
My little cute lover is not so innocent

Lu Shan is a very beautiful omega who is sweet, kind and somewhat a little too innocent, growing up in a loving family, is a very understanding family and an overly protective big brother his life seems to be perfect, except he is eighteen years old and he is yet to have his first heat as an omega, while our male lead, Gu Guangxi, is your typical cold type of CEO, whom people prefer to called the ice king, he also Shan supposed fiancé, their grandparents made a promise to join their families in a marriage alliance, so they were asked to be engaged, But Guangxi seems not to like Shan, for some reasons, so he try’s to sabotage the relationship, but why???? Could there be a secret from the past that Guangxi is hiding???? Then our side character Xu Lin who has been in love with Lu yang a very handsome and powerful Alpha, he is the successful heir to the Lu family, and the current CEO of Lu cooperation, who also happened to be Shan’s older brother, the only problem was that Lin never have the courage to tell brother yang how he feels about him, though the Alpha looked cold on the outside making him unapproachable but he is quite understanding and easy to talk to, Lin felt like his unrequited love will forever remain a secret, even though Lu yang is the brother og his best friend, and Shan is aware of the feelings he has for his brother, but with Lin forcing him to swear never to let Lu yang know, all he could do is watch as Lin panics at the sight of his crush. what will happen when Lin will be kidnaped, raped and marked by an unknown alpha Read to find out how our mc and ml finds their ways through life

Jacob_Bathsheba · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter One: First day at school

Lu Shan sat elegantly in the sun-drenched coffee café, a serene expression masking the excitement bubbling within. This was a day he had anticipated for months—the first day at X City University and the reunion with his best friend, Xu Lin. The coffee shop, a quaint little place with large windows that framed the vibrant summer scene outside, was the perfect spot for their long-awaited meeting. His delicate features and distinctive pink hair caught the attention of passersby, but he remained oblivious, lost in thoughts of his new beginning and the friend he hadn't seen in three years.

Coming from the prestigious Lu family, Shan was used to being the center of attention, though he often preferred the quiet and simple moments. His father, Mr. Lu Xong, and his older brother, Lu Yang, had always been overprotective, treating him like a fragile treasure. As the only omega in a lineage of powerful alphas, Shan was cherished and shielded, sometimes to the point of suffocation. Yet, he couldn't help but admire his brother's strength and stoic demeanor, even if it came with an intimidating presence.

Lu Yang, the archetypal dominant alpha, had always been the epitome of perfection in Shan's eyes. Tall, muscular, and always impeccably dressed, Yang exuded an aura of authority and competence. Despite his serious demeanor and the intense focus on his business empire, he had a soft spot for Shan, often showing a rare smile only when around his younger brother. This protective nature, while sometimes overbearing, had created an unbreakable bond between the two.

The arrival of Xu Lin was like a burst of sunshine in Shan's already bright day. Xu Lin, with his golden blond hair and striking blue eyes, had always been a vibrant and joyous presence in Shan's life. They had been inseparable since preschool, sharing dreams and secrets, until Lin's family moved abroad. Despite the distance, their bond remained strong, sustained by frequent video calls and messages.

"Guess who!" A familiar voice pulled Shan from his reverie, almost causing him to spill his strawberry milkshake. Shan turned, a mixture of surprise and joy spreading across his face as Xu Lin removed his hat and mask, revealing a wide grin. Without hesitation, Shan leapt to his feet, and Lin enveloped him in a warm hug.

"I've missed you so much!" Lin exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "Look at you! Even more beautiful than in the pictures. I'm a little jealous, to be honest."

Shan chuckled, feeling a warmth that only Lin could bring. "You haven't changed a bit, still cracking jokes about my looks. Come, have a seat. There's so much to catch up on."

As they sat down, Lin ordered a coffee and a pastry, while Shan sipped his milkshake, feeling a comforting sense of nostalgia wash over him. They talked animatedly, filling each other in on the events of the past three years, their excitement palpable. Lin shared stories of his travels and dreams of owning a vineyard, while Shan spoke of his family, his brother's overprotectiveness, and his eagerness for university life.

"Hey, let's go check out our new apartment," Lin suggested, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I want to see where we'll be making new memories."

Shan nodded, a grin spreading across his face. The day had started with the promise of new beginnings and the rekindling of an old friendship, and it was shaping up to be everything he had hoped for and more. As they left the café, Shan couldn't help but feel that, with Lin by his side, this new chapter of his life was going to be as bright and beautiful as the summer day that had welcomed him to X City University.

Hi guys new here just wanna write for fun hope you enjoyed it please feel free to comment and tell me what you think Like it ? Add to library!

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