
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


I was having cheer leading practice one day and I flung a girl into the air with the help of some other cheer leaders. She double back flipped and landed on the shoulders of two girls at the top of a pyramid.

I realized she didn't land well as the girls complained but then the pyramid started to wobble and the highest girl fell.

I sprinted to catch her and dived then caught her right before she landed.

Her fall was broken but so we're my arms, or so I thought.

The nurse said I was fine but as the saying goes...

Once burned, twice shy.

I didn't want to work with the pyramid anymore but I was forced to.

So we began the routine. I was to do a cartwheel round off then a back flip and a back barani flip in sync with another guy. Then we landed with the splits and stood up.

Another guy did back handsprings till he got between us and we held hands.

The gym teacher put me in the pyramid just because I was scared of it...

What is up with this man and unfair pairs?!

Two girls did back handsprings in sync till they got to the foundation and we squatted and they landed on our arms, then the rest of the cheerleaders threw that girl again to the top.

She didn't fall this time.

I was sweating like crazy after we were done and yet I had basketball practice with Ruby in the gym right after that and she was exhausting, just like Rose...

I was having the ball and bouncing then before I realized, she had snatched it from my grip and I tripped and fell flat on my face.

She threw the ball and made a flawless three pointer then we heard clapping.

I looked back and Ruby frowned and so did I.

I asked,"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to be with my best friend."Rose said.

"We are not friends."I said.

"Oh, but I thought you liked it when I called you that...fine, I'm sorry and as I peace offering, I want to give you a surprise..."

Just then my phone started ringing then she said,"Answer it."

I answered it, not because she told me to, but because it was Mark calling.

"Mark, I'll be back soon..."

I widened my eyes and looked at Ruby, then ran away.

Rose chuckled and walked away.

I went to Mark's mansion and saw the black debris that remained. It was burnt.

Mark came to me and said,"Everyone has been well catered for."

"How did it happen?"

"No one knows, the fire just started, out of thin air."

"I know Rose had something to do with it."

"That girl is really something...but how do you know?"

"Because this was her peace offering."

"And yet her parents are just like her."

"Nah, she's far worse."

We had to stay in a penthouse that night.

The next day I ran to Rose's floor and pinned her to a wall.

I could tell it was her since she had tied her waist- length hair into a half ponytail since yesterday.

I literally spat in her face,"How could you destroy my home like that?!"

She was breathing heavily and looking at me innocently then I yelled,"Answer me!"

Then she yelled,"Help!"

All the boys on the floor came to pull me away from her and said,"What are you doing to Ruby?!"

I yelled,"That is Rose! An evil mastermind!"

She started sobbing and said,"I am Rose, but we used to be friends Tommy, why are you like this now?"

I yelled,"Stop the waterworks you witch!"

She looked hurt by the words and burst into tears, I actually felt a little sorry for her.

The boys were about to pound me till she said,"Please don't, two wrongs don't make a right, but thank you for your help."

They glared at me but let me go then she immediately stopped crying and held my collar and said,"Don't threaten me or I will threaten you...wait no, I don't threaten, I make promises and, you can't touch me."

Then she walked away. I hated that girl!

She was a sick, twisted and devilish mind within a beautiful, flawless and angelic body, like a turduckin of evil, and I didn't mean that as a joke.

Earlier that day...

Ruby woke up from bed and went to take a bath. She got into her uniform and sat on her bed to put on her knee length socks then felt faint.

She couldn't breathe and realized...

Carbon dioxide...

She fainted on her bed.

Just then, rusty red bromine vapour started pouring into the room through the air vents. It started covering the floor and rising...

Rose was in her class and looked at her golden Rolex watch.

It's time...

She rose her arm and said,"Mr Greene, my sister is really late, please may I have the permission to check on her?"

He smiled and said,"Of course you can."

She stood up and modeled out of the room, attracting the eyes of every boy in the room.

She went to Ruby's room and counted down from three then opened the door.

The bromine vapour flowed out of the room and she pretended to be shocked and carried Ruby in her arms and took her to the school nurse.

She said,"My sister's life was in danger! Someone flooded her room with bromine vapour!"

The nurse was shocked and immediately alerted the Principal and Ruby was given concentrated oxygen to flush out the carbon dioxide from her lungs.

Rose was commended and praised for her ' heroic ' deeds and immediately became every teacher's pet and every student's role model and idol, except for me, I knew what she did.

Ruby woke up a few minutes later and saw Rose then tried to attack her, but her body was still asleep so she screamed for the nurse.

Rose said,"Oh you're finally awake, I hope you didn't mind me using you for my little science experiment."

Ruby yelled again and the nurse came in then she said,"Get her away from me!"

The nurse asked,"Why? She saved your life."

Ruby yelled again,"She put me in danger in the first place!"

The nurse apologized to Rose and escorted her out and looked at Ruby with disappointment.

Back to the present...

I lived to regret threatening Rose...

The State science fair was in a week and I was one of the three representatives for our state, aside Ruby and her evil twin sister.

The first prize was a million dollars, a trip to Dubai and an internship to NASA. The second prize was a hundred thousand dollars and an internship in NASA.

The next day came and I was excited to showcase my experiment which was the creation of second positively charged radical, aside ammonium ions.

I was in robotics class when I was called to the Principal's office.

I was confused as I walked there and met her frowning. I asked what the problem was and she showed me a video camera feed which showed me and three other students I couldn't recognize, trashing her car.

They spray painted it and hammered it with baseball bats and I was speechless then I looked at her, all I could say was,"It wasn't me."

She replied,"No, it was a gremlin. Tommy Hawkins... you're expelled..."

My whole world crumbled at that moment.

Mark literally had to beg the Principal to change her mind and so I was suspended for two weeks. I was going to miss the science fair I had been preparing for since I enrolled in the school.

Mark knew it wasn't me so I didn't have to explain. He wanted to cheer me up so he took me for a joyride in his yacht.

I was yelling my worries into the wind as the boat picked up speed then suddenly came to a halt.

The halt was so abrupt, I almost fell off the railing into the ocean.

Mark went to check what was wrong and the crew had no idea, everything was in great shape and it only happened when we were miles away from the shore.

We were stranded...