
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


I was soon discharged from the hospital and as we left, I saw Mark and Oleh holding hands, I frowned as we entered the car.

The next day...

Mark had dropped me off at the school and drove away.

He entered the huge building he worked in and his assistant rushed to him saying,"Boss, please you have an appointment with Mr. Tyler Duncan."

"Postpone the meeting, I want to be alone."

"Yes sir, right away sir."

He went into his luxurious office and slumped on the spinning chair, he was so stressed out because of the lie he'd been keeping from me, the fact that I almost died the previous day and the fact that I hated Oleh...all his thoughts were about his little brother.

He didn't stay long then went into the gym, to clear his mind.

He was doing pull-ups when he got a call on his phone. He checked the caller and found out it was an unknown number.

The person's voice was mixed up and difficult to recognize.

"I know your secret."

That was all the mysterious person said.

Mark had no idea who it could be. He just sat down and thought to himself. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened, it also happened when he was with Lucy, that's why she cheated on him, because he lied to her.

He had barely changed, he was still a pathological liar for some reason he didn't know.

He had to come clean to his little brother before that person told him.

The next week...

Mark helped me to pick some presents for Lucille and they went to the address soon after.

I told him to pick me up at eight and he agreed.

I went into the huge mansion, but it was empty. I heard people screaming so I ran to the back of the house and saw the paradise that was there.

There were bouncy houses, cotton candy, a petting zoo and horse riding.

I hate horses.

I went to the photo booth when someone walked behind me.

I turned around to see...

Lucy Stone!

"Good morning madam."

"Good morning...my daughter told me of all the things you've done for her and I just wanted to say thank you."

"Y-you're welcome."

Even at my age, I could tell she was enchanting.

"Wait a minute, don't I know you from somewhere?"

Oh no!

She remembers!


"I'm pretty sure I know you...have you ever acted a play?"

"Yes why?"

"Aha! Now I remember you, you're Tommy Hawkins right?"

I gulped down hard then nodded.

She brought her hand close to my hair, and I hated it when people messed with my hair.

But she ended up putting her hand on my shoulder. I liked her already.

She had to go and take some pictures while I just went for cotton candy. Then I remembered what happened last time...

As I was chewing the fluffy junk food, I heard my name mentioned.

Lucille had picked me as her best friend!

I slowly walked to the picture booth and she smiled at me. I smiled back.

Her mother stood behind both of us as the pictures were taken. When I saw the pictures, I was surprised at how well Ms. Lucy could pose.

Lucille went into the bouncy house and I followed.

Mark had been parked outside for almost an hour, he had been calling my phone but it was never answered, he decided to go and look for me.

He passed through the sleeping children and eventually found me, he didn't bother to wake me up, he just carried me.

At that moment, Ms Lucy entered the room and saw...

"What are you doing here?"She said in a dark tone.

"I'm taking my brother home, what are you doing here?"

"I live here, duh."

"What?! Then why did Tommy come here?"

"You mean Tommy Hawkins, my daughter's...oh."

"He's my brother."

"Great so our children can't meet anymore because of our differences? Stop being a kid Mark."

"I'm being a kid?! You are the one who cheated on me!"

"You betrayed my trust first!"

"Lucy, I'm not in the mood to fight with you, so I'm just going to take my little brother home and let you live your miserable unfaithful life, while I live mine."

She frowned and he smirked.

He put me in the car, not knowing I was wide awake.


"Why did you do that? Why did you go to her when you knew she was bad news."

"I'm sorry, it's just...she's nice."

"Oh then why don't you just go ahead and marry her?"

I remained silent, knowing he was angry.

We got home but I wasn't hungry so I went straight to bed.

I didn't expect Mark to read me a story and kiss me so I immediately closed my eyes.

A few seconds later, I felt warm air on my forehead and opened my eyes, it was Mark.


"...I couldn't just let you sleep without a story."

I smiled widely.

He read me the story and realized some of the pages were torn, he wanted to ask me why but I was already asleep.