
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


Luis was walking towards his car when he saw something going on, it was Danielle, she was being chased by two muggers.

He looked at her as she screamed for help, then rolled his eyes and took out his keys, he knew this wouldn't play well, for one, what was she doing so close to his car?

And why did they allow her to run in the first place? Why didn't she have anyone and he meant anyone protecting her? Her army of guards, her hefty boyfriend or even the paparazzi that were always swarming around her like the money and fame seeking bees they were.

He knew it was a set up.

He barely opened the door when she materialized on his leg and he tried to kick her off but she stuck to him like a magnet.

The robbers came and pointed a gun at him then said,"Let the dame go and don't play hero mister."

"Oh don't worry lads..."He said,"... she's all yours."

"Luis, please don't let them take me!"Danielle begged.

"Get off me you weirdo, you don't want to know what I'll do to you if you don't."He said in a low tone.

They started yanking her off and she gripped his arm then scratched one of them and he instantly retaliated by slapping her on the cheek.

Black tears poured down her cheeks as she clung to Luis' arm, with the men still threatening him.

He was about to hold on to his word and literally do something to her when one of them...' thought he was going to attack them ' and punched him across the face, when he had a knife, and his friend had a gun.

Luis licked his lip, threw Danielle off his arm then turned to the men with his head down low and smirked and said,"Someone's going to die tonight..."

Earlier that day...

Lucille had gone to her personal driver for school with the triplets after Lucy had kissed her goodbye.

Immediately, Luis hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek as she giggled and he said,"Now I have you all to myself."

"Oh someone please save this damsel in distress!"She bemoaned.

He carried her in then placed her on the couch and said,"Lucy, setting all jokes aside, there's something important I have wanted to ask you for several weeks now."

"And what's that?"Lucy asked, already knowing what it was.

He went down on one knee and brought out a sapphire ring embedded in a diamond, matching with her eyes, then he asked,"Lucy Giselle Lester, will you do me the honours of being my..."

"Yes!"She yelled.

She hugged him tightly and kissed him but his expression changed, looking around, then he sighed and said,"But on one condition."

"And what's that?"

"...we can't have anymore kids...I know you love children and want to get as many as possible but, I don't and if you couldn't agree with that then maybe..."

She kissed him and said,"Lucille and the triplets will be more than enough for me."

"Are you sure? What about everything you always say and..."

She shushed him by placing a gentle finger on his lips and said,"It will be alright, don't worry about a thing."

He smiled then kissed her back and said,"You will truly make me the happiest man alive."

She smiled back...

"Guess what girls, I'm getting married!"Lucy told the four fairies.

They was a short and almost unnoticeable silence as Phoebe subtly reminded the others to congratulate her, so they did...the best they could.

Phoebe was able to calm the seas and made Stephanie use her connections to help Lucy plan the wedding which was still more than three months away, while Danielle said,"Phoebe! We're losing him!"

"Girl calm down, everything is going according to plan."Phoebe said.

"... I'm starting to think you only say that when your previous plan derails and you have to think of something else without the pressure of our joined anxiety distracting you."

"Debby, darling..."Phoebe said,"...shut up."

That very evening...

Luis stepped off the dead bodies on the floor and turned back to get in his car when Danielle said,"Luis, I have to say thank you for saving me."

"I didn't save or care about you, I only gave them what they had coming to them."He said simply.

"But you still saved me in the process, why don't I get you a drink, my treat...and Lucy is more than welcome."

"Don't you think you've interfered enough with Lucy and her love life?"

"But I'm her friend."

"Doesn't seem like it."

"Please Luis, I beg of you."

He didn't care about the paparazzi who finally appeared, taking pictures of the dead bodies and her begging him, he only cared about the fact that she would literally stick to him like a glue trap if he didn't say yes.

He groaned and said,"Fine."

"Thank you..."She said,"...you wouldn't regret it."

' Of course I won't. ' He thought, sarcastically.

He then drove off, intentionally almost running her over with his car in the process.


Ruby and Rose read the revealed message, it was the names of all those in the picture, and an address as well.

They couldn't recognize any of them, but were going to find out what this all meant.

They walked back to their dad's room when visiting was allowed again but he was asleep, they decided not to bother him, but to find everything out themselves.

They recollected as much of their family's history as they could, photo albums, old letters, trinkets and heirlooms, they actually had a lot kept in their family's personal museum back in Ireland.

Ruby walked around the photo display and saw something promising, she recognized two people from the picture given to them.

Rose looked at their outfits, they were exactly the same, but these were entirely different pictures taken with different people, with the exception of their father.

There was a possibility that both of the pictures were taken on the same day, but how would that help them?

Rose then realized her father's badge in the picture on display, it wasn't anything on display or something they had ever seen before.

Asking their grandmother, she said it had been given to a family friend as a wedding gift, to the two people in both pictures.

Who were they? The governor and his soon to be wife.

"Sir, please Mr Welsh doesn't want any visitors today."The nurse said.

The man smirked and said,"Trust me Trudy, he'll really want to speak with me."

He went to Rose's and Ruby's father's room and placed his hand in his pocket, then barged in and pretended to shoot their father but he kept a dead serious expression .

Mr Dyke then sat beside his acquaintance then asked,"I heard you sent your daughters on some wild goose chase, why?"

Mr Welshes stood up, disconnected a syringe from his wrist and took a purple water lily and whiskey from within the bedside cabinet, then sniffed the flower and answered,"They needed the brain workout, being stuck with those spoiled, rich kids is ruining everything I spent so long teaching the both of them, the truth of this world, rich or poor, we're all just useless maggots scampering for the most nutritious mound of detritus to prolong our lifespan by a few hours, I trust that the shipment has been delivered."

"Incognito and with protection from the law even if discovered, but what do we do about that man that shot you?"

"Leave him to me..."He said and took a sip.