
My little cute lover is not so innocent

Lu Shan is a very beautiful omega who is sweet, kind and somewhat a little too innocent, growing up in a loving family, is a very understanding family and an overly protective big brother his life seems to be perfect, except he is eighteen years old and he is yet to have his first heat as an omega, while our male lead, Gu Guangxi, is your typical cold type of CEO, whom people prefer to called the ice king, he also Shan supposed fiancé, their grandparents made a promise to join their families in a marriage alliance, so they were asked to be engaged, But Guangxi seems not to like Shan, for some reasons, so he try’s to sabotage the relationship, but why???? Could there be a secret from the past that Guangxi is hiding???? Then our side character Xu Lin who has been in love with Lu yang a very handsome and powerful Alpha, he is the successful heir to the Lu family, and the current CEO of Lu cooperation, who also happened to be Shan’s older brother, the only problem was that Lin never have the courage to tell brother yang how he feels about him, though the Alpha looked cold on the outside making him unapproachable but he is quite understanding and easy to talk to, Lin felt like his unrequited love will forever remain a secret, even though Lu yang is the brother og his best friend, and Shan is aware of the feelings he has for his brother, but with Lin forcing him to swear never to let Lu yang know, all he could do is watch as Lin panics at the sight of his crush. what will happen when Lin will be kidnaped, raped and marked by an unknown alpha Read to find out how our mc and ml finds their ways through life

Jacob_Bathsheba · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter six: Lin kidnaped

**The Party Tension:**

The Lu residence, usually a beacon of calm, was now enveloped in an air of tense urgency. The grand celebration continued outside, guests mingling under the soft glow of fairy lights, oblivious to the growing crisis. Inside, the air was heavy with anxiety. Shan stood beside his brother Lu Yang, his heart pounding as he processed the unsettling news of Lin's kidnapping. The revelation that Lin had been taken by Lu Yang's old enemies only heightened the tension. Lu Yang's mind raced with thoughts of security breaches and betrayal.

"How could they have breached our security?" Lu Yang muttered, his eyes narrowing as he considered the implications. Meanwhile, Shan looked to Liam, desperate for more information about the men who had taken Lin. Fear clawed at him, the thought of Lin in danger overwhelming his senses. He blamed himself for not paying closer attention, knowing Lin's habits when he drank. The worry gnawed at him, and the question of who would dare kidnap Lin lingered ominously in his mind.


**The Arrival of the Gu Family:**

Just as the tension reached its peak, Gu Guangxi and his grandfather arrived, their entrance marked by a wave of polite greetings and handshakes. Grandpa Lu, delighted to see his old friend, exchanged pleasantries as they made their way through the crowd. As they approached, they noticed Shan and Lu Yang engaged in a serious discussion, their expressions a stark contrast to the festive atmosphere.

Grandpa Lu, always perceptive, moved silently towards his grandsons. Lu Yang, ever vigilant, sensed someone approaching and turned to see their grandfather, accompanied by Guangxi and the elder Gu. Shan quickly adopted a forced smile, trying to mask his worry. He didn't want to alarm his grandfather, who was already frail and didn't need the added stress of Lin's predicament.

Guangxi, meanwhile, was taken aback by the sight of Shan. The tough, spirited boy he remembered from childhood now stood before him, delicate and beautiful, with an air of vulnerability that Guangxi found both surprising and troubling. As he observed Shan, a series of conflicting thoughts raced through his mind. **"Is this really the person I'm expected to spend my life with? How could this fragile-looking omega be the same Shan I once knew?"**

While Guangxi grappled with his disbelief, Shan was desperately trying to find a way to excuse himself without being rude to the elders. His mind was consumed with fear for Lin, knowing the dangers that awaited beautiful, unmarked omegas in a world filled with unscrupulous people. Just as he was about to excuse himself, Lu Yang leaned in and whispered, "Stay here and avoid suspicion. I'll handle this."

Shan nodded, relieved yet still deeply worried. Lu Yang bowed respectfully to their guests, excusing himself by saying he had urgent matters to attend to. Shan forced a smile as his grandfather urged him to show Guangxi around and get to know each other. Shan's polite façade barely concealed the turmoil within as he guided Guangxi away, the weight of his fears for Lin pressing heavily on his heart.


**Guangxi's Internal Struggle:**

As they walked, Guangxi's mind was a whirl of thoughts. He glanced at Shan, who seemed anxious and preoccupied. **"Is he really this delicate? How am I supposed to live with someone who looks like they could break at any moment?"** Guangxi couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. He had imagined his partner to be strong and resilient, not the fragile figure walking beside him.

In an attempt to break the awkward silence, Shan spoke up, his voice tinged with nervousness. "I'm willing to try and make this work since my grandfather wishes it so much. We can arrange dates to get to know each other better. But I'm sorry, I have to leave now. I'm not feeling well."

