
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


Scarlet Sapphira was walking to her next class, when she immediately pulled out a pen and holding it backwards, thrusted it into the neck of the person who was following her.

Lee raised his hands then said,"You have good reflexes."

"And you have a bad timing, leave."

"Calm down, I just wanted to..."

"...leave? Then be my guest."

He chuckled, then said,"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."

He was walking away when she asked,"Warn me about what?"

"Amane, he could be a little overbearing at times and annoying, really annoying, but he seems to have taken a liking to you."

She squinted her eyes then asked,"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he's the biggest heartbreaker you'd ever meet and looking at circumstances, he has his eye on you, I'm just saying you should be careful."

"Why are you telling me this? You barely even know me."

"I just wanted to be nice..."

"Don't touch."She said, piercing the pen which simply just vanished from on her chest and appeared below his throat in milliseconds.

"Fine, fine I'll back off, your name was... Scarlet, right?"

"Call me Scarlet one more time and I will make you look scarlet."

"Feisty, I like that."

"What's there to like about me when you barely don't know me and I obviously don't like you, either of you?"

"It's just, we red heads have to stick together."

She looked at him with an ambivalent expression, then said,"I prefer to be alone."

She flung her hair backwards and slowly modelled away and he couldn't help but steal a second glance, then a third and fourth, and ...you get the idea.

Lee was walking to his class when he met Amane leaning against a wall, with a charming chuckle, he said,"Taking out the competition, I like that, but you know what I like more? The sweet taste of victory."

Amane then walked off and Lee wondered what he was going to do next...

During lunch, Scarlet Sapphira ate alone as usual, in the garden, but not to say ate, more like, built.

She was using her food items to sculpt a simple computer when someone came to sit by her and she stared at him in horror.

The boy ended up going to the sick bay with two black eyes, almost suffocating on an unchewed chicken thigh and a banana peel forced through his ear canal and Amane watched carefully as she turned back to what she was doing, connecting the food items in a perfect manner that even the spilled food from that unlucky new kid looked like a masterpiece.

Her very movements exuded grace and when she looked up, their eyes met for a second, then she turned away and managed a very slight smile, but that was all he needed.

He then began gathering intel, he knew she was going to be a hard catch as compared to all the other ladies he had played with, so asked everyone everything.

Obviously, all he had to do was flash a smile then the secretary gave him goggles and giggles then showed him the girl's entire file.

He scrolled through everything and found that, she was actually quite smart...and bad...he grinned.

He also realized she had this tendency to be nice to this one kid with curly black hair, brown eyes and pale orange skin, who always looked like he had dropped from Mars when around her.

Eventually, she gave that boy a kiss on the cheek and he realised she was already dating, he liked a challenge...

He inquired of the boy's identity and found he was named Harry Williams, was the president of the Mathlete club where he went by the nickname Python, which didn't make much sense till you went quite deeply into the world of triangles, and had had a massive crush on her, like every other boy, for years.

He decided to make his first move, on him...

Scarlet Sapphira gently brushed a hair from Python's face, then spoke,"I'm really sorry for how I've always been acting to you, I know I've been mean, rude, sassy and cruel..."

"I liked the sass."He said.

She giggled, but returned her sullen expression then said,"I still feel like I don't say I'm sorry enough."

"You don't need to apologize to me babe."He said and kissed her.

She stole a glance to her side as she tightly hugged him and smiled with her eyes closed, it was working like clockwork.

She slowly walked away, keeping grip on his short fingers for as long as possible, before blowing a kiss to him and leaving, she then frowned deeply as she walked away.

Python was walking away when he bumped into a tree or something in the middle of the hallway.

He had to look up by at least ten storeys before he saw the guy's face, it was that Afro-Asian transfer student.

He looked at the guy and stuttered,"W...what do y...y...you want?"

The guy literally needed to kneel before him to face him as he spoke,"I just wanted to talk, it's about Scarlet..."

"Sc...Scarlet Sapphira, that's her name."

"That's funny, I thought she let's that kid just call her by her first name."He said, pointing.

"H...he's her br...brother."


"They're close, aren't they?"

Python nodded severally, the image he had spent over a decade building as the freshest need in school had just been ruined by the mere presence of this behemoth who should probably be in his early twenties.

Amane then asked,"Let me ask you a question, how long have you known her for?"

"About ten years."

"And how long have you dated?"

"About a week."

"And you were friends before that, right?"

"Well, ish...more like cotenants of the same institution, she barely noticed me."

"And all of a sudden, she wants to be your girlfriend? Doesn't that seem fishy to you?"

The momentary freedom elapsed and the stutter returned, stronger than ever,"N..n...no...no..."

"So, she's never made any attempts to date you until now and you feel that's all natural?"

"Sh... she's a...n...ni...nice p..p.. person, she... she'd n...n..never h...hurt me."

"I never said she would hurt you, or that she wasn't nice, why did you bring that up?"

"I...I...I think...I think we're done with this conversation."

"Okay sure, I hope you guys have a long and happy life together."He said with a charming smile.

Python felt nauseous then vomited on the floor, right after Amane had side stepped to safety.

The young man ten lifted the woozy kid up and took him to the infirmary, where he was confirmed to have just had a panic attack, but Amane on the other hand,was praised for his heroics.

Scarlet Sapphira rushed into the room and cried as she saw Python in that state and Amane tilted his head, she was a good actress...well, until she hugged him and thanked him for saving her ' friend ', and there it was...