
My little cute lover is not so innocent

Lu Shan is a very beautiful omega who is sweet, kind and somewhat a little too innocent, growing up in a loving family, is a very understanding family and an overly protective big brother his life seems to be perfect, except he is eighteen years old and he is yet to have his first heat as an omega, while our male lead, Gu Guangxi, is your typical cold type of CEO, whom people prefer to called the ice king, he also Shan supposed fiancé, their grandparents made a promise to join their families in a marriage alliance, so they were asked to be engaged, But Guangxi seems not to like Shan, for some reasons, so he try’s to sabotage the relationship, but why???? Could there be a secret from the past that Guangxi is hiding???? Then our side character Xu Lin who has been in love with Lu yang a very handsome and powerful Alpha, he is the successful heir to the Lu family, and the current CEO of Lu cooperation, who also happened to be Shan’s older brother, the only problem was that Lin never have the courage to tell brother yang how he feels about him, though the Alpha looked cold on the outside making him unapproachable but he is quite understanding and easy to talk to, Lin felt like his unrequited love will forever remain a secret, even though Lu yang is the brother og his best friend, and Shan is aware of the feelings he has for his brother, but with Lin forcing him to swear never to let Lu yang know, all he could do is watch as Lin panics at the sight of his crush. what will happen when Lin will be kidnaped, raped and marked by an unknown alpha Read to find out how our mc and ml finds their ways through life

Jacob_Bathsheba · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Happy ending

After coming back to X city, life was pretty normal, except for the fact that Lin moved in with Lu yang... while Liam and Loren decided to take their relationship to the next level... in other words they were engaged. Which is kinda surprising considering, that The beta was the one who proposed first.

Loren and Lin have been working together, And have improved the company a lot, and of course with the help of Lin's influences and experience they have expanded and even opened a new brand in A city, where of course Loren step brother is struggling to keep managing his company intact, in which lately every thing seems to be falling apart for him. Even their dad is regretting that he choose him instead of Loren who was more hard working than him. Even though Loren was not experience when it comes to business.

With the new brand of seasons clothing brand in A city, it's like he was completely out of business. Of course so many celebrities are wearing season's clothes to every gala, ball, Grammies and other parties, making the brand a very hot cake..., even though of course it's very expensive.

It's been four months and week since Lin got together with Lu yang, and the alpha threats him so well it almost felt like a dream.

So today is the first day of the last month of the year and tomorrow marks the biggest event of the year, two most prominent and able bachelors are getting married to the most hot entertainment celebrities....., making it the best news of the year, and the two are getting married on the same day.

Guangxi couldn't help it, it's been two weeks and Shan doesn't seems to have his time, the omega has been so busy all the time but not today... the alpha is very determined to have the omega all for himself today, not allowing anything, either work or anyone to disturb his alone time with his fiancée.

Shan meet the alpha who came to pick him up in the morning, he just couldn't understand why the alpha wants to spend more time with him, if they are even going to start living together as husband and wife from tomorrow.

The alpha was happy to see Shan, excitement is writing all over his face, it's like he is a happy puppy... he opened the door for the omega before driving as fast as the traffic allows to his villa.

Today he wants to share everything with Shan and since tomorrow they will be as one he doesn't start their new life from a lie but on a clean slate, and of course he knows that Shan is the owner of the bar That is competing with his own, even though the omega never said anything....he just wish the omega will be more open to him as his partner.

So of course the alpha tried to find a way to start the conversation, how he is supposed to ask the omega to open up to him, but to his surprise the omega decided to open up to him on his own..., well I guess it's true what they say, when you are a couple... you get to think alike..!!

Shan; ah hm...I.., there is something I need to tell you ....., I own your rivalry bar... please hear me out... I actually opened it to get your attention and also because it's a dream of mine to own one... so uhm... that's it....you are not mad right???

Guangxi; no of course.....am not, am really happy because you finally opened up to me, to be honest I knew who the owner was.... but I wanted you to tell me about it your self and am so glad you did.

