
Unus(edited chapter)

July 4, 2013

A "tradition" so to speak is to celebrate my birthday in a forest located in Sacramento-California

- Allis, come help me with the camping tent-the one you just heard is my mother is almost sixty, she is thin, has straight pickled black hair, light brown eyes and has a character that is better not to make her angry

I finish helping him and look at the sky that is cloudy and almost no stars can be seen. I help my father with the fire he is starting to make

-Let me help you- my father is tall, with a slim body but not as thin as normal, with a mustache, dark brown hair and light brown eyes

-Thank you my girl-he says stopping and shaking my hand to help me up, he has a different character than my mother -For when you introduce me to your boyfriend -she says giving me a little look and I giggle at how he said it

-When do you start university? - asks my mother joining the conversation

-I start this Monday-I answer dry, I do not like that topic of conversation very much

-You have to be the best in medicine-the medical career is not a career that I like, I only apply so that my mother feels proud, since whenever I have an achievement, the classic tells me << it is your obligation to get good grades> > and my father is the one who has supported me with everything

-Who wants marshmallows? - says my father taking out a cover full of them, cutting the tension of the moment, we sat down to eat, and then we chatted a bit

-It's time to sleep-each one says goodbye and leaves his store, I fall asleep after thinking for a while

I see a little girl who is crying hugging her legs in a corner of an old and dirty house, two women find themselves in an argument that I can't hear very well, but one tells her not to take her daughter away from the other pulls out a gun and shoots him in the chest three times then he gets blurry and I wake up

With a heavy heart, I put on my coat and leave my tent, and I look at the sky that is already clear, and you can see the stars. I'm about to go back to the store when white flashlights up the place, and then it disappears, on my way to the forest, but I can't find anything, so I'm about to go back when I shield groans of pain and some branches breaking

I walk deep into the forest that is lit by the full moon, I come to a part where there are fallen branches and a body in the middle of all that. First I think if I call the police or the other idea would help, so I decided to help first approached me and kneel to see if you have some wounds

He has some scratches, but nothing serious and I think it is an assault. I am going to get up to go call the police, but I stop when I feel him holding my ankle, I look down and see that it is his hand.

I look at him carefully, he is handsome, that must be admitted, he has wavy black hair, a profiled nose, and fleshy lips that were split, maybe because of dehydration, he is a little muscular at the beginning of the look of his body to get up, but I feel that I am left without strength and I fall down, I feel an immense fatigue that I just want to close my eyes, before closing my eyes I see the man who was injured in front of me and I only see that he moves his lips saying thank you, I close my eyes with the image of her gray eyes that have a brightness similar to the moon of tonight

When I open my eyes I quickly stand up and walk to where we were, and I see that no one has woken up yet, I go into the store and change my clothes, since it has herbs and my hair looks like a bird's nest, so I comb it and while I brush it I feel a pain in my right arm I check it to see if I have any injuries, but after that I feel a burning in my shoulder, I take the mirror that I brought with my things and I check for any welts, but instead from that I see that a small golden circle is forming that in the center has a rare symbol

After that I don't know how I got to my room, down the stairs

- Mother - wonder calling but does not answer, so I walk into the kitchen where is my father having breakfast with his newspaper and my mother is sitting sipping your coffee while checking your tablet

-Why don't you answer me? - I sit in one of the chairs

-Sorry daughter, we had not listened to you- says my father leaving the newspaper aside

" Are you feeling better?" He says giving me a quick look

- mm something happened to me? - I say seeing them both

-If you said that you are tired, and you fell asleep all the way home, and then you went to your room and slept more-my mother says stopping to take a call, I am left wondering if I did something like that, but I don't remember

After I finish eating I go up to my room and walk to the bathroom where I take off all my clothes and turn on the hot water. I look at myself in the mirror fogged up by the steam of hot water, I pass my hand to be able to see myself in the mirror, but instead of seeing myself I see the eyes of that man in the forest, my heart is pounding I close my eyes << it's just one image, you did not see anything >> I repeat myself in my mind and when I open my eyes those eyes are no longer there, only my reflection

Feeling the hot water going down my body feels so relaxing, I take the soap and pass it over my body, I go over my shoulder, but I feel a little burning, but I ignore it, I finish bathing and I go out wrapped in the towel and put on body moisturizer, I take the mirror and look at my shoulder where I have a small symbol that is enclosed in a golden circle

What does this symbol mean? Who was the man that night? More questions like that come to mind.