
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


The day of the date came and I was in a royal blue tuxedo, while Mark was in a grey one.

I was proud of my ruby red flying tie and tried my best to show it to everyone in the five star restaurant.

Mark and Tina, who had brown eyes and hair and a lemon green, gathered sister dress sat at table.

I looked at the two of them teasingly, making them uncomfortable...and I knew.

Mark coughed to conceal his words, he said...coughed,"Get out of here."

"Okay, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone because I've got to powder my nose."I said.

"Isn't it just girls who say that?"Tina asked.

"...I couldn't think of a better excuse."I said while slowly walking away.

After I was gone, the two of them looked at each other and Tina said,"He's still looking at us, isn't he?"


"Let's get another table."

"I thought you'd never ask."

They got up, but I came prepared. I brought out my binoculars from my pocket and stared at them as they talked... and recorded them.

I was having my moment until there was a sharp shrill, I looked back to see...a lady.

Wrong bathroom.

They threw soap, toilet paper, soap, napkins...soap.

Man, how much soap is in there?

I ran out of the restaurant to avoid their lavatory projectiles.

Why is the door so close to the bathroom?


I tried to go back in but two huge security guards in tuxedos and shades, with folded arms blocked my way.

"Uh, I'm with someone in there so you can let me in."

They remained silent, but didn't move.

I tried to squeeze in but they were immovable.

"Fine, I'll find another way to engage in my espionage, if you'll be so rude."I said, walking away.

I made myself comfortable on a ledge and put on my binoculars to watch them from a window but...

A guard was there! Just living and being there and annoying me!

I frowned at him.

Mark stood up with a deep frown on his face and said,"This isn't going to work this way."

"Wait, I could get rid of..."

"Where's Tommy? I'm leaving."

"No, no...."

"I'll call his phone."

He put his phone to his ear and halted.

Nevermind, I've found him.

He looked at me as I was chased left and right by guards.

"Does he always do this?"

Mark dropped his head and said,"Yes."

I was running then someone suddenly held my collar and started dragging me away.

I looked back to see Mark and smiled then yelled to the guards,"Ha! In yo faces! I told ya I'm with someone!"

When we got home, I said to Mark,"I was kicked out of the restaurant so I don't know what happened, so please fill me in.

"We aren't compatible."

"W- w- what? Why? Tell me, tell me, tell me..."I said and curled my lower lip while doing puppy dog eyes.

"...quit being weird...it was the average, different interests, no spark, she already has a boyfriend and she just wanted me because of my money."

"She already has a boyfriend?! How did you know?"

"You save only your spouse's contact as baby cakes and only they would call you baby names."

"I'm so sorry...but why did she pick up?"

"I did."


I felt really sorry for him. He was trying to get over Catherine and Oleh but it wasn't working, and my annoying behavior wasn't helping one bit.

The next day was radical! Olivia came for a visit and Mark took the two of us to the water Park! We went through the snaky water slide, the pool, the fountain and more!

We even went to the aquarium and Olivia and I were naming the sea creatures in the huge glass tank and looking through the deep blue looking glass of water.

The last place we went to was the tunnel of love and Mark put the two of us in... together.

The large swan boat we were on slowly sailed on the canal through the various sights.

We went through the sprinkler cave, romantic run off, peachy pear place and the last, but not the least, mistletoe mountain.

We were sailing in and I looked around and said,"Do they actually have to use real mistletoes? I mean how much would it cost to maintain them? And replacing them when they wilt? What a nightmare. Don't you...think...so."

She kissed my cheek.

I remained motionless as the boat docked and Olivia got down.

Mark looked at me quizzically and eventually carried me when he realized I wasn't going to move.

Olivia got off at her house and we drove away. Mark looked in the mirror and asked,"Tommy, are you okay? You haven't said a word since the tunnel of love."

I whispered.

"What did you say?"

"She kissed me."

"Woah, really, that's great."

"I know...she kissed me, she kissed me, she kissed me!!!"

"That was a little fast but, yay."Mark said.

We drove home and I happily ran to my room.

Olivia waited for her driver to arrive then got in.

Her driver took her to her penthouse and she went to her mom...Oleh.

"Mom, he is falling head over heels for me."

"And what about Marcus?"

"He isn't far behind."

"Good my daughter, revenge will be sweet..."