
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


I was at Ms Lucy's garden with Lucille, spraying the plants with water when the water just shut off. I looked at the spray nozzle to see if something was wrong and suddenly the water sprayed on my face.

I was ambivalent as I looked at Lucille who who was standing and laughing by the tap and l frowned.

Lucille laughed until she saw me pick a wad of mud and smile evilly, she took to her heels and I chased after her.

She laughed as she was getting the the glass door which I couldn't enter with the mud and crashed into it.

When the world stopped spinning, she saw me apply the colloidal mixture to...

"My dress!!"

I also began laughing until I saw the look on her face, the deadly look on her face...

I stared running Helter skelter and she chased after me till I tripped and fell face flat in the wet loam.

She laughed heartily and opened her eyes then got hit by a mud ball in the face unexpectedly.

She waved her hands to regain her balance but fell into the mud at her back.

The two of us started throwing mud at each other like crazy and miss Lucy watched from a window and smiled.

After our sandball fight, I rinsed myself with the hose but made sure to keep a keen eye on the tap to prevent any unwanted pranks.

I walked in, soaking wet and rinsed the inside of my mouth, it was full of mud. Lucille went to her room and came back a few seconds later, in new clothes.

I was shocked at how quickly she changed.

I couldn't watch TV since I would've wet the white leather couch with brown water so I sat on the tiled floor.

Chef Francois made lunch and Lucille, Ms Lucy and I went to eat, but I stood to eat for fear of dirtying the chair.

Ms Lucy didn't mind and told me to sit and I slowly did.

I still tasted some loam as I ate but it could've been worse so I managed.

I went to the bathroom in Lucille's room to dry myself after that when I felt a chill up my spine.

I slowly looked back to see a maid staring at me from the door with a wide yet scary smile on her face.

I looked back at her but she didn't twitch.

I finished toweling myself and she still hadn't stopped smiling. After a while of her smiling, I gave up on waiting and left, but she followed me, with that same smile...

I started running and she kept up still smiling. I made a turn and started breathing heavily, then I saw another maid, staring at me.

I yelled and ran under her legs and out of the room.

She didn't try to catch me but she chased after me. My heart was racing as I saw a servant doing the same thing.

I wanted to call Mark or Ms Lucy but my phone was cracked and wet, I totally forgot I had it on me!

I yelled as all the maids and servants in the house circled me and drew closer and crouched, terrified till I heard...

"April fool's!"

I looked up and saw Lucille, Ms Lucy and all the staff laughing.

"Wait, that was just a prank?"I asked.

"Yup."Lucille said,"And you fell for it!!! What did you think, that all the staff were zombies?"

"Actually, yeah!"

Lucille chuckled and Ms Lucy said,"Let's get you some dry clothes Tommy."

I walked with her and frowned at Lucille, who had laughed so much, she was on the floor.

I got some dry clothes and gladly sat on the couch, planning my revenge...

I went home and met Mark watching some TV and eating popcorn so joined him and helped myself.

I went to the gym afterwards and tried doing pull-ups, I had seen Mark do those a thousand times at least.

I pulled, my heart racing, my lungs throbbing, I felt like my arms were going to tear off on my third rep...

Man, I need to workout more.

After supper, I talked to Olivia on my phone and we had such a great time. We talked for almost an hour, till she realized the time and we separated.

I also realized the time and that I hadn't bathed yet, I felt like a trashcan.

I rushed to the bathroom and took a shower as that was more eco friendly then I put on my pajamas.

I lay on the bed and looked on the second floor of my room, I had to do it again...

"Geronimo!!!"I yelled as I fell towards my bed.

I landed and made a huge wave on the waterbed, to the extent I was going up and down and up and down and...you get the idea.

I switched on the TV as I wasn't tired and watched till I passed out and it automatically went off.