
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


A few days later, a teacher went to report to the Principal about an exceptional student in his class. He asked if she could write a promotional exam and the Principal was surprised when she looked at her file, she was just promoted less than a month ago.

Rose wrote the test and got a C-, she was remaining in my class.

I was surprised as she was far more capable than that and went to talk to her.

"Rose, what happened? Why didn't you get promoted?"

"I didn't want to."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to be away from my best friend."

Best friend?!

My legs wobbled and my insides felt like jelly, I didn't speak until I woke up from Dreamland when she tapped me, then I said,"No, you have to live your life, exploit your potential, I don't want to hold you back."

"Really? Thank you!"

She hugged me then I realized, she lied, I picked the correct Ruby last month...

Oh well.

She retook the test and was promoted to Ruby's class. I felt a little bummed out because I was going to see less of Rose, but comforted my self with the notion that we could still keep in touch.

I went to the bathroom one day but it was full, so I went to Rose's floor to use that one.

I mistakenly went into the girls' bathroom, again, but had no time, my bladder was about to explode!

I went into a stall and saw green spikes outside the door.

I knew it was Ruby in her pineapple outfit, but I heard her talking to Rose.

One of them said,"How long do I have to wear this suit for? It's getting me into a lot of trouble."

"I thought you liked trouble, besides, the deal was, wear it everyday without washing it for a month, or I open a can of worms for your little Tomboy..."

I couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"...why on earth are you so interested in that Tommy anyway? He's not even that cute, trust me girl, you look like me and I look angelic, you can get far richer, cuter boys in school than him."

"I'm not a shallow, gold-digger like you Rose."

I was stunned.

"Well that's not a nice thing to say about your elder sister."

"By thirteen minutes."

"By a year, remember we were born at midnight on 31st December? Oh yeah, you have the IQ of a rusted spoon, you're dyslexic."

Rose began an evil yet perfect laugh, I could tell Ruby just wanted to punch her in the face but she just left.

I wanted to know more so I told Rose that I'd go home with Mark that day—like nothing happened—then told one of the guards to drive me with him to follow Rose.

I sneaked into their house. Their guards allowed me in since they thought I was a guest.

Ruby was... scrubbing the stairs...

But why?

Just when she finished, Rose walked up the stairs with muddy Wellington boots as it was raining.

She said,"Oh Ruby, you missed a spot."

She then kicked the bucket full of water down and said,"Ugh! Why are you so clumsy?! Clean this mess before I get back. Also, my laundry is in my room."

Then she left.

Why was Ruby doing housework?

And also, why aren't there any maids in this large house?

Just then, her mother came down the stairs.

Phew, she's going to stop this madness.

"Oh Ruby, clean the mess you made, and my laundry is also in my room...wash it properly."

"Yes mother."

I was jaw dropped then when her mother left, I ran to Ruby and yelled her name. She was startled and almost fell down the stairs but I caught her just in time.

She yelled,"What are you doing here?!"

"What are you doing here?! Why are you doing housework?!"

"It's none of your business."

"Yes it is, what is going on?"

"You have to leave, right now."

"I'm not leaving until you give me answers."

"I said, mind your bee's wax."

"Fine, then I'll confront Rose."

"No, no! Ugh, fine, I'll tell you...I'm the Cinderella in this mansion."

"Why? And where are the servants?"

"They were fired so I could do the work."


"Remember I told you how loving my family was? Well this is it. Now leave."

"No, I know you are wearing this ridiculous costume to protect me, but why are you so rude to me if you care about me?"

She sighed and said,"I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth like Rose..."

"How come?"

"That's a story for another time and you betrayed me, that's the other reason I'm rude to you."

Little did we know Rose was already watching us...

"What are you talking about?"I asked.

"You chose Rose over me."

"That's because you lied to me."

"That what?"

"That Rose was the one sent to and kicked out of military school when it was you."

"That's not true."

"You're lying again, she showed me proof, the expulsion form."

"Ugh, why are you so pea brained? Why on earth do you think my parents will give that to her? She forged it."

I was speechless, I hadn't thought about that, she had played me all this time, just then I heard Rose say,"Well, well, well, our little Tomcat has found out our little secret, no need to complain about the outfit anymore sis, because I'm going to have some fun."

Ruby glared at me and said,"I told you to leave."

"I'm not scared of Rose."

"You should be, why do you think she was kicked out of military school?"

"You should listen to your girlfriend Tomcat."

I glared at Rose and said,"Now I know the truth, I will never be your puppet again, and I will never let you hurt Ruby again."

With that I stormed off and Rose started to chuckle.