
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


We then had the funeral for Rose's and Ruby's grandfather.

Their grandmother was devastated and wept like a baby, I understood her pain, that was how I felt when I lost my parents and possibly more, Mark.

I was at Aqua bolt with the triplets for the first time and I put them in a booth in my office while I worked.

I didn't realize how tired I was and soon took a nap.

I was awoken when I heard tapping on the keyboard. I saw Markella laughing and destroying my work.

I chuckled and lifted her and took her back to the booth. I already knew they could walk.

I looked back and saw Lucia taking baby steps to the window.

I yelled and ran then picked her up but she threw a fit.

She swung her little legs and arms and bit me with her tiny teeth.

I ignored her and put her also back in the booth, but Thomasina was no where to be found.

I searched everywhere then called security to look for her.

At that moment, a man said,"Come to me baby."

The dark baby walked towards him and fell into his arms then he squealed and lifted her up then said,"You are one smart baby aren't you?"

Then he started rubbing his nose on hers.

He continued,"And one important one too."

She started giggling then he laughed and she also laughed, then he laughed louder, she also laughed louder, then he said,"Okay that's enough."

She kept quiet.

He then took her away and she started to scream as she saw my office door diminish.

A secretary was walking then saw the man with the extraordinarily adorable baby then recognised her as Mark's daughter.

She kept calm and called me.

I was walking paces in the office when I got a call then answered.

"Excuse me boss, but I don't see your other nieces with the babysitter."She said.

"Babysitter? I haven't gotten them a babysitter! Get security to stop that person immediately!"

"Yes boss."

The man was walking away when the security guards blocked his way.

He turned back but there were more in that direction.

They took the child from his custody and arrested him.

I was so relieved when Thomasina was returned to me and I hugged her then said as she giggled,"Aren't you one trouble maker?"

She laughed.

I drove home with the triplets and picked up Lucille from school.

I opened the door and the lights automatically switched on then I went to the kitchen.

I wasn't letting the triplets out of my sight again.

I smelled a piquant aroma lingering in the kitchen and saw well—as he told me to call him—my dad.

"That smells wonderful."I said.

He chuckled and served me.

Mark probably learnt how to cook from him.

Lucy called that night to check on Lucille and the triplets as she had done everyday for the past week she had been away.

I didn't dare mention the incident that happened at my office.

I helped Lucille with her homework then put her into bed and lay down to sleep.

I slept with the triplets in the same room and made sure to have extra high walls for their booth this time.

I was awoken by a shrill and I sat up, tiredly looking at the three babies who were wrestling in the booth. This was the third time I had to put them to bed in one night.

I just carried Markella and warmed some milk for her then rocked her as she sucked it.

I lay her in her crib then went for Lucia who was pulling Thomasina's hair.

I gave her some warm milk and started burping her.

I then did it to Thomasina and put her in her crib then finally went to bed when they were all asleep.

I woke up and drove Lucille to school then went for my first lecture of the day.

I spent the rest of the day with Rose then I got a call from Lucille. She was starring in a movie Lucy was also acting in and that was amazing. I had to go and see for myself so I got everything ready for the trip.

I was in the plane when I met Ruby.

We looked at each other for several seconds then I shook my head and woke up from my trance, it had been such a long time since we last saw each other.

She then pushed past me.

That was cold.

I went to my seat and realized she was right next to me.

What a coincidence.

I sat by her and she rolled her eyes and looked out the window. I said hi but she didn't respond.

The movie was in Argentina so we had to fly over Brazil. But when we had sat in an awkward silence for several hours, there was a huge bump.

The pilots told the passengers to calm down since we were just experiencing some turbulence.

Ruby looked finally muttered,"Turbulence indeed."

"What do you mean?"I asked.

She just stood up and left. I just ignored and looked out the window to see a cyclone in our path...