
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
586 Chs

Her worries

Shriya sat on the bed and she tried to remember everything that happened to her before she fell unconsious. How she was kidnapped. She knew her family must be worrying for her.

She knew she has to be in her right mind not loosing her cool until her man finds her so she sat up and she knew that the door must have been locked from outside, but she still decided to go and check on her. She just wanted to try her luck.

She stood up slowly and walked towards the door. As she expected the door was locked and she knocked on the door but to her bad luck no one answered.

She didn't panic and went back to sit on the bed. She looked around and saw there's a small glass piece on the table. She took it and saw herself in it. She didn't have any injures on her face. She examined herself and there were no bruises nor any injuries on her except for that one.

If it was earlier, Shriya must have gone into shock or something like that, but now after living with Abhi and his family for this long, she knew and understood one thing. One should not loose their calm nor logic in any situation. Her man taught her that, he tries to remain calm no matter what is the situation and she has seen him handle logically even at the toughest times.

She has seen him and his friends, family and they showed her that. Except in the situations regarding her, Abhi is the calmest person she has ever seen and Barun seconds it. She don't want to cry, make a scene and exhaust all her energy shouting for help, she want to keep her energy, so that she can help when her help is needed.

She looked around and tried to examine the surroundings and tried to see for something that might help her escape from there. She knew her man and his ability, he will find her and there's no doubt about it but she wanted to help him, atleast some on her side, by giving some clues to find her or the the place has been kept.

* * * * * * *

Abhi and his friends tried everything and they didn't find anything about Shriya. He was getting frustrated and he is loosing his cool.

He was going mad thinking what she must be going through. He knew she is out of her phobia and pain now, but he also knows that a similar incident like that happens even it's a minor one it might lead to a relapse and she might go into her shell again.

His mind is not letting him think straight. He knew he shouldn't think anything bad but his mind is not letting him and frightening him with all the negatives scenarios that might happen to her.

What if someone like Vishnu tried to harm her. It's not like he is worried that's someone might do something to her sexually. He know her. Even if something like that happened, he won't mind.

True he is the possessive type. But he isn't type of person to judge a person with that kind of thing. True it hurts him not because he minds it but because he knew how much it hurts her and what it means to her and what effect it might have on her.

He just doesn't want her to go through all that once again that she has crossed and overcame. He don't want her to get hurt physically and definitely not emotionally.

He don't want to think about all these things. But he can't think of anything or anyone else who can and might kidnap her. Vishnu is the only one who he can think of.

That man is the only person who he had left without hurting because he went easy on him as he became soft hearted then. But he regretted his decision now. His logical sense was taken over by his fear of loosing her.

He ordered some of his men to track down that ba$t@rd Vishnu and to get details regarding his stay and what he was upto during the past few months.

He just hoped that she was fine somewhere and he has hope and confidence that he will find her. His family are worried for her and he has to keep his calm and cool afterall everyone around him are doing their best to find her, Barun, Kunal, Naveen and even the police.

I deleted around two thousand words accidentally and i am writing it again. i know it keeps happening with me. i write but always forgets to save it in drafts. poor me.

Actually I am working on other book and can't think of this book's climax. So sorry to keep you waiting.


hii guys.



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