

"mom Please don't go " SAHAR screamed for her leaving mother who was going to marry to another man after divorce . SAHAR was crying outside her house. Her father was living in another CITY P so SAHAR went to meet her father after her mother betrayal. "DAD ! do you still love MOM" "YEAH" ......Her father said . "why do you love more than she does.she even betray you over that MAN" "SHE IS IN LOVE ! MY CHILD . Everything is fair in LOVE." --father said "EVEN BETRAYAL"---painful SAHAR asked her father. " ITS MY MISTAKE TO NOT MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE WITH ME " ---Father said.... Father ZHOUNEIL said ---SAHAR , tell me --- IF you LOVE & TRUST Someone whole heartedly but the someone special broke your heart and trust what will you do with him....? SAHAR :--that was last day of our love and relationship. I will never forgive him. Father ZHOUNEIL :--The BETRAYAL will kill your heart. (tears fell down from his eyes) SAHAR comforted his father with tightly hug. 'I PROMISE FATHER ,I WILL NEVER BETRAY ANYONE AND BECAME LIKE YOU.' Abruptly Her father said----"NO , Don't be like me ever"...... CITY P : XUO COMPANY EVAN :----I will do everything for MY XUO business....I will break my words ,deals,and trust for my success too...... Smith :---did you betray me and my company ? You lair ! you bug ! you cheated us. EVAN:-- MR SMITH !.......I like to win by HOOK OR BY CROOK.For my company & Success I will sacrifice a prey like you. when A man is showing his little body in front of Shark that would be last day of his life.....and yeah !one more thing I am not saint here in businesses who will not betray you. (smirk) SO EVERYONE BE CAREFUL TO ME & MY BETRAYALS.......I AM BACK TO CITY P. MEETING ADJOURNED..... After saying this XUO EVAN left the Entertainment group meeting of country X. ......... So this is howThis novel based on LOVE , Trust, Faith , relationships & betrayal .....FOR know about more what happened to SAHAR ' s parents and what will happen when SAHAR met EVAN....... stick to this novel.... give a chance me & my novel ..... Keep voting.... respectable comments in words... AUTHOR @KLNC_LV

KLNC_LV · Urbano
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34 Chs

Upcoming Strom ....

SAHAR sighed again after coming out of RIHAAN's office room .She moved to cafeteria in deep thought as to why did Secretary SHIYA gave her "ROBUSTA " for RIHAAN .

still he deserves it...

but why ? Me ?.....

Did she mistake to give me wrong cup of coffee ?....

or Did she intentionally do this to get her revenge on that DEVIL BOSS ?


" GOD please save your poor SAHAR ! "

"YOUR darlo SAHO ! "

" I am your biggest devotee who always remember you...each & every moment ! "

(she was murmuring while walking in corridor of that floor)

BODOOOM (loud thunder happened )....

(God was indicating to her that she remembers him only when she is in trouble and difficulties. Or she remembers him when she needs them or is in a bad mood. So she was lying that she is the biggest devotee of GOD who remembers him every moment.

Therefore God is listening to everyone. Like her (sahar) grandmother said that God fulfills one wish in a day. So think before you speak who knows which will can be chosen by him .(GOD)... only God knows better ! )

Inside the cafeteria, SHIYA was making coffee for head director Sister SHEELA, but SAHAR did not know about head director Because she went outside to talk on the phone .

SAHAR entered the cafeteria and she went straightly towards SHIYA and said to her ---

"I knew you hate your devil BIG BOSS. You can't do this without telling me. You alone can't make a bitter coffee for him (sahar was looking angry with her words)."

[ SHIYA was surprised to see SAHAR's anger all of a sudden. Because she felt that BIG BOSS did not like his ROBUSTA coffee taste and she made a mistake in making coffee according to his taste. Now she was afraid that maybe he would get her out of her job again and she would lose her job. ]

seeing SHIYA's surprised look , SAHAR smile at her and said ---

"But can't you tell me earlier that 'HE 'doesn't like the bitter coffee you made for him. If I had known, I would have made more bitter coffee for him than you . "(Happy face)

(sahar was again mistaking RIHAAN and BIG BOSS as one person. where sahar was talking about 'HE' for RIHAAN and sister shiya was talking about 'HE for BIG BOSS )

SHIYA was still in little surprised to see SAHAR was smiling and took a deep breath . she anxiously said to SAHAR : - But I made his coffee according to his taste and measurement chart.

(Actually everyone who joins the cafeteria for the XUO company, they are given a taste chart and a plan to make it in the right amount of the quantity and taste for everyone.)

SAHAR said : - everything is alright . "There is no need to hide it from me nor to be afraid of it " . we are in one team . Because a bitter person deserves this bitter taste in the form of his nature like ROBUSTA. But let me tell you, If you put a little more bitter coffee beans in his coffee cup next time. So that would be much better ! ....(smiling)

SHIYA smiles awkwardly towards SAHAR as she could not understand what she was saying completely, but still she was telling the truth that BIG BOSS is really the nightmare of her life because she had became victim to his anger earlier. She was fired from this job even once before but eventually she joined the company again.she didn't know how ? but it happened with her.

SHIYA breathed a sigh of relief as she was delighted when SAHAR said that " there is no need to worry and there is no need to be afraid" so that means her job is safe BUT Both were unaware of the incoming storm.

Sister SHEELA who had been standing behind SAHAR since the beginning of their conversation but did not bother them and she listened calmly. She was waiting for their conversation to end, she then came from behind SAHAR to get her coffee and said - what were you talking about ? miss...?

Secretary SHIYA panics upon seeing sister SHEELA back but she was praying to God in her heart that SHEELA may not have heard of what SAHAR said about the BIG BOSS.

SAHAR turned to look back and glanced at sister SHEELA who was staring straight into her eyes.

" sorry ! do I know you . " --- sahar asked

"NO !" --- sheela said

" then , I am sorry ! if I don't know you then why should I tell you , that what we are talking about ." --- SAHAR said .

BY THE WAY ! I AM ZHAO SAHAR. (smile towards sheela )

SHIYA was shocked in fear to hear what sahar said to sister SHEELA . she was afraid what would happen next if this continued.


" So you are in our team. see sister shiya ! she is also victim of devil RIHAAN BOSS . he is just like his favourite coffee ROBUSTA . he became angry on us again just because of coffee. how rude ! immature man ! " ---- SAHAR Interrupted sister SHEELA & said with excitement to get another member against RIHAAN boss in her team .



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