
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


The girls had been locked in their collective, open windowed, jewel painted and incense perfumed, mansion sized room, with English speaking maids waiting on them, hand and foot, for a few hours.

Chandeliers made of amethyst and aquamarine were placed in a radially symmetrical pattern, emphasizing the largest, of needle quartz in the centre.

The high, arched doorways were designed with platinum and rhodium.

Cucumber vines climbed up the tall columns with the corners dominated by bipinnate Holly leaf cycads.

Golden lamp stands with crystals and gemstones and scented candles were placed all around the ivory and sand cream room.

The floors and walls were designed with colourful heiroglif symbols, telling a story.

They looked out the balcony and all they saw was people working on three boat like booths, decorated with gold and multicoloured natural paints.

They were works of art, but Ruby couldn't help but feel those three booths had a connection with the three of them, and this time, they weren't allowed to leave, so they couldn't go to find out.

Ruby asked one of the maids to summon their father, but she said,"His Majesty is currently undisposed but will be here shortly."

"That's what you said thirty minutes ago!"

"I'm sorry your highness, but have patience, he will return to you, I know of it..."

That was cringe.

Ruby went to Rose, whose hair was being braided by some maids and Kohl applied to her face.

Ruby had already finished her spa session and Lucille was to be last, the maids wanted to ' focus all their efforts on one princess at a time '.

Ruby was slightly uncomfortable in the dress she wore...it was too comfortable.

The pure white, linen straight gown which touched the floor and crossed over itself like a peace lily, with the clear white lace over it and her shoulders, interwoven with threads of gold and silver.

The dress was made complete with the jewelry she wore, with actual rubies, diamonds and sapphires plaited within her hair, dress and even on her ankles.

Every step she took was so free and there was so much air within, it felt like being on a cloud, but she didn't like it, he had never dressed them up like this on compulsion before, why then?

But the main reason she didn't like the dress was that it reminded her of the dress she wore to her wedding, both of them, the first and the second, thinking of that made her heart weep as she thought of Mack...

Rose was finally done and she walked out, with the red dress flowing down to a slit which hid the linen trousers she wore within.

The dress was thin and highlighted all her naturally perfect features and had Rose petals embedded within its hemming.

The dress was brought to a finish with a blue rose in her hair and and band of striated red and yellow roses at her waist.

Lucille was then beckoned in but didn't want to go, as the maids earnestly begged her, till Rose said she should go, no other servants needed to die because of them.

They began by placing Lucille in a bath with scented oils and herbs, multicoloured water lilies and cleaner fish within the pool.

It tickled when the fish fed on the dead skin cells and parasites naturally present on her body and she couldn't stay still as the women massaged her, they then took her out and dried her, while applying oils, lotions and kohl to her skin, then went on to her hair.

They braided it and put in beads made of silver to contrast the naturally golden themed colour of her hair, then brought her a dress which looked straight out of a fairytale.

It was pale salmon pink and was in three rows, each with a layer of transparent linen over it.

Each row was shorter than the one before it and ended in a double curved slit which had flowers and curled linen on the hems.

Water lilies were placed in her hair and a bouquet of the aquatic flowers in her hands, then the maids said the three should follow them and under Rose's command, they did.

They slowly and gracefully walked through the palace grounds as everyone looked at them in awe.

They then got to the centre of the palace, where they saw their father, addressing the people.

He smiled and said,"And behold, my three beautiful daughters."

The crowd went wild seeing them, some even for the first time then he made them to stand before him.

Ruby wanted to ask why he was showing them to the people dressed up like that when they were just in town square the other day, but brushed it aside.

All of us were stunned when we saw the girls, we knew they were beautiful but...this was breathtaking, so that was what a rose looked like when it was pruned.

Mack found himself falling in love all over again and Lucy felt so proud of her daughter...but remembered what was at stake.

Then Mack lost his senses all over again and stormed off.

Luis called him several times but he didn't respond, he couldn't wait any longer.

Luis sighed and said we should stick to the plan, he was going to drag Mack's corpse back.

I looked around the place and scanned human heat signatures behind a massive, locked door and they seemed to be within bronze cages as well.

I told Luis about it and he asked,"Well, what are you waiting for? Investigate!"

He was obviously angry and stressed out, I got it.

I looked at the door till a guard yelled at me, but before he could take out his weapon, I crane kicked him, hard, in the chin and he fell down.

I looked at the palm scanning lock and laughed to myself...


He then announced that the time was nigh and the people would see their redemption soon, which made even the people outside the palace walls start screaming for joy, what did that mean?

He then told the girls to follow him and they walked with him down the stairs, till Lucille's gown got stuck in a floral arrangement and she lagged behind.

She began to get scared as there were gasps all-over, till he walked behind her, untangled her dress, kissed her forehead gently, then moved on.

She took a deep breath and continued walking, amidst the murmurs in that language she couldn't understand.

He then took them to the grounds where the booths were being built then he asked,"Do you know what these are?"

Lucille hadn't the foggiest, but Rose spoke,"The Sun barges of Ra? Used in religious ceremonies to carry the king and gods."

"They are for you three, I will walk ahead."

Rose looked at him, to the surprise of even Ruby as he smiled and was about to leave when Ruby asked,"But aren't you like Pharaoh or something? Shouldn't you follow the rules?"

"I may have to follow them, but can and will change them..."

He walked away and told some of their room's maids to lead them in a tour, across the religious grounds, while he went to handle some business.

They led the three away but they only got more questions, what were they going to do in a sun barge? Why would he put himself in the disgrace of walking ahead, after they had disgraced him so much in the past? What was this all about?

They were led on and their father went to stand beside someone in a cloak, then said,"Take the woman..."

Then he left.

The person began to giggle, then laughed maniacally then happily skipped away...