
My Love from future

it's the story of well known scientist Thomas Nicolas, Whose mind was as faster than a computer.Nicolaas's life was only surrounded by machines . He was working on the project "Tik- Tik " to know some torn pages of his past.In this effort he reached in a time where humans are completely ruled by science. Where he met someone special. There unexpected meeting take the form of love. They have to face the problem to complete there story because of the time gap.

smiley7890 · Ficção Científica
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5 Chs


When Nicolas 's eyes opened, he found himself in a place like a lab, but the lab seemed too advanced to see. There was a machine nearby, there was a smell of chemicals in the air like it used to be in Nicolas 's lab as well. The rest of the lab was clearly visible except one, on one side of the lab, at a little distance from Nicolas , some kind of smoke was spread.

"Where am I?", Nicolas  said feeling some pain in his body.

Nicolas  heard the sound of a girl coughing. He saw a beautiful girl or girl-like robot , he  didn't able to say clearly human or robot yet,coming out of the smoke that was coming from one side.

"Ah..... Once again my attempt failed", the coughing girl says coming out of the smoke.

Nicolas  was just going to continuously seeing that girl, he could not understand whether she is a human or a robot? Then the eyes of that girl read on Nicolas .

"Oh... Oh my God, who are you?", the girl shouted with a very surprised face.

He had fainted even before Nicolas  could say anything.

"God damm..What has happened to me?", the girl says with a very upset face.

Nicolas  actually reached ahead in time about 500 years due to time travel. When the science had advanced too much. All this was actually from Alexa's experiment.

That girl in whose lab Nicolas  was now. Alexa was also doing research on Time Machine for a long time. Today, for the first time, she wanted to do time travel with the time machine, but due to some technical glitch, everything went wrong. Don't know what was the connection between Alexa's time machine and Nicolas 's time machine (Tik-Tik) that as soon as Alexa's time machine was on, Nicolas 's time machine also started working and brought him forward 500 years. .

Alexa's eyes then read on Nicolas 's clothes which were stained with blood. Nicolas  had bullet injuries on his arm and chest. The bullet had just pierced his arm, but the bullet that hit his chest was still inside his body.

"Oh god... He must be hurt, he is bleeding too much", Alexa said looking at Nicolas .

She slowly moved towards Nicolas  and went to him, she sat down on her knees, she saw Nicolas's body from top to bottom.

"Oh damn... this... this is the mark of bullet shot, Alexa said looking at Nicolas's chest.

"He needs an urgent treatment", Alexa said looking at Nicolas 's face.

"Ah...", Nicolas yelled, he   was troubled by pain even in the state of unconsciousness.

"Ahh ....he is enough heavy to lift up by me, Alexa said while trying to lift up Nicolas .

Alexa presses a button on her suit belt and then again try to picks up Nicolas.

"Now... that's right", said Alexa, picking up Nicolas .

Alexa took Arjun to a room built in her lab . She made it for her to take rest but she didn't rest there even for once yet , Which was very beautiful to see.

She made Nicolas  lay down on the bed and then pressed the button of his suit.

He made that suit herself. Alexa was also a scientist. She also used to make new things . Alexa was as beautiful as she was smart and intelligent.

"Ahh... I kept that kit somewhere in this drawer, where did it go?, Alexa asks while searching for a first aid kit in an almera.

"Ah",Nicolas  sighs again in pain.

Alexa looks back at Nicolas  once, then looks ahead and quickly starts searching for the kit.

"Oh thank god.... Finally I got this", Alexa says, picking up a box.

The box was a bit bigger than an ordinary kit. Alexa quickly walks near to Nicolas  and sits down.

"Oh god...he's lost a lot of blood, Alexa says, sitting next to Nicolas .

Alexa unbuttons Nicolas 's shirt and looks at his chest.

"Oh God',Alexa gasped looking at Nicolas's blood-soaked chest.

Alexa quickly opens the kit and pulls out a thin and somewhat long tool, looking like a plucker.

Alexa is taking out the bullet from Nicolas 's body with the help of that tool.

"Ah! Ahhhh....Nicolas  moaned in pain, Nicolas was in great pain while the bullet was coming out.

"Please bear for a while, it will be ok soon", Alexa said taking out the bullet.

Soon Alexa removes the bullet from Nicolas 's chest and she quickly cover the wound with cotton, she completely pulled out Nicolas's shirt to apply some antiseptic on his chest and bandage it properly.

"Oh god...he's got hurt here too", Alexa said looking at Nicolas 's arm.

Alexa quickly opened a bottle and poured some liquid on it, which she started pouring slowly the same liquid on his small cuts and wounds too .

She took a long bandage and covered Nicolas 's wounds properly. First, she wrapped the bandage where Nicolas  was hit by the bullet, then on his arm. Then for Nicolas 's quick recovery, Alexa also put an injection on Nicolas 's arm.

She put the kit aside and looked at Nicolas , looking at Nicolas , Alexa felt as if she had met him before or Nicolas 's face was matching someone whom she had met before.

The medicine given by Alexa to Nicolas  was very advanced, the effect of which was that Nicolas 's body was recovering very fast.

"Ah", Nicolas yelled while slowly opening his eyes.

"Are you ok?", Alexa asked looking at Nicolas .

"Oh damm.... It was not a dream?, I was not dreaming?", Nicolas  said with a surprised face looking into Alexa's lensed eyes.

"No it's not a dream", Alexa said looking at Nicolas .

Nicolas  was trying hard to sit on the bed.

"No.. You lay down, you don't need to get up", Alexa told Nicolas .

Alexa pressed a switch on the side of the bed, which automatically raised the bed higher to Nicolas 's neck. As if he had sat down without moving.

"you...who are you? And where am I?', Nicolas  said looking at Alexa's key.

"I am Alexa, nice to meet you Unknown", Alexa extended her hand towards Nicolas .

Nicolas  felt pain as soon as he moved his hand.

"Ahhhh, it's hurting too much", said Nicolas  holding his shoulder with his other hand.

"Are you ok?", Alexa asked Nicolas .

Nicolas just noticed that his chest and arm had been bandaged using ointment because he had been shot.

"Yes... I... I'm fine", Nicolas  said looking at Alexa.

"Don't worry, you will be completely fine in a few hours", Alexa told Nicolas .

In a few hours?, I have bullet shot madam, it will take more than a week, Nicolas said looking at Alexa.

"It's not 20's that this long it will take", Alexa said and laughed.

"What do you mean?, tell clearly what you are saying?", Nicolas  asked Alexa.

Nicolas 's eyes widened due to a shock that he get from Alexa's answer , as if he had heard something unbelievable

After all, what did Alexa say that made Nicolas  so surprised?