
Dreams and Decisions

A year have pass, he was too depress of what their situations is of the moment...

Everyday Yhuna would wake up, cooked meals, tend their daughter, do laundry, clean the house and tend with their daughter again.. There was a gap in their relationship butnhe never heard Yhuna ask for annulment or breaking up... She maintain her duty as a lawful wife. Tope on the otherhand keeps helping his wife throughout the tough works and accomlany her in buying stock foods or just malling sometimes. He was mad but he kept it to himself. He still am in Del's reach. He and Del still see each other and they have done the most cruel thing his wife should know... He is a fool. and a lousy jerk to have sex with Del and it goes on until now..

Yhuna, knows everything her husband's affair with Del. Many friends and family members of her husband told her so...

but she never argue. She felt her hwart stab so many times everytime her husband comes home from Del's apartment. She knows everything and Del never missed to text her the details to make her mad or angry...

but she keep her posture and never argue for months... She just cry in Tope's arm when Martin isn't around.

"Why, Tope? " Yhuna asked. "I did what I could do as a wife, I never nag, I never argue, I do what pleases him even if hurts me knowing he have slept woth other woman. I am still devoted to him, do what a wife should do to a husband and in his family I please them with what I can offer. What is more to do?" she cried. "Never doubt yourself Yhuna, you are gorgeous and stunning. You did great in everything. keep hanging be strong and stay positive! " Tope hug her and comforts her. Tope thought to himself, how could his bestfriend treat Yhuna this way. In every outlook in life she is a perfect wife and woman. You can never argue that in other men. Tope always give time to her.

"waahhhh wahhhh! "little Mary cry.

"oh my! stop crying baby! mommy is here! " cuddling little Mary. She dance slowly back and forth swaying while singing for little Mary until the baby fell asleep. Tope seeing this mlst of the time makes his heart warm. He always wishes tonhave someone like Yhuna to be his wife...

For so long he dream he was the one to be Yhuna's husband but Yhuna only sees him as a big brother and he will keep it that way to be with her.

Martin came home that night,saw Yhuna asleep with Little Mary. Tope was nowhere to be seen. "maybe he left! "Martin's thought.

He crawl beneath Yhuna's left side of the bed and kiss her temple. "what have I done?I'am a fool am I? "sadly smiled. caressing Yhuna's hair. "will you forgive me if I correct everything? "speaking to himself while looking at Yhuna's sleeping face.

beep beep

text message

"where are you? "-Del

"why didn't you come? "-Del

"did yhuna stop you? that bitch! "-Del

"you are mine Martin. I will tell Yhuna everything if you won't come here! "-Del

He just look at the texts and close his phone. He is tired of doing such awful things to Yhuna. He has to stop it.

He have a child now.. He have to act maturely. He have to do something to stop this. He already have a good person as his wife, he wish he have never been swayed by Del.

Del was so furious. She was really mad knowing Martin didn't came to her apartment that day. She is close to her plan to get what she wanted. For Martin and Yhuna to break their marriage but it seems Martin still love that woman.

"I need to make a back up plan! " Del thought to herself... "Yhuna will break their bonds for me" she thought evilly...