
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


One of the men tried to grab Rose but she ducked and grabbed the shaft of the weapon that had penetrated her vehicle, then slid forward with the momentum and rolled over the hood to get some room between herself and them.

One of the men tried to hold her but she opened the boot by the key and it flew up.

He grabbed it and she quickly snatched her coat and his khopesh sword while he was distracted then sliced behind his knee and when he fell off balance, she banged the door on his hand.

One of the men tried to open the door but she kicked him in the...excuse me, then elbowed the man who was already down, opened the boot again and brought out an umbrella then jabbed it at the second man's... excuse me, but he caught it...phew, I'm not being bias, I'm defending the integrity of the male gender for your information.

She pushed it towards him but he grabbed it tightly till she opened it and distracted him then stabbed the khopesh sword right through it at his face.

The umbrella was knocked out of the way just in time but she was gone, then the man looked at the other on the floor, in agony, then slowly slit his throat, before leaving to find the target with his partner, his biological brother was no more, he was weak.

Rose had been running through the street till she got to a traffic warden and begged him to call the forces but before he could say anything, a car drove right into the two.

She knocked him out of the way, but his legs were useless, now and possibly forever.

He was still in pain and she looked in the car to see the driver had an arrow in her neck.

An arrow flew directly at her face but she caught it then ran off to find the police.

She could only see one man following her and that was scary, she didn't know where the other two were, but needed to know.

She ran into the nearest public area, the mall but didn't get far when a man swiped a sword at her head.

She bent backwards then moved to the side then punched him in the floating ribs and wound her legs around his arm and pulled it as he yelled and people screamed.

An arrow flew her way and she ducked till there was a pop.

She looked at the man and saw the other one as he slowly stalked towards her, then put on her phone's location and ran and the man followed till he felt a sharp pain to his side and saw a mall cop shooting him with a taser, then he jumped and literally smashed the man's head with his fist.

The man had finished making sport of all the insignificant obstacles in his way, but it was left with finding the target.

He looked around then at the snow covered ground, there were several footprints, but he knew exactly which ones were Rose's.


Three arrows were fired at Lucy then she caught two and deflected one and used the two in her hands as daggers.

She dodged the knife that had been flung at her and dived over the table and threw one of the arrows at a man's knee but he caught it, only to get a bottle of hot sauce smashed over his exposed face.

He yelled in agony as Lucy elbowed him in the belly and smashed his head onto the counter then stuck it into the microwave.

She deflected an arrow to the back of the cooking man who couldn't get the metal box off of his head by using a knife, then threw it at the man who was trying to get to Thomasina and did a b aerial over the counter and jabbed the arrow still in her hand into the hand of the man who tried to get to her daughter, nailing it to the door, with a deadly look on her face, she pulled it out and bent backwards and let the flying arrow stab him in the face.

Lucy then ducked as the man swiped the sword at her face with a backward grip, letting the shsks in the sword face her neck.

She kicked his knee then opened the oven, letting smile and fire pour out and distract him as she took the alcohol and smashed the glass over his...erhem, setting his kilt on fire.

He yelled as she kicked his leg and made him fall backwards to his head then stomped hard, on his face.

She flung her hair to the side then cuffed her sleeves with a scoff and said,"One point for me."

She was about to open the door for Thomasina, who was crying by now, when she saw the last man take a knife to murder himself, but she pulled out the arrow from the man's hand on the door and flung it at the other man's hand then said,"I'm not letting you go that easy."

She then opened the door and immediately carried Thomasina on her chest, pressing the confused and scared child's face to her neck and letting her see nothing but what her wild imagination conjured.

She walked over the still alive man and kicked his other hand which had inherited the suicide weapon then stepped on his... before walking out, sorry, I still feel the pain thinking about it.


Ruby was about to take a taste of the food when she heard a ruckus in the storage room, then looked back as the door was locked by a dark, giant man, with one casually sitting on a window and the last standing predominantly in the centre of the kitchen.

Lucille then said,"Something tells me these aren't the new chefs."

One of them grabbed Markella by the arm then Ruby immediately stood up but he held her head tightly, hurting the child just by the force.

He then said,"Don't make any sudden movements if you want the child alive."

"You're quite fluent in Spanish for someone who spent his entire life learning Kemet culture, without the clothing choices."

He squinted his eyes then Markella screamed and Ruby said,"Okay! Okay, we'll do it."

She walked towards the man at the window and Lucille walked past the man with her sister towards the window then clenched her hand around the object Ruby had placed in her hand.

Lucille clenched the house keys between her fingers and punched them deeply into the liver of the man holding her sister.

He yelped in pain as she wrapped her legs around his neck and dragged him down then screamed for her sisters to get to their mother.

The man started getting up with Lucille on him till she snatched an unbreakable glass saucepan lid and broke it over his head, then safety rolled backwards.

The man in the centre of the room smashed the plate that had been thrown at him and deflected another, then began taking them head-on as he stormed towards Ruby till she smirked and ducked below his legs and tripped him to fall over the broken ceramic.

She got up when she was grabbed from behind by the man previously on the window then elbowed him in the head and tried to pull his head to the sink but his neck was hard as steel, then became floppy as rubber when Lucille smashed a baseball bat to the back of his head.

Ruby looked at her niece who said,"This kitchen's a fortress."

The man suddenly roared as he stood up but Lucille kicked him square in the jaw and yelled,"Stay down!"

They then casually walked out of the mess and met Lucy with the children then asked where the boys were, sigh, the boys...