Guangxi's eyes widened as he noticed the flush on Shan's cheeks, the subtle hint of an omega in heat. "Are you... are you going into heat?" he asked, his voice a mix of concern and confusion.

"No, no, it's just a fever," Shan replied quickly, his voice betraying his discomfort. He handed Guangxi his card, mumbling an excuse as he hurried away, his thoughts already on Lin and the urgency of the situation.


**The Race Against Time:**

As soon as Shan was out of sight, he pulled out his phone and dialed Lu Yang. The phone barely rang twice before Lu Yang answered, his voice tense. "We found him. They took him to the Fang gang's territory, their main headquarters. I need you to stay put and safe. Liam will take you back. Don't try to come after us. I'll handle this."

Before Shan could respond, the line went dead. Anxiety coursed through him, the reality of Lin's danger pressing down like a weight on his chest. He turned to head back but felt his knees buckle. The room spun, and the last thing he saw before darkness claimed him were two figures rushing towards him.


**The Collapse

Shan collapsed, his body overwhelmed by the stress and the beginnings of his heat cycle. Just before he hit the ground, Liam and Guangxi caught him simultaneously. The two men exchanged a look, each understanding the urgency of the situation. Guangxi recognized Liam from his prior investigations and knew that Shan was in capable hands.

"I'm Guangxi. You must be Liam, Shan's bodyguard. I'll leave him to you," Guangxi said, his voice calm yet firm.

Liam nodded, his expression serious. "I'll take him home. He seems to be starting his heat. It's dangerous for you to stay close. Didn't we meet earlier today?"

"No," Guangxi replied curtly, turning on his heel and walking away without another word. His mind was in turmoil, grappling with the reality of the situation and the unexpected emotions stirred by Shan within him

Back at the rescue party, Lu yang left his capable bodyguards to deal the gang as he tried to use the blueprint layout to find Lin, as he walked deeper into the underground he started to smell the hormones of Lin, it somehow smell like fruits like peaches or mixed sweets it was so alluring making the alpha worry if Lin is going to be OK base Lu yang's investigations he found out in the past the gang leader was once in love with Lin but Lin kept avoiding him, could it be that he kidnapped him just so he could be with the one he loved, it kinda made him relax abit but then he realised that it would be one sided which means Lin might get raped or hurt, but he was infact too late, because the sight before him is Lin stripe naked on the bed, in sweat with intense heat, he seems to be suffering like someone who is drugged.

Lu yang aimed his gun at the man on top of the omega, don't you dare touch him again; he said.

But the man was well prepared shooting a gun at the alpha immediately, Lu yang ran to cover behind a steel pillar while trying to get a good look at his target. But the man took Lin into his arm threatening Lu yang that he would kill the omega

Meanwhile, Guangxi was left to ponder the unexpected turn of events. The delicate omega he had dismissed as weak had shown a strength of spirit that intrigued him. As he walked away from the Lu residence, his thoughts were a tangle of confusion and reluctant admiration.


**The Rescue Mission:**

Lu Yang and his team moved swiftly, their focus unwavering as they infiltrated the Fang gang's territory. The dark, foreboding warehouse loomed ahead, a stark reminder of the dangers they faced. Lu Yang's mind raced with thoughts of Lin, his protective instincts driving him forward with a fierce determination.

Inside, Lin sat huddled in a corner, his heart pounding as he awaited his fate. The gang leader, a menacing figure with a scar across his face, loomed over him, his eyes glinting with malice. Just as he reached for Lin, the door burst open, and Lu Yang and his team stormed in.

Chaos erupted as the gang members scrambled to defend their territory. Lu Yang fought with a controlled fury, his every move precise and deadly. Within minutes, the gang was subdued, and Lin was safe in Lu Yang's arms.


**The Reunion:**

Back at the Lu residence, the emotional toll of the night's events became evident. Lin, exhausted and shaken, clung to Shan, his eyes filled with gratitude and relief. The bond between them, forged through years of friendship and now strengthened by the harrowing experience, was unbreakable.

Shan, though relieved to have Lin back, couldn't shake the fear and guilt that gnawed at him. The weight of his grandfather's request and the looming presence of Gu Guangxi only added to his burden. Yet, in the face of uncertainty, he found strength in the love and support of his family and friends.


**A New Beginning:**

As the night wore on and the guests departed, a sense of calm settled over the Lu residence. Shan stood on the balcony, looking out at the city lights, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The future was uncertain, but he knew one thing for sure: with his family by his side and his heart open to new possibilities, he would face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination.

Guangxi, too, was left to reflect on the night's events. The fragile omega he had dismissed as weak had shown a resilience that intrigued him. As he drove away from the Lu residence, his mind was filled with a new sense of curiosity and respect for the boy he once knew.

And so, as the dawn broke and a new day began, the bonds of family and friendship were strengthened, and the path to the future, though uncertain, was filled with hope and possibility.