
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


Ms. Lucy drove us both to school the next day and we held hands as we walked through the door, it was us against the world.

I knew that day was the day I had to make the ad, it was supposed to be earlier but it was postponed because I ran away and they waited for me to recover.

I went into the Equestrian class and we had a different instructor.

"Hello class, my name is Rosette Griffin and I am going to be your substitute instructor as Mr. Danvers fell off a horse and broke his arm."

All of us were quiet as we walked towards the horses. I picked thunderclap as he didn't want anyone other than me to ride him.

Though he was a rough horse, he was very skilled. He performed all the instructions accurately without me doing anything, going over jumps, doing difficult moves and more.

When class was over, Madam Griffin called me to the stables. I didn't know what was wrong but just kept quiet.

"You're Tommy Hawkins right? Mr. Danvers' star student."

I nodded then she said something,"It's him."

I just turned back and a bag came over my head, I screamed as loudly as I could but no one could hear me, I was tied up and thrown into the trunk of a minivan. I was hyperventilating though there was not enough oxygen in the bag...

Catherine was about to open her door when she dropped her keys. She bent down to pick them when something moved over her head, she checked it to see a deep hole in the door and turned back to see the bushes.

She was breathing heavily as she knew her life was in danger.

She quickly entered the house and locked the door, she called the police.

Mark went to pick me from school but I kept longer than usual. He went in and realized there were almost no students...

Then where's Tommy?

He went to the detention room but there was no one in there, he went to the teachers' lounge and found no teachers.

He got a call on his phone to move to the Assembly hall.

He moved there and saw all the teachers discussing. When they saw him, the place went dead silent, he was confused.

"What's going on?"

"Mr. Hawkins..."The Principal began,"...there is a slight problem."

"What did Tommy do this time?"

"...he was kidnapped."


Mark's jaw dropped before he yelled,"What?!"

They seemed scared as they continued,"We hired a substitute teacher to take care of his class not knowing the reason she applied. She kidnapped him and disappeared."

"How could you let this happen?! You are the most expensive school in the country!"

They were embarrassed as they said,"We had no control."

"And did you search on the background of that woman before hiring her?!"

The Principal confidently said yes.

Mark was furious and punched a wall. They were surprised he didn't flinch in pain as he raised his head, giving them an intimidating look before he left.

He didn't drive far when he got a call from Catherine.

He answered and said,"Catherine, something happened."

"I was almost shot."

He abruptly stepped on the brakes.


"I was just getting into my house when I dropped my keys, I stood up to see a bullet in my door."

"I'm coming over right now."

He went to her house and saw her sitting on the couch.

He sat by her and she looked into his eyes, she saw rage and fear though he had a serious expression on his face.

"What's going on?"She asked.

"...what do you mean?"

"You don't seem normal."

"...huh, Tommy was kidnapped."



She couldn't believe her ears then said,"We have to go and look for him!"

"You have to stay here, where it's safe, I can't stand you being in danger."

"But what about Tommy?"

"I'll find him."

The dusty jute bag was removed from my head and I looked around and saw a man standing in front of me, I recognized him as...

"Clark Nelson?"

"In the flesh."

Clark Nelson was the C.E.O. of lightning flash and he hated Mark dearly.

He came closer to me and felt my cheek then said,"Marcus is fattening you up, isn't he?"

I remained quiet.

He chuckled and went to sit down.

Two days later...

Mark had been searching for me like crazy, Ms. Lucy and Lucille had also joined in. But Ms. Lucy made sure to tell Mark she wasn't helping him but was searching for me and Mark couldn't care less.

Mark was in the police station with Lucy and Catherine when he got an anonymous video call.

The voice was a woman's voice and said,"Marcus Hawkins, come to the largest pond in the Central Park with the deed to Aqua if you want to see your brother again."

"If you dare hurt my brother..."

"You're not in the position to give orders Marcus."

"I want to see Tommy."

She turned the camera to me and Mark saw me, pale and thin...


I didn't respond.

"He's too weak to speak after not eating for two days now and if you don't want him to starve to death, you better bring the deed, at midnight and no cops."

The person hung up.

"You're not actually going to do this, are you?"Lucy asked.

"I have no other choice."

"How could you be such an idiot?! You think they'll keep their end of the bargain? They'll just kill you."

"Don't you dare talk to my boyfriend like that Lucy!"Catherine snapped.

"I will talk to him anyhow I want and I know you can't do anything about that."

The two of them looked eye to eye, angrily then Mark said,"Enough! We are supposed to be finding Tommy, not fighting each other."

The two women frowned at each other then sat down.

"So what are you going to do?"Catherine asked.

"I'm going."

"...then I'm going too, I can't stand knowing you've been killed not right before my eyes."Lucy said.

He chuckled and said,"You will never change, will you?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm coming too."Catherine said.

"No, I can't risk losing you too."

"Yeah, so sit back air hostess."

Catherine really didn't like this glorified Princess.

That night, two people in coats went to the largest pond in the Central Park.

"Where on earth is he?!"One shouted.

"Patience, Ramon, he'll be here."

Just then a man in a brown biker jacket and khaki denims and a woman in a red petty coat and blue denims, with a tight ponytail appeared near them.

"Did you bring the deed?"

Mark brought it out and said,"Did you bring my brother?"

They opened a truck with me inside and several men and women with guns in it.

"The deal is on..."Mark said.