
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


I looked at the confusing array of lines, circles and symbols, then took a few photos with my phone on my person, before leaving.

I walked into my first lecture that Monday and went immediately to the instructor after it was over, it was....

He looked at me and said,"Well, isn't it Mr Lester, it seems your performance has improved."

"What does Yulec ila mean?"I asked.

"Pardon me?"

"A friend of mine said it a while back, it motivated me even though I had no idea what it meant, I thought you could help."

"...why did you not just ask of the person to give you the interpretation?"

"It's a thing not to ask too many questions in conversations."I lied...ish.

"Even when there is something you do not understand?"

"Especially when there's something you do not understand, so you'd better pay attention."

"...I do not know what that phrase means, but maybe you could ask of Ms Lewis, she is a foreign language researcher."

"I probably shouldn't, she ..."

He then got a message on his phone and a grave expression on his face.

I asked him what was happening but he just said,"It isn't of a bother to you, just go and...live your life."

' Go and live your life? That's normal... '

I started suspecting something as he started briskly walking towards the door.

I held his wrist and he looked at me then said I should allow him to leave, but I asked him for answers which he said he couldn't disclose.

I said if he didn't tell me what I wanted to know, neither of us were going to ' live our lives '.

He sighed then showed me the message, someone had been murdered on campus...


Luis opened his eyes on a hospital bed and looked around to see Danielle, having the audacity to visit him.

He tried to attack her but he had been handcuffed to the bed.

The security guard with her slowly placed down his weapon, on command and cautioned her on the criminal records they had found on him, being wanted in twenty three countries and seventeen states, he was worth a fortune on finding.

But upon all this, Danielle insisted on speaking with him and even ordered the guard to leave.

Once he had reluctantly obeyed her command, she looked back at Luis as he struggled to break free, then said,"Luis, I know you must hate me for what I did to you and I don't blame you at all, but look around, Lucy hasn't visited you once since the incident, and I'm here."

"Don't you dare bad mouth my fiancee!"He roared.

She took a step back then said,"Luis, I know you wouldn't hurt me."

"Oh yeah? Come closer and let's find out."

"... I'm pregnant, with your baby."

He then began to laugh maniacally then asked,"You think this changes anything?! Do you have any idea the number of six year olds I've murdered in cold blood? Or the pregnant mothers I stabbed right through the uterus? This will just make killing you a lot more fun."

She stood up and said,"Luis, I love you and I know you may not realize it right now, but I hope you soon will, after I free you from this place."

She left the room, then he looked at the hairpin and lip gloss in his fingers, and grinned...


Why would she have so many adoption papers?

Ruby took one and began reading as Rose continued searching through, then called her attention to a box below, at this point, they'd investigate on anything paranormal.

Opening the box, they saw wedding pictures, of the Chief of Police...and the woman.

She was much older than him which raised questions, but after seeing the wedding certificate, it was official, it did explain the adoption papers, she could be too old to give birth, so adopted, but why did she lie to them?

They took the box and one adoption certificate as proof, but knew they couldn't contact the police, not all of them at least.

Rose hired a private investigation team to analyze the evidence and it was legit, the Chief of Police was married to the woman they thought was his mother and had adopted six children.

They couldn't arrest him because this wasn't exactly a crime, and they were actually the ones at fault for stealing from her home.

They returned the box and certificates, then she invited them for tea again.

"So, why did you lie to us?"Ruby asked.

"Having a man like Rico married to you, with such a high social status and my being not only poor, but too old to even bear him a biological child, all of this puts pressure on me. I never wanted to ruin his career or make anyone think anything bad of him, so I lied to everyone who asked."

"How do we know you're not lying again?"Ruby asked.

"You are the only two people who know this, even our families don't, if you don't believe me, I couldn't impose my will on you."

"And why don't you want anyone to think badly of him?"Ruby asked.

"Ruby, calm down."Rose said.

"But she obviously believes in her husband, after he shot our father, isn't that right? Oh wait, you didn't know."

The old woman was speechless as Rose palmed her forehead, then she began to cry.

Rose went to comfort her but Ruby stood her ground, she had a feeling this lady was lying, deeply...