

Nina was living a prosperous life since she was little. Anything she wants always given to her. Despite being rich, her parents moved her to a rural area where anything they need to obtain must come from their hardwork. Nina was taught by her parents' reliable friends when they moved. She made a lot of friends and she learned a lot on her time there.

Nina moved back to the city to study college. She maintains a very good grades since little and with the help of her parents she was admitted to a well known university. Her parents told her that she just need to focus on her study and leave business matters to them. Little did she know that soon, everything will fall apart.

-In the mansion-

Nina was busy studying on her room when her phone suddenly ring.


"Is this Yan Nina?" the voice on the phone replied

"Yes I am"

"Come quickly to Hospital S. Your parents car crashed and they are in critical condition" the voice on the other end said in a calm voice.

Nina's mind went blank for a couple of seconds. She can't take the news she recieved. With a teary eye, she quickly left the mansion on took a car on the garage and drove away to the direction of Hospital S.

She parked her car underground and quickly ran to the hospital. She asked the nurses where the emeregency room was. When she arrived and saw her parents lying on the bed bloodied.

The nurses told her " Miss please step out of the room. We are treating the patients and we can't afford to have disturbances."

"But they are my parents!" She said with a shaky voice and her body can't stop trembling.

"Miss I know, but I hope you understand"

When she was about to leave thr room, her father opened his eyes when he heard her daughter voice.


"Father!" Nina rushed to her father's side with tears on her face.

"Listen well my dear, no matter what happens next you need to stay strong. You must be wary of the people around you. Don't trust everybody, everyone is eyeing my shares on the company and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

"Father don't say that. You sound that you will die. You must live with mother until you see me become successful. You don't want to see your grandchildren?" she said and her tears won't stop flowing like a broken dam

"Haha....." Her father laughed heartily

"I hope I see that day but I think this is it for us. Nina you must find a man who can protect you and love you no matter the cost. I love you Nina." Her father said with a smile and with a tear on his eyes before he passed out. Shortly after, her mother followed her father.The doctors tried their best to save the patients life but they have serious injuries.

She was devastated right now. She remember the days when life was fun, when they walk in the park together, spent their time lying on the grass and gazing at the stars. She remembers all the things they did. She have a great parents but why it was taken to her too early. Tears can't stop flowing in her eyes. Her aunt called her to come back home while she handle the matters of her parents.