
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


Amane sat in the car looking at the club with the huge bouncer at the door who actually looked constipated.

Amane reclined at the seat then Luis frowned at him and asked,"What are you waiting for?"

Amane looked at him then asked,"I thought you wanted me to get you here, well I got you here, so go in there."

Luis gave him an ambidextrous look...

Amane was shoved in front of the guard with a slight but unnoticeable cut on his lip and the giant moved to the side, letting his number two go in as well.

Luis walked through the vibrant club as there were loud cheers, drinking, high emotions and lots of women but the main attraction was the two men fighting in the ring in the centre of the large room.

Amane didn't get far with Luis when a large spotlight landed on him and there was an announcement that the man they had all been waiting for had arrived.

The cheers erupting from around the room were deafening and even the men within the ring stopped and began cheering for him, forgetting the bruises allover their own bodies.

Amane couldn't even move through the thick human wall as they began dragging him towards the ring.

Amane yelled at the top of his voice that he didn't come to fight and the cheers all silenced then morphed to boos and hoots then he forced his way back to Luis who was drinking a glass of nonalcoholic champagne.

Amane said they had to leave and Luis casually said,"But I'm not done interrogating."

"Mr Spire...I hAve...(a lot of strain from the angry crowd)...the fEEling that yUU are enjoying thIs!!"

Luis sarcastically asked,"What gave you that idea? Look, you go in there and do your thing and I'll stay out here and do my thing, which I'm obviously already doing, give the crowd what they want and go win them tiger."

Amane tensed when he was hit in the backside by his girlfriend's uncle, who then winked at him and yelled to the crowds that it was just an entrance stunt, but he was going to face fifteen people instead, and of course, Amane was worried, not because he hadn't done this before, but because his girlfriend's uncle seemed to be losing his edge of that glass.

Amane entered the ring in his usual MMA shorts and cheers roared the moment he took off his shirt, the crowd roared like the treacherous seas, but he kept laser focus on the hooded individual that came in through the other side.

Amane looked for Luis through the corners of his eyes and saw him drinking casually with some guy and actually doing a great job at staying sober, getting answers and getting that guy closer to his break point before his match...

The hooded individual took off the shirt revealing a handsome face that Amane found somehow familiar, they met in the centre of the ring to brush their dusters and as they were going back, the man grabbed Amane and kissed him on the lips.

Amane was caught off guard, confused, immobilized and furious, and the moment the man pulled back, he said,"Sorry for this bro..."

He then punched him square in the jaw and the sound of metal hitting bone was heard amidst the cheers.

Amane was still confused and was more concerned about that kiss than he was about his burst lip as the guy received cheers from the fans, walked back to him and stretched an arm towards him.

Amane angrily hit it off and the man honestly looked hurt, then smiled and said,"I get it, it's been a while, but for now, let's make it look good before the crowds."

He then hit Amane again in the cheek, knocking his face like he wanted it malformed then smirked and said,"That same unbeatable smile..."

He lifted the stunned Amane up by the arm and gave him three lover shots before throwing him down to a cross arm bar.

He then said,"Sorry about this bro."

"Yeah...sorry for you..."

Amane slipped out of the submission hold as if slipping into his clothes then made easy work of the man and taking all his anger out on him, not because of the injuries, but because of that stupid kiss.

Despite all this, the dude had that same smile that Amane often had on his own face, the smile he had when he got hurt...who was this weirdo?

Amane was declared winner after the man could literally get up no more and when he left the ring, the previously unconscious man found a way to come after him, and hold his hand.

Amane almost surgically fused brass with this man's skull when he said,"Calm down bro, I just wanted to talk..."

He was about to diss him off when he saw Luis waving his hands like maniac, signifying for him to use his old charm...

Amane smirked and asked,"What about, babe?"

The man looked a little flustered then asked,"You remembered?"

"Well your hitting me across the face with metal on your fists didn't make it any easier, but yeah...Tyler..."

"...Duncan, you did remember...how about we catch up during dinner tonight?"

"Sure, I'm free after giving myself to be pummeled up, where do you have in mind."

"I have a place with the perfect beach sunset..."

Amane couldn't stop wiping the imaginary spit off of his lips as he proceeded towards Luis them Luis asked,"What did he say?"

"What do you think?!"Amane asked, honestly furious.

"Calm down, you aren't cheating on Scarlet Sapphira because he did it and I told you to continue to find more info on what's happening."

"Oh so you think manipulating him is any better?! Well it is, I'm going to get him back for that.."

"Hold your horses, we have to get you ready..."


Amane walked through the well designed beach front view of the plaza and sat at a table, opposite Tyler...his ex...

Tyler took a deep breath then said,"It's been long Amane, far too long."

Amane tilted his head and asked,"I thought you didn't want to see me again after..."

"Come on Amane, we all cheat, but not all are good enough to leave..."

Amane smirked then touched his lap from beneath the table and he obviously got the message, then he immediately straightened up and asked,"Anyway, what's going on there? Why are matches simultaneously popping up all around the globe?"

"I thought you knew, you took down your father as boss and so you're the heir to the throne, but only if you beat his record...the men in there were trying to build a foundation, but I...I just wanted to see you again."

Amane took a sip of the whiskey before him and so did Tyler, he then asked after buying himself another question,"So why then were they so eager for me to join in on the fun?"

"Like I said, they were building a foundation, all they want is to beat you in a match and be able to take all your wins to add to theirs and get ever so closer to ruling the rig, but like I said, I don't care about any of that, I just wanted you..."

"You clarified that, just like you clarified just what I needed, I've gotta go and one more thing, don't go around smooching everyone you meet over some long dead relationship, it's disgusting."

Amane was walking away when Tyler abruptly stood up and asked,"Wait, so you just used me to find out about your eminent downfall?! I'll tell everyone where you are!"

"Let them come in their numbers, that never scared me before..."Amane said.

He then tapped his chest and gave Tyler a peace out, before putting down one finger and leaving the other floating, then confidently strode off the premises...

Tyler was furious for being manipulated like that, Amane hadn't changed one bit.

He then took his phone and spoke Portuguese to it, saying,"Amane's at the vantage point, go exactly according to the plan..."