
My Love Stage!! Mix

Kaito gets the chance to see a girl he fell in love with 10 years ago and finds she is a he.

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter Two The Commercial

Rei spoke with Izumi about the makeup and wardrobe ladies and how they will take good care of him. He leaves, and they get started. Kaito was in a lovely black suit, picking up flowers and smiling. He swallows at Izumi's door he knocks. "Hello, my name is Kaito Hayashi. I will be your co-star just wanted to stop by," he said. Rei smiles at Izumi and opens the door, and Kaito smiles. Seeing Izumi, he slowly swallows and licks his lips. "Hello, it's lovely to see you again after all this time," he said, handing her flowers. "Thank you for agreeing to do this," he said, kissing Izumi's hands. "wait, I thought you had a face tattoo," Izumi said. Kaito smiled and laughed. "Yeah, they covered it up," he said. "Along with my neck tattoos, they said they couldn't have the groom looking like a troublemaker," he said and waved his hand. Izumi looked rather sad. "That isn't right. Your tattoos are what make you," he said. Kaito shrugged. "It doesn't bother me. I get to see you again," he said, touching Izumi's cheek and getting called. Kaito smiled and waved as he left. Kaito was getting fixed up, and he stood there and waited for Izumi.

When Izumi entered the room, he was so scared and tripped on his dress, and his eyes watered as he remembered what had happened ten years ago. Kaito walks over and knees down. "Don't cry," he says, wiping the tears away and handing him this beautiful marble that matches his eyes. "Take this like last time," he says. Izumi swallows and holds it to his chest, and Kaito smiles and helps him up. Kaito went back to his spot, and they reran it. As Izumi got up to Kaito, Izumi was blushing. Kaito leans in, softly runs his hand along his cheek, and kisses him. Izumi shoved Kaito, making him fall over. Izumi ran out. "His first kiss," Nagisa said. Kaitos eyes widened, and touched his lip. "She is so pure," he went to speak with the director about taking the kiss out as Shougo spoke with his brother and bribed him again. Rei smiles at Izumi.

"Kaito took the kiss out, seeing how it made you react. He didn't want to pressure you into something you didn't want to do," he said, pushing up his glasses. Izumi looks at Kaito, who is getting his makeup touched up. "Fucking stuff itches," he mumbles and looks away as they make him move his neck up. "Rei, is there a way to make the director not make him cover his tattoos? He looks so uncomfortable," Izumi said. Rei smiled and went. They talked for a while. Kaitos makeup people were taking it off him. "Thank god," he said, swallowed, and looked in a mirror. "Hello, face," he said. "thank Izumi," The makeup artist said. Kaito nodded and walked over. "Thank you also; I am so sorry about the first take. I had no clue," he said and smiled.

Izumi smiled. "It's fine; let's go," he said. Kaito smiled and got into this place. When Izumi ran to him this time, and for the ending, they hugged. Izumi smiles and bows. Everyone was around Kaito. He swallowed, trying to get out of the crowd. Rei told Izumi where to find his dressing room. Rei went in to help Kaito. "Thank you," Kaito said and took a breath. Izumi was looking for his dressing room and stopped to take the shoes off and sighed. Izumi looked up and saw his dressing room. "Thank god," he mumbles. Kaito turns the corner and smiles, seeing Izumi. Kaito walks over and takes his hands. "Izumi, I know we just met, but I have been in love with you for ten years," he said. Izumi didn't know how to respond until his brother walked out. "You don't touch my little brother," he said. Kaito was kinda confused. "Brother," he said. Shougo pulls his dress down to show him he is a boy. Kaito tossed him his coat. "No need to strip your brother, you freak," he said. Kaito left. He swallowed; Kaito got on his bike and drove off.