
Love or only obsess?~

You don't know why. You don't know who, but you just received a love-ish letter

You received lots of love letters!

It was a letter written in red color how beautiful you look today and you belong only to ???

"huh?" you look closely and see a box with your name written on it. When you open up you see a cute necklace that you wanted to buy but can't afford. You wanted to thank the secret admirer for always making your day special.

Watch them try to impress you.

Here's an instance. It's night. Your body is surrounded by darkness and as we know, anything can happen in the dark.

An unsettling number of sounds seem to come from... somewhere? It's not inside the house, but it's near you.

You hear a slow, gentle tapping and a soft humming. You close your eyes and pretend to sleep so maybe he will leave...

He got close to me and start whispering, a gentle caress on my face

??: "My precious, sweet Y/N, I'll never leave your side. You just have to believe me, I'm not the type to leave, especially when you're the only one I trust. I hope you feel the same. I hope you don't see all those people that left you in me. I'm here to stay and I'll stay by your side. Protect you from all the loneliness... You- you just have to give your heart to me.

Y/N: "why do I feel like he's dangerous but he said all the things I want from someone... is he like a stalker or yandere I've read from some manga? what if he hurts me... his voice it's kinda cute and it sounds like he's around my age- I want to see his face but I'm too afraid ><"

??: _smiles_ how cute you are HAH- wish you were only mine. Just the two of us. Forever and ever. From now on this is a world only we live in because we're durable... unlike all the people that wasted away in a shockingly short amount of time. Must've been hard. How did that make you feel?

OH? Look at the time I must go before someone wakes up *he kisses your forehead* too bad I have to go I wish I could look at you forever~ Goodbye~ princess~ <3"

Y/N: "Finally~ But- Oh my god!!! Someone sneaked into my room and he's in love with me?? What should I do... Call the police? No. Telling about this to my parents?? SIGH. I want to see his face... I don't know, in my entire life, I've never felt so comfortable around someone. Is he someone I know? I mean- his scent, voice, hands, touch and...and- LIPS!! I-I I'm so stupid thinking these things about someone who just enter my room without knowing him Maybe I'm too lonely and it's because I always dream about things like a yandere who isn't a danger."


God, those neighbors of yours are annoying. Imagine being that loud at such a late time.

Oh... wait, my bad. Neighbors aren't supposed to live outside your window.

Damn, I can't imagine the panic you're going through. Being alone, in the dark, with no one there to protect you. You're all on your own.

Well, you don't seem to be 100% alone by the sounds of it. Does it scare you?

Y/N: Of course, I'm not scared. There are so many rational possibilities as to why loud noises are coming outside my window. Wild animals, little kids, pranksters, weather, stalker...and so on.

In a turn of events, the sounds stop, but soon, a new sound catches your attention.

Y/N: H-huh?

Your phone. You just received a message.

Better start saving those numbers, because now you have no idea who just messaged you. But regardless, take a look.

??: "It's ok, you mustn't be scared. I'm all done now." Who are you?

"I hope you'll enjoy my little present. " "What? You're not feeling safe enough to go and look for your gift in the depths of the night?" "That's understandable, but look, I can send you a photo, and then you can collect it in the morning." "This is how we built trust <3"

Y/n: Just what did happen? And again he gets into my house... Is he watching me?? I'm so confused... I'm too afraid to tell him to show his face... I will let him go... I kinda like knowing I'm not alone I don't even care if I live so I will let him make me a little special.

Well, spending the rest of your life doing God knows what with your new psychotic lover.

Will you miss me? Miss your guide? Miss your shield?

Because now you're all grown up. You need to experience things on your own.

Y/n: No, not really. I won't be in any danger when with him.

Ok, if you say so.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Unknown_Ghostifycreators' thoughts