
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


The Sunday went normally, I went to church with Mark, we came home, I wasted our wifi on useless videos on YouTube till night, then I saw...

Supermodel Jenny Copeland's secret to having perfect skin, sleeping with a honey mask every night.

I looked up...

I smeared a generous amount of the fructose filled liquid on my face then lay on my bed.

Mark was brushing his teeth when he heard me yelling.

I barged into his bathroom yelling like crazy and he yelled back,"What's happening?!"

"Ants! All over my face!!!"

He took a bucket of water and threw it on my face and I yelled even louder,"It got in my nose!!!"

Mark did the first thing that came to his head, he slapped the back of my head and the water squirted out of my nostrils then I calmly said,"Thank you, brother."

"Why were there ants on your face?"

"Irono, those things were basically created to bug people, pun intended by the way...also I slept with a honey mask on."

"You slept with a what? Why?"

"It helps the skin."

He arched a brow and said,"You need help."

I frowned at him as he pushed me out of the bathroom then locked the door behind me.

I spent the next day with Ms Lucy after my lessons. She was taking Lucille and me to the mall when she stopped. There was a big crowd and everyone was looking up.

We got out of the car and Lucille gasped at what we saw...

A little girl was hanging on a balcony of an apartment building, holding on for dear life.

It seemed that the floor had broken when she was standing there and the people were taking videos, I was like What?!!!

The fire department were nowhere near and the girl was screaming.

Ms Lucy said I should take care of Lucille then left.

A few minutes later, the girl's right hand slipped and she couldn't hold on any longer.

The crowd gasped and my heart was racing.

There was a sharp scream as the girl dropped...

A person just ran on the roof of a nearby building and dived, catching the girl and pushing her to another balcony.

They landed safely and my jaw was dropped, I was even more surprised when Lucille said,"Mom?"

Ms Lucy looked at the traumatized girl and said,"Are you alright?"

The girl stiffly nodded and tightly hugged Ms Lucy.

The main doors of the building opened and the girl's parents cried as they ran to hug her.

And of course there were at least four news vans recording the parents thanking Ms Lucy.

She just smiled and Lucille ran to hug her.

I walked slowly while clapping and the crowd joined in.

The people came closer and made a wall, blocking me from reaching her. I frowned as I tiptoed, hopped and did everything in my power to see Ms Lucy.

The crowd started coming to me and I thought I was going to be trampled, until they cleared and Ms Lucy came out with Lucille.

I yelled,"Ms Stone, you're a hero!"

She just chuckled and held my hand.

The video went viral and people were giving all sorts of comments, the good ones totally drowned the haters who eventually gave up.

The video got a million views in a little over an hour and I asked Ms Lucy,"How on earth did you dive that far?"

She was silent then said,"I didn't know I could."

I widened my eyes and said,"So you could have...died?"

She bit her lip then looked at me and said,"Don't tell Lucille, please."

I nodded, fully agreeing.

Ms Lucy took me home and Mark started clapping when he saw us then said,"I've got to hand it to you, you did good..."

"Is that a compliment I hear?"I asked.

"...but I saved your life first."Mark ended.

"But mine was more heroic."Ms Lucy continued.

"But I did mine with more time to spare."

"And I did mine with the timing of a Caesium clock."

Lucille and I were looking left and right, then Lucille spoke up,"Okay, we get it! You're both babyish heroes who like to bluff about your achievements to make each other feel bad, can we go now?"

The two of them stuttered then nodded and Ms Lucy and Lucille left.

It was late so I went straight to bed, but I couldn't sleep, I had this weird vibe that I wasn't as safe as I thought I was, like I was in danger, from someone really close to me.

I had had feelings like that before and they were never wrong so I didn't brush it aside, but decided to be extra vigilant and careful.

I had to sleep with Mark because of the feeling and as usual, he didn't mind.