
Chapter 5

I stepped aside to let him in. I was still a bit shocked about him being here especially since I I hadn't told him were I was going. I closed the door and turned to him.

"Why did you leave?" he asked me. "I left because I wanted a change of scenery, away from everything that is going on," I replied to him. "I left because, what else was I supposed to do? When we started dating, I told you that if you ever cheat on me I would leave. So I was just keeping true to my promise," I said to him. He knew that I was right.

"You didn't have to leave Babe, we could have worked it out," he said to me. "Worked out what? What could you have possibly said to me that would have possibly made this situation better? If you are expecting me to try to compete with her, to try to win you over then you are sadly mistaken. You are the one that went after me, not the other way around," I said to him, my voice was getting progressively louder.

"Baby come on, can I at least explain what happened?" He asked me with sincerity in his eyes. I looked at him giving him the approval he needed to go on. "Paul and I had decided to go out. Paul wanted me to get out because it has been to any clubs or parties since I had met you, so he convinced me into going. When we got there I had a few non alcoholic drinks. Then Heather gave me another drink, which I drank, thinking nothing of it. I started feeling weird so I started looking for Paul so we could go back to the hotel room. Heather offered to take me home. That is all I remember before waking up in her bed. When I asked her what happened she told me that we had sex and how good it was. She also admitted to sliding something into my drink. Babe I swear she slipped something into my drink to take advantage of me. You know that I would never do that to you. I went to get my blood tested the next day to see if it was true, and it was. I would understand if you wanted to leave me, but I just wanted to tell you the truth," he said with tears in his eyes.

I could tell that he was telling the truth, and at that moment I forgave him. I went to go kiss him, putting all my love for him into that kiss. Everything would be okay.