohee found herself thinking more and more about Richard. It is the first time she went crazy for a man. She even made a dummy account and stalked his social media profiles, trying to learn as much as she could about him. She even tried to reach out to him on Instagram, but he never responded.

Just when she'd given up hope, she got a message from Richard out of the blue.

"Oh this is you Ms. Sohee? Sorry for disappearing after the party. What's up? Is everything alright?"

Sohee was thrilled. She responded right away,

"Are you married?!" That was the first thing she asked.

Although richard was shocked by the sudden question, he replied "Nope. I'm single why?"

"Good! I'm single too."

and before she knew it, the two of them were texting back and forth every day. They talked about everything from their upbringing to their hopes and dreams, and Sohee was taken aback by how much they had in common.

But there was one thing that seemed to keep getting in their way, Sohee's aggressive approach to love.

"You're moving too fast," Richard told her one day, after she had sent him a text proclaiming her undying love.

"What? You don't believe in true love?" she shot back.

"It's not that," Richard said, sounding exasperated. "It's just...I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want to hurt you."

Sohee was taken aback by this. She'd always gotten what she wanted in relationships, and she couldn't understand why this guy was being so cautious.

"Are you gay?" She blurted out

"No. I'm not"

But the more she thought about it, the more she realized that Richard was right. She was moving too fast, and she was putting too much pressure on their burgeoning relationship. Maybe it was time to slow down and let things develop naturally.

Sohee tried to slow down her aggressive attitude towards him. After a few months, they finally settled on becoming lovers. Sohee toned down her aggressiveness but it still comes out once in a while.

She had been dating her boyfriend, Richard, for a few months now, and everything seemed to be going great. They would text and call each other often, sharing their daily activities and jokes.

One day, Sohee noticed that Richard had stopped responding to her messages and calls. She worried that something had happened to him or that he was upset with her, so she decided to go over to his apartment to check on him.

***toot toot toot***

(SFX for keypad door knob)

When she arrived, she found Richard sitting on the couch with a beautiful girl. Sohee's heart sank. She couldn't believe that he would cheat on her like this.

She immediately dropped her bag and grab the girl's hair.

"You really cheated on me? with this ugly woman?" Sohee was crying while holding the girl's hair

"Ah! Ah! Ah! my hair! Richard do something!"

But then Richard stood up and said, "Sohee, this is my sister, Sarah. She's visiting me from Canada."

Sohee's face turned bright red as she realized her mistake.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Sarah. I thought you were someone else," she stammered while fixing Sarah's hair.

Sarah just laughed and hugged Sohee. "It's okay, I'm used to it. It's my brother's fault not telling you" she said. "Richard talks about you all the time. He thinks you're the most beautiful woman on Earth. He can't stop bragging you so I came here."

Sohee blushed again, but this time with happiness. She felt silly for jumping to conclusions, but she was glad that she had come to see Richard and Sarah. They spent the rest of the week hanging out together, playing board games, touring and watching funny movies.

From that day on, Sohee made sure to double-check before making any assumptions. And she and Richard continued to date, with Sarah's approval and blessings. They all had a good laugh about the misunderstanding, and it became a funny story they would share for years to come.

The End