
Giselle of Aespa

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. Names(Aside from Giselle, Karina, NingNing, and Winter), characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The events happened here is purely fictional.

Giselle is a 22 year old Kpop idol from South Korea. She loves to prepare things for emergency. She studied martial arts, shooting and even farming. You can say she's an all rounder queen.

Giselle and her groupmates were preparing for a concert in South Korea. There was a lot of people entering the concert area. Since it was more than 3 hours before the concert, Giselle and her group stayed in the hotel to take a rest. They were very happy and excited for the incoming concert. Since they were stalked in the past, the agency rented the whole hotel as a precaution. That precaution later on saved their lives...

The staff saw the people were having chaos on streets, the vehicles were swerving and crashing.

"Something's happened. Do not leave the hotel. We are locking down the hotel." Said the hotel manager as he goes down to close the metal bar gate in the entrance.

As the hotel manager closes the metal bar gate, he was approached by an injured female.

"Please help me... I don't wanna die..." The female said but her eyes quickly turned white and bit the hotel manager.

The girls saw this and the problem was, the gate is not locked yet. It is closed but not locked.

Giselle hurried down bringing her newly bought electric guitar as a weapon. Giselle was able to lock the metal bar gate and closed the curtains.

Giselle saw what really is happening.

It was a zombie apocalypse.

One fateful day, while on tour in Korea, the worst happened as the apocalypse hit. Giselle and her group were holed up in their hotel room, waiting for something to happen.

They closed all windows, doors, and turned off the lights that is visible from the outside. Giselle's knowledge keeps them safe. She also made everyone naked and checked for human bites. Fortunately, no one is infected inside the hotel.

The internet is usable for now but the cell sites doesn't allow calls due to the volume of users.

Day after day they waited for rescue but no one arrived. The first few days there were helicopters passing but now, nothing is on air.

Until one day, they saw a blackhawk chopper rushing to land in the next building's helipad. 2 military personnel went out from the chopper.

They thought it was rescue. But one of them tried to attack the other one. It seems that one of the military personnel was infected. He was shot. The other one lied down and did not move for a couple of minutes.

"He's probably dead or infected too." Giselle's staff said.

Giselle used her camera to zoom on him.

"He's... crying?" Giselle said

"Does the zombie cry?" She added.

There, they new he isn't infected. And he needed help. But most of the staff does not want to help him. And it turns out the hotel staff wants them to leave the hotel since the food is decreasing.

Giselle and her band mates were evicted from the hotel. They were sent to the helipad of the hotel.

"What shall we do now?" Karina asked.

Giselle was analyzing the situation.

"Let's meet the soldier." Giselle said in fierce face.

They used the emergency ladder to leave the helipad area and went down the building. There they saw bodies of dead.

They wanna vomit, cry and run but they controlled their emotions. They were lucky and was able to enter the building on which the helicopter landed. It turns out that the building was supposed to open the next day after the apocalypse started.

As they were approaching the helipad, Giselle made sure that he is really not infected and observed him. Based on their knowledge, the infection can be transmitted in just seconds.

"He's safe. Let's go girls."

"Hey. Can we come in?" Giselle said as she waved a white cloth tied to a tripod.

"Stop! Stay where you are and slowly reveal yourself."

"Giselle only revealed herself and letting her bandmates hide.

"I'm Giselle. Who are you?"

"I'm Ezekiel. U.S. Navy. What's your objective?"

"It depends, where are you going?"

"We were supposed to rescue a Mayor. He deceived us. It turns out that he was bitten moments before he boarded our chopper. My team is dead. So now I'm heading to my sister's cargo ship just a few kilometers from here."

"So now, Are you going to fly to your sister's ship?"

"No. The chopper needs two pilots. My co-pilot is dead."

"I'll be your co-pilot. Take me out from here." Giselle suggested.

The soldier was hesitating since his team was just annihilated but as he looked at Giselle, he felt pity for her. Her clothes was dirty, her eyes was telling she doesn't have enough sleep and was kinda scared but she makes herself strong.

"I guess I should give humanity one more chance. Let's go right away. The sun is setting."

"I have my friends. Can we bring them?" Giselle asked.

Aespa members was peeking on them.

"Okay but first, they need to be checked. But to be safe, I'll be putting cloths on your mouth." Ezekiel said.

As they fly across the city, they saw the extent of the damage. Along the flight, there were survivors waving at them. Asking for help.

"I know what you're thinking. We can't save them. So don't be guilty."

Giselle just nodded.

In a world ravaged by zombies, survival is key. Giselle, a member of the girl group Aespa, was used to a life of luxury and fame, but all that changed when the apocalypse hit. She found herself stranded in Korea with no one to rely on but herself and protect her groupmates.

As the chopper was approaching the cargoship, they radioed first and made sure that the ship is safe to land.

Fortunately, no one was infected in the ship but they were welcomed by crew holding steel pipes.

"Ezekiel, Did you just kidnapped girls?" Her sister asked in an angry tone as she saw the cloths on their mouths.

"No. no. It's a precaution." Ezekiel explained.

"Haha I was joking. I know why they've got those. Let them in, I'll examine them." His sister replied and they safely secured the helicopter and went offshore.

After a few days, Giselle and her groupmates Karina, NingNing and Winter adapted the life onboard. They also helped doing the chores.

They quickly learned how to use guns and martial arts to defend herself, and their love for dogs led them to rescue a pack of strays found on a drifting yacht. Whom Ezekiel trained to protect them from the zombie hordes.

One day, as Giselle was helping doing chores onboard she saw Ezekiel bonding with dogs. She found it cute. Ezekiel saw her and quickly invited her to play with the dogs.

Giselle and Ezekiel quickly bonded over their shared love for dogs and their determination to survive. As the days went by, Giselle and Ezekiel became close friends.

They travelled together, fighting off zombies and scavenging for food and water. Every time they encountered danger, Giselle's quick thinking and Ezekiel's military training helped them to overcome it.

As they travelled across the globe, Giselle and Ezekiel grew closer. Their shared experiences gave rise to a strong bond, and they found solace in each other's company in a world devoid of love and hope. They talked about their pasts, their dreams, and their fears, and slowly but surely, their friendship turned into something more.

One day, as they were resting in a storage room, Giselle and Ezekiel shared a kiss, sealing their love for each other in a world where death and decay were the norm. They promised each other that they would fight to stay alive, no matter what the future held.

Karina and NingNing saw it and they run accross the ship telling everyone that Giselle and Ezekiel are dating.

Giselle and Ezekiel couldn't do anything but laugh and confirmed it.

Together, Giselle and Ezekiel faced countless dangers, but they never let each other go. They continued to fight for survival, side by side, until one day, they found a way to contact the outside world, and they were rescued.

After the apocalypse, Giselle and Ezekiel settled in the United States, where they started a new life together. They adopted a pack of dogs and opened a martial arts academy, where they taught people how to defend themselves against the zombie hordes. And though they never forgot the horrors of the apocalypse, they were grateful for the love they had found in a world that had once seemed so bleak.

The apocalypse did not last forever but their love will last forever.

The End