
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


Emily could finally say with confidence, she was much more beautiful than all the maids.

She got up from her shared bed and walked towards her husband, who was writing some hieroglyphics on a papyrus.

She kissed his neck and he chuckled as she asked,"Why did you leave? I missed you."

"I have an army to assemble my love, it wouldn't take long."

"Oh, couldn't you do that later?"

"With you...I don't think I ever will."

She kissed his cheek then asked,"Was that convincing enough?"

He said without looking,"Give it one more effort."

She kissed him on the lips and all the maids, including Kitten/Sekhmet, were surprised and even...scared.

He grinned then stood up and kissed her back.

Her hands ran all around his body as she pulled off his collar piece and leopard skin coat.

He kissed her till she pushed him back, so hard, he actually, for the first time in his life, missed his steps and tumbled onto the bed.

She then lay over him with her hands over his and him breathing heavily as she kissed him again and he wanted more.

Osiris sent for him and he said he had to go, but Emily wasn't willing to let him go that easily.

She tempted him, with her lips and her touch and he didn't leave, he couldn't, she was too enticing.

After kissing for over five minutes, someone cleared their throat and the two realized Osiris himself was watching them, with a smug grin.

The two quickly got off the bed and payed homage to him as he said,"I see you are very pleased with what you got."

Looking at her from the corner of his eyes, Jonathan said,"Yes, father...you wished to speak with me?"

"I do not wish to interrupt anything important, but the men are awaiting your presence."

Forthhold then said,"I will be there, father."

He stood up as the maids quickly redressed him, and he walked out, with Kitten by his side.

He made Emily stay behind, because she was too distracting and she loved that she messed with him.

Anubis/Mr Welshes, stood before the several men who had been chosen.

They were all dark skinned and very well built, from a human standpoint, these men looked like Olympic trained athletes skilled in multiple weapons, fighting styles, strength, speed and stamina courses since they were children.

Mr Welshes looked at one of them then walked closer to the man, who didn't flinch once.

He then asked,"What are you willing to do for my sake?"

"I will end anyone in my way till I find and retrieve the three chosen ones, your majesty."

Jonathan looked at him with a smirk and said,"There will only be four main obstacles, I will need twelve of you to do the job and do it perfectly..."

The men chanted as he spoke,"... seeing forty two of you, I will have no other choice than to set up a tournament, where you all battle to the death, to see which of you are best suited for the job."

"We live to serve!"They all yelled.

He took a few steps back then went to his father, who asked,"So, whom do you think will win?"

Jonathan looked at one of them as they marched off, then said,"He is better built than most of them and responded quite well to the information, but only time will tell..."


I took the kids to an amusement park while Rose and the others prepared everything for the baby shower.

Going on all the rides brought to life the child within me.

I was often the one leading the children to the sparkliest rides I could find, or the biggest cotton candy floss.

Lucille on the other hand, was mostly caught up on her phone, talking to her manager.

He told her of deal after deal, diet after diet and don't after don't, which I realized was stressing her out.

I couldn't stand my first friend getting so stressed, so snatched the phone, dissed the manager, then flung it into the nearest bucket of puke.

She asked why I did that with fear and a trembling voice and I remembered what happened so many years ago...

I sat besides her and said,"You shouldn't be over working yourself at this age, that usually happens when you're thirty, you should loosen up more."

"But what if he cancels all my deals?"

"Your mother's Lucy Lester and you expect him to want to face her wrath?"

She was silent for a second as I brought up the cheesiest thing I could, a sock puppet.

She laughed and said I acted younger than she was and she was right, Mark may have been younger than me in years, but I was younger than Lucille in my mind...that didn't come out right...

When we went back home, the boring parts of the party were already over and I was glad, I would have slept much before the triplets did.

We helped to clean up the place after everything and I had to go back to campus, I hadn't been there in weeks, but probably didn't miss much because I was already done with the syllabus anyway.

Luis and Mack personally drove me back and I blushed, I knew they couldn't live without me.

After literally kicking me out of the car and driving off, they high fived each other and I smiled smugly, then brought out their wallets from my pocket, thinking of how long it would take for them to notice they were with me, thinking of that made me smile, then fled when their car stopped...

I realized I was no more paired with Roderick, but now was with a guy named Darryl Wisconsin.

His family owned a long chain of hotels in the Emirates and Japan and he was one of the heirs.

I tried to say hello, but he gave me a funky look then said,"So you think you could just parade in and out of here as you wish?! College is a battle ground and you have to look out for yourself, instead on going on rescue missions and riding into the sunset with your girlfriend."

Someone has watched way too many Game of Thrones movies...

I shrugged then went to my table and sat down to revise.

I could barely focus as he kept staring at me...what was his deal?

I asked after thirty minutes of constant glaring, but all he did was path, then look into his phone...creep.

I finally found my composure in the library and was having mixed feelings about the fact that the entire secret section of the library had been updated and those creepy books gotten rid of.

I was happy because I no longer needed to worry about anyone getting kidnapped, or some crazy lady materialising in my room and staring at me while I slept...It happens.

I was also kind of bummed out because I still needed information on Mr Welshes and what he was, how he got like that and what he was planning.

The pros outweighed the cons, so I went to the master librarian to ask where the books had been taken.

She was surprisingly pleasant to me, considering the fact that she often sent people to stall me so I'd deliver my books a second late and be fined like I had a dozen parking tickets.

She told me they had been taken to a government facility to decode the encrypted messages and I really wanted to go, the company and my high class would have given me the much needed clearance to get there, or at least a boost, but my grades drew me back.

Sigh, I guess it's back to school, yay.