Tomorrow will be our wedding day and I can't tell you how happy that makes me, I get to spend the rest of my life with you.

Shan was so happy, he hugged the alpha before saying, let's go have breakfast am starving...!!!

Wedding day

It's finally the wedding day..... the most awaited day has finally arrived, while the two grooms are getting ready in their separate villa, the brides are together having a nervous breakdown together..... Lin and Shan are getting ready for the wedding, Lin's mom and his aunt (Erika) are in the dressing room, helping the two to get ready....., and also for the first time Mrs Lu who is Shan's mother was present ( even though she is known for being too strict and unapproachable but she gets along well with her first son Lu yang)

Mei Mei was helping Lin get ready, and at the same time trying to help the omega relax, With the little baby with his grandma ( Mrs Xu) the omegas have plenty of time to get ready.

In the grand exclusive hotel, the most grand and most expensive wedding in history is taking place today, the media is all over the place, every reporter wants to get a piece of the pie, when it comes to news...., this could be the biggest yet.

The two grooms are standing in waiting for their brides, with the best man of Gu Guangxi... as the General who is none other than Dai Lee who has been a childhood friend of both alphas ( Lu yang and Guangxi ) while the best man for Lu yang is none other than his secretary Jun.

The door opened revealing the brides maids and also best men ( Mei Mei, Loren, Liam, mark the manager, Jack the cousin, Jin and Mi Lan the two famous actors) with the seven are friends for both Lin and Shan. The bride maids walked in and soon after the two beautiful brides entered walking side by side... just like when they where kids, grandpa Lu couldn't believe it... his little grandchildren who where once so little playing in his courtyard are both adults and getting married, and that kid Lin who has always had eyes only for his eldest grandson.... has finally gotten together with him... they even have a very cute son.

As the crowd raise to welcome the omegas, some people couldn't help but shed tears, of course those people are none other than Lin's mom, and the eldest twin Luang while the other twin ( Zuang ) try's to comfort his twin, knowing how Luang could be easily emotional.

The two alphas reached for their brides before the priest started the ceremony..... do you take this alpha as your husband, in truth, in sickness and health, in sorrow and happiness, in poorest and riches

Yes I do

And of course same goes for the grooms and with that the priest pronounced them husband and wife, you may now.... they kissed the bride before the priest finished his sentence. They shared their vows and made promises before there friends and families. It was the happiest day of their life and they will remember this day for the rest of their lives.

After the ceremony the after party started immediately, with different kinds of wine and cocktails, different snacks and food. The party was lively and beautiful, Jack made a toast to the newly weds and Luang too made a toast to his little brother and the other couple, after the toast he said he has a confession to make,

Luang nervously looked at the General who is seated right beside him; ah am sorry..., there is just something I did like to announce today, he took a long breath before saying in a fast tone; AM NOT AN ALPHA BUT AN OMEGA I JUST FOUND OUT A YEAR AGO I CANNOT KEEP HIDING IT, I KNOW AM NEVER GOING TO BE LIKE MY TWIN I HAVE ALWAYS HATED MY SELF BUT NOT ANYMORE, uhm, that's... Ah..uh all thank you .... and before he could sit down his twin hugged him before saying, am really glad you finally started to love your self more... even though I always knew you are an omega and that's why I attend anything with crowd in other to protect you.... though I always hoped you'd opened up to me on your own as my brother, but I love you and always do.....

Dai Lee is seating down beside the two, he couldn't help but feel jealous seeing how the two are hugging each other, even though they are brothers the hug still didn't sit well with the General, knowing another alpha is hugging his omega. He immediately stood up out of impulse and separated the two before saying, and we are currently dating, it's came out as a warning instead of an announcement. The most shocked ones at the party was mostly family members and close friends, especially Erika, Lin, Jack and Mrs Xu, the mother couldn't believe that her other twin is none other than an omega, just when did her children grow up and started to hide secrets from her.

