
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


The doctors put on the defrilibrators and shocked her chest. They tried again, it wasn't working. Suddenly, an intern nurse pushed forward and gave her C.P.R.

The doctors told her it wouldn't work, but then she got a pulse.

The doctors looked at the nurse, shocked and she said they should run a blood test on her.

They did it and one of the doctors asked,"Why is her blood so polluted?"

Mark and Lucy were called to the hospital and they asked,"What is wrong?"

One of the doctors said,"The deadly nightshade has rendered her kidneys useless. She needs a kidney transplant."

Lucy said,"I will..."

"...give her my kidney."

Lucy looked at Mark and asked what he was doing. He answered,"As your husband and her father, it's my job to protect you and her, you can't risk giving her something so precious, especially when you are pregnant with our daughters."

Lucy still insisted but he wouldn't hear of it. Lucy eventually agreed and he was taken for the surgery immediately.

Mark came home feeling slightly nauseous and when I found out he had given Lucille a kidney, I fainted.

I woke up on a hospital bed with Lucy and Mark by my side. I apologized to Mark for what he went through but he assured me it was okay, he really wanted to.

Oleh laughed at the chaos her boyfriend had caused then kissed him, he said,"Time for phase three..."


It was my birthday but I didn't want it celebrated. The bad news was overbearing, I couldn't celebrate when Lucille was in a coma and Mark had lost a kidney.

Because of that, I spent my birthday with Rose, just to seek comfort and I found it.

I rushed to school the next day as I realized I was late. I kissed Rose goodbye and left her room.

I slid down the stairs and called my driver then got into the bathroom. I got ready and rushed to the car which was waiting for me on the parking lot and he drove away.

I got to the school and front flipped through the window into my first class.

The teacher turned and saw me then said,"Tommy, you're late."

"I know, I just got caught up and lost track of time."

"Where's your assignment?"

"Oh it's right..."

I left my bag in the car...

"Gimme a second."

I dive rolled through the window and chased the car, but he was already several meters away. I wasn't giving up.

I ran and jumped on the side of a car and bounced off it then gripped a traffic light and spun to the top.

I did a triple back flip and landed on a truck. Then I jumped onto a fire escape and climbed to the top.

The car took a turn and I ran and dived down. I caught a traffic light and swung then landed on top of the car. The driver looked out of the window and I waved at him.

He was startled and drove off the road.

I asked him to take me back and he was skeptical but did, the second time, I remembered my bag and submitted my assignment.

We had football practice at gym class that day and I rocked it. I had the day off from work so I visited Lucille with some flowers that day.

Lucy was already sitting beside her, waiting for her to wake up.

I placed my hand on Lucy's shoulder then she gasped and called,"Lucille?"

I didn't understand till she raised her hand and let go of Lucille's.

Lucille was holding her hand.

I was breathing heavily as I smiled and ran to call the doctor. The doctor came then smiled.

They ran some tests on her and said she was recovering, she'd be awake in about a few months.

Lucy was overwhelmed with joy and hugged me while crying tears of joy. Mark soon walked in and saw Lucy crying in my arms. He felt like even more bad news was coming his way and asked,"What's wrong with my daughter?"

I smiled at him and said,"She's recovering, that's what's wrong."

Mark gasped and slowly walked to her then called her name, her finger twitched. He called again and she twitched again.

Finally, some good news.

After that, Mark asked if I was ready to celebrate my birthday and I said yes.

The next Saturday, they threw the biggest birthday party I had ever had, at the zoo. Hundreds of people came and gave me uncountable presents but I had gotten the best one already, Lucille was better...

I was now sixteen and Lucy finally agreed to teach me how to drive. I was so excited as I thought Lucy's driving was awesome. She took me for a ride on a dirt track and I screamed and ran out of the car to puke the moment she stopped, she asked,"Tommy, are you okay?"

"Again! Again!"

She smiled at me.

I arrived home one night to see five cops talking to Mark and Lucy. I was confused and even more when one walked up to me and said,"Mr Tommy Lester, you are under arrest for murder and false identity."

I dropped my jaw then became angry when another put Mark on handcuffs. I yelled,"What did he do?!"

The cop looked at me and said,"He has been harbouring a criminal and was your accomplice."

Lucy didn't want them to take us away but Mark kissed her and said,"We'll be fine sweetie."

They walked out with the two of us.

Lucy couldn't hold back her tears this time and burst into tears. She ran in our direction but some cops blocked her.

She tried to push through but one slapped her and she fell on her back. She screamed and Mark lost it.

He elbowed the cop to his right and shouldered the one to his left. He headbutted the one at his front and ran towards Lucy. A cop aimed a taser at him but I bumped him and he missed and hit another cop.

He ran to Lucy and asked if she was okay, but she wasn't. It wasn't the slap, it was the fall. Before Mark could speak again, several cops held Mark and dragged him away. Lucy screamed our names to no avail.