
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


I was soaking in all the childish goodness around me when he asked,"So, what do you want to try first?"

I yelled without a thought,"The flying saucer!"

The flying saucer was a ride that consisted of a saucer shaped room which spun around at great speeds, making the centrifugal force stick you to the walls. The room also went up and down to give you the feel of flying through space.

He shrugged his shoulders and went with me.

He bought two tickets and we entered. The ride started and we were stuck to the walls. I felt my intestines rolling about but loved it.

When the ride was over he was tremendously dizzy and I was excited. When he regained balance, he asked me,"So where do you want to go next?"

"The slithering snake!"

The slithering snake was the name for the snake themed rollercoaster.

"You're the boss."He said.

I felt like the biggest boss in the world when he said that. I pulled him to the gate and he paid the fee.

The ride started with the snake ascending a hill, slowly. Mark was bored and said,"Is this it?"

"I've never been on a roller coaster and yet even I know this isn't where it ends...brace yourself."

"What? For wh-aaaah!!!"

The snake descended in great speed, going left and right like a sidewinder, going up hills like a cobra and even on double loop the loops. I enjoyed it, but Mark was screaming and he seemed like he wanted to puke.

After that ride, he had trouble keeping balance, but I still dragged him to the cotton candy machine.

I took a blueberry flavoured whip and he took caramel.

Before he was done, I dragged him to the alien invasion.

The alien invasion was a stall where you payed to get ten ping pong balls to shoot at moving aliens on a screen with.

I wanted the fluffy frog so Mark payed and I began to shoot. I missed all of them and looked at Mark. Without a second thought, he payed again and I kept shooting.

The woman who owned the stall kept discouraging me but Mark remained quiet.

After five tries, I gave up, but Mark said,"It's my turn."

I was confused as to why a grown-up would want to play a silly game like this but he still paid and looked through the gun's target hole and personally, I was beginning to think he just wanted to impress me, that thought made me frown.

He then shot five times in succession, hitting all the aliens. My jaw dropped and he said,"Aim to where they're going to be, not at where they are."

"I'm impressed."I said in the coolest tone I could muster which sounded like a zebra giving birth to a seal because puberty was very unkind to my vocal chords.

It took me several seconds to understand that advice but after I did, a huge sense of relief run through me.

When we were leaving with the fluffy green puppet, he said,"Wait a minute, you said my brother couldn't do it."

The woman gulped down...

I couldn't carry out of the park all the toys that were on the stall so I gave most of them out.

We were in the car on our way home when I yelled,"This was the best day ever!!!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, when you came with me to school, I got to sit with the popular kids, I was free from bullying and I went to the greatest place in the world! Thanks making this the best day ever little bro."

"I was born decades before you."

"Don't fight it."

"Fine, you're welcome."