

Nina woke up early morning. She cried all night in her room. She can't accept the fact that her parents would leave her so soon. Her face was haggard, her eyes were red, there was a black bag under her eyes, her hair was disheveled, and she looks thinner in a single night. Her aunt informed her about her parents funeral.

On her parent's funeral, many people had come. Some of them were her parents friends, their relatives, their coworkers and also people who has the same position like her father had come. The Lan family had caught her attention with a grandiose. They brought all of their family members and pay respects to her parents before coming towards her.

Lan Juan, one of his father's colleagues said to her with respect " My condolences to you Nina, your parents were like brother and sister to me. They were kind, respectable, and they were good to others. Who thought that they will leave us too early in life."

"Little sister Nina, I know it is hard for you to accept but we are here to support you. You can cry on me and you can tell everything that makes your heart heavy." Lan Jun, Lan Juan's son said with a sad tone.

"Thank you for visiting uncle, Lan Jun and the rest. I know it is hard but I must move on. My life doesn't end here, I'll make this as my motivation in life to pursue my career even greater. I'll dedicate everything to them and I will not let them down."

"You are right Nina, it is not the end. If you need help, you can come to us." Lan Juan patted her shoulders before they left.

After their funeral, Nina focused herself in study. Now she have another motivation in life, she won't let her parents work go to waste. She was thinking on how will she handle the company shares her parents left to her. Her train of thoughts vanished when she heard the doorbell ring.

She went down to open the door. She was surprise to see a group of lawyers and one of his parents' colleagues, Yang Xen.

"Mr. Yang I was surprised to you see here. is there something that I can help you with?" She asked her with her tone full of disgust.

Yang Xen and her father were not on good terms. It only means that he is here looking for trouble.

Yang Xen saw her expression and he smiled sinisterly "Oh nothing much my dear, I'm just here to bring you these documents to be signed up." Yang Xen gave Nina a couple of document.

"What is this?"

"Look for yourself" Yang Xen with a grin

She was shocked on what she saw. There were lists of his fathers debts that must be paid and it almost summed up to their total wealth. She knew that this was a trap and she has knowledge about this kind of stuff. She gave back the documents and said to him with disdain. "I don't acknowledge it. You think I will sign it because you told me that this was my father's debts. You can't even prove it that this was fathers"

"Oh? you sure about that?" Yang Xen gave another document. When she saw the content, she can't help but tremble. It says that his father acknowledges everything there with his signature and his fingerprint. She can't admit it , it is well planned and she can't find any flaws. "Now you saw it, do you accept it now?" Yang Xen gave her a smile.

"I must contact our lawyer first."

"Sure, go ahead"

She called their family lawyer and told her about the situation. Their lawyer arrive and looked at the documents.

After looking at the documents, the lawyer looked at her with a serious expression. " This document is real Nina, it is not forged. It is your fathers signature and his own fingerprint. I can't do nothing about it."

She bit her lips and refuses to accept it but their lawyer acknoledges it. Before she process up everything, she was disturbed by Yang Xen by taking out another document. "Sorry to interrupt you but that is not only his debt. I know that the first one sums up all your wealth but how can you pay this one?"

She knew exactly what he was hinting, he wants to sell his father's shares to him so she can pay him up but it was his fathers last wish to not give their shares. She can't think of things on how to pay it without selling his father's shares. "Can you please wait until I have the money to pay you up? It may take years but I will pay it without a penny less" She decided that that she needs to work hard so that she can pay him up no matter how long it takes. She know it was a plan to take everything from them but from the looks of her lawyer, he was already bought by the other side. She can't trust anyone anymore, she can only rely to herself.

"No no no, you can't do that my dear. It is written that it must be paid in two years time. So how will you pay me?"

She don't have any idea on how to pay him. If it is not two years time, she can handle it but time also pressures her. She's still studying and she can't find a decent job at her age.

"Tell me how can I pay you up?" she asked

Yang Xen looked at the lawyers and signalled them to step out. She and Yang Xen remains in the room.

"There are two choices for you Nina. First one is to sell it through your father shares. Secondly..."

He looked at her with lustful eyes

"What is the second option?"

"The second option is to sell your body. You came from a rich family, they can pay you with high price since you were young and fresh. Don't worry my dear, in two years that contract will be terminated and your free" He said.

'Sell my body?! no way I can do that! But my father shares are the last thing he gave me. No matter what happens, I can't let my father's shares fall to their hands. It is my only ticket to take back everything when I get back.'

She can't decide either her father's will to reserve or her identity. In the end she can't keep both and she will still lose one thing one way or the other. She made up her mind, she closed her eyes and inhaled an airful before exhaling. She looked at him with a determined expression on her face.

"Alright, I'll pick the second option"

"Thats more like it!" He said and he can't hide his lustful expression on his face.