
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
253 Chs


My eyes were closed and within my dream. I saw Ruby in a wedding gown, she looked spectacular, but didn't look happy.

She was holding someone's hand but I couldn't identify their face. They looked into each other's eyes then she looked in my direction with tears in her eyes...

What is happening?

She looked at me with pain in her tearing eyes and said,"Tommy, help me."

I yelled her name and tried to run to her, but it was like my feet were in bog. I struggled and removed my right leg and stomped down stretching to reach her, who was an inch away from my fingertips.

Then something gripped my outstretched arm and I felt like I was in tar. So close, yet so far!

I fell down and struggled to save her, but I was stuck and going deeper, like quicksand as she floated farther away.

I woke up with a scream and felt someone holding my hand.

I was wet with sweat and hugged Mark with tears in my eyes.

He rubbed my back and said it was okay, but it wasn't.

He asked me the dream and I told him, he seemed worried for once.

Seeing him worried made me almost faint with fear, I became even more protective over Ruby.

I went to school the next day, confused and worried about the dream.

What did it mean?

I didn't even care when someone kicked a soccer ball right into my face.

Everything was spinning but I couldn't feel any pain. I was too occupied on Ruby.

Ruby came to the airport and we visited her. Of course there were no hugs but there was a heart to heart.

She gave as the gifts but I wasn't very happy, she seemed confused and asked,"Tommy, don't you like them?"

I did jazz hands and said,"No, no, no! I love them! It's just, I am having a dilemma."

Only Mark knew about it.

"What's the dilemma?"Ruby asked.

"...uuh, it's nothing."

She arched a brow.

I couldn't tell her that I had a dream that she was crying on her wedding day and begging for help.

We took her back to her dorm and Mack and I stayed alone with her and helped her unpack.

Mack asked me what was wrong when we were alone in her room and I sighed then said,"I had a dream she was getting married with tears in her eyes and asking me to help her."

He stroked his chin then said,"Hmm, you watch too many tragedy movies."

I slapped him in the face with one of her pillows.

The next day after school, Mark took the four of us to a fancy Mexican restaurant.

Ruby sat down and Mack and I glared at each other, there was only one way to determine who will sit by her...

I was chowing down the burritos like there was no tomorrow. Mack was also eating them like crazy. I was eating much faster than him as I had a strategy, I drank water with every Mexican shawarma I ate and that kept my mouth hydrated.

In the end, he ate a lot more than me, but I ate a lot more than him in a far shorter time...it was a draw.

We shook hands and used the fairest alternative...

Ruby was sitting down and eating a taco when the two boys squeezed her on her two seater seat.

"What the heck are you guys doing?!"She yelled.

"Our burrito chow down ended in a tie..."I began.

"...and this was the fairest reward."Mack ended.

"Couldn't you idiots just make a tie breaker?"

"We would explode if we ate even a pea."

She rolled her eyes then said,"Fine, sit together."

Then she got up to sit with Lucille.

We even competed as to who will sit with her in the car ride home. She sat beside Mark in the front passenger seat.

When I got home, I felt like I was pregnant, I had had ten too many burritos and was regretting it.

I went to the gym just to maintain my eight pack, then went to study and lay on my bed.

When my eyes were open, I thought about my dream, yet when they were closed, I saw Ruby, in a white gown with tears in her eyes, begging for my help.

I was just so scared for her.

I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to her, but wait...she was getting married...

If I was with her, she wouldn't get married.

...or Mack, but still, I wanted to be with her.

I had to do something. Rose told me gifts and looks don't work on her so Mack didn't have the advantage, it was her trust.

I had been with her longer so I actually had the advantage, I had to strengthen her trust in me...

One Saturday, I took Ruby to the park, not for any surprises, just to talk. I had told Mack of my plan and he agreed.

We skipped stones, climbed trees, talked and more. I loved her company, and she seemed to love mine.

By then I had no idea her family wanted her to be with Mack and that the only reason Rose was dormant was the constant threat Ruby had made.

After that, Mack took her out, we tried our best to keep her oblivious to the fact that we were trying to make her like one of us to possibly save her life.

She went back to her dorm, happy after the wonderful day she had just had when she saw her parents and Rose sitting on her bed.

She didn't want them here so she asked coldly,"What are you doing here? If you don't leave right now, you can forget whatever was supposed to exist between me and Mack..."

Mack went to his house and saw his very strict parents beaming, he was confused.

Ruby's mother chuckled and said,"I don't think you are in the place to give orders now Ruby, you will be with Mack."

"Yeah, if you leave."

Her father came closer to her, towering over her, he said,"Ruby, you're getting married to Mack..."