As soon after it was time for the couple to open the dance floor, the couple danced together, then the brides with their fathers, after that every one joined in, Jack stood up with so much courage to asked the actress for a dance, and she accepted saying she did love to.... today the alpha is looking so dashingly handsome more than the first time they meet, he even smells nice, his hormones smells like peaches, it's so addictive. At that moment, Mi Lan knows one thing for sure, that is...; she is going out with Jack even if he doesn't ask her out.

Meanwhile the two elders are sitting quietly in a Conner, while grandpa Lu is bragging about his great grandson to grandpa Gu.

The party ended later that evening, and Lu yang took Lin away immediately, and of course if you are wondering they left for their honeymoon, while the son was left behind with his great grandpa.

The cold salty breeze of the sea blows violently, as Lin rubs his arms together feeling the cold, but yet he couldn't leave the beautiful scene before him and enter on of the cabins in the ship. The alpha went in to have a little talk with the crewmen and is yet to return. Lin waited in the cold breeze for his lover, the man who will forever be his as long as he lives. A warm coat was placed around his shoulders, Lin didn't even have to turn around he could tell who placed the coat on him. With a smile on his face he turned to the alpha to say thanks but was ravished endlessly, Lu Yang was kissing him so passionately like this is what he has always wanted. Lin was left breathless gasping for air.after recovering he asked; "so where are we headed"?? The Alpha smile; "its a surprise my Love" he plans to spend time in a private island that he prepared for Lin as a wedding gift.

He couldn't hold himself any more, he just wants to be one with Lin, he kissed the omega passionately again, he was getting more impatient so he picked him up in his arms and walked in to the cabin. He hurriedly removed the omega's clothes as his hands touched every part of his body. Lin felt every touch like his body has a fever. The pleasure was more intense than usual. He could feel how much the alpha wanted him, as they continued while standing lin seemed to lose his balance, but the alpha wasn't having it so he picked him up and they continue to kiss, and some how they found their way into the bedroom, and the alpha's hands were very fast when it comes to removing the omega's clothes, he trailed a lot of kisses and so many kiss marks on the omega's fair delicate skin, he put a finger to loosing the omega, he is so desperate he wish he could just put it in immediately, but he doesn't want to hurt his lover, and with gel he was able to loosing it quickly, and of the omega has been morning softly under him, he couldn't help but admire how sexy and beautiful his bride is.....ahhhhhhh .... when the alpha put his thing inside, it felt too good, the inside is so warm and soft, its so tight it like Lin is trying to suck him in, he almost felt like he is cumin immediately he puts it in..... he started to move in and out while the omega hugged him tight, its like he is begging for his dear life.

They had their honeymoon very passionately, of course that's before the omega passed out, and the next time he regained consciousness its already The next day, and he is in a very beautiful beach house, he came down to meet the alpha who finished making them breakfast, they seemed to be the only ones there, when Lin asked the alpha said the have staffs but the only come to work early in the morning so that they could have the entire day for themselves....., the alpha asked the omega what he thinks about the house, Lin loved the house because of the interior and the fact that it's by the beach it's just perfect....

Hearing this the alpha told that this is his.., he actually prepared it as a wedding present for him. The omega couldn't help but hug and kiss the alpha, now he believes that the alpha was right when he said he was in love with him and he couldn't wait to spend a week alone with his lover even though he already miss his little A'yan. ( he changed the name of his son to the name he wanted since he was pregnant)

After two years Later

Shan gave birth to twins a boy and a girl, they all looked like him except for their hair color.

And of course Jack and Mi Lan are also getting ready for their wedding, while the General and Luang got married a year ago and had a daughter, as for Liam he owns a bodyguard firm now and he and Loren are still together.

While Lin became the most popular artist and designer, with Loren as his CO _CEO his son is now three years old and their love is still going strong.

This is the last chapter, Hope you enjoyed the story, this is my first novel, so forgive me for the typos and thanks for going through this journey with me especially my faithful reader JDJEDI

Jacob_Bathshebacreators' thoughts