
My Light In The Darkness(drarry)

It’s their 6th year at hogwarts and Harry and Draco are still at each other throats. There something off about this times and Harry senses it. Will Harry be able to stay the same after finding what it is or will something between him and Draco change everything and life as they know it.

EviehasAnxiety · Livros e literatura
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14 Chs

Finally back

Hogwarts is my home and I'm finally back!

Harry Potter:

I sighed as I closed my trunk this had been one of the worst days of my life. It's not that I'm not happy to be here because I am, I'm upset because of that stupid Malfoy. He had the nerve to cast that spell on me.

" I Will Get Him Back." I thought as the smirk crept up upon my face.

"What are you thinking about?" Ron asked snapping me back into reality.

"Nothing important." I replied, he shrugged as I crawled into bed. "I'm exhausted," I whispered to myself. Class starts tomorrow, I need to be well-rested.

I closed all my curtains complete darkness is how I liked it. I heard Ron mumble something under his breath but I didn't quite catch it.

"Did you say something?" I asked him half asleep. "Oh, no It was nothing."

"If you say so."


"Harry.Harry! Wake up." With an exaggerated sigh, I sat up.

"I'm up, I'm up."

"Finally, I don't want to be late this year."

"Oh come on Ron it's not that serious."

"Whatever." I hurriedly got ready and joined Ron in the common room. As soon I stepped out I felt something wrap itself around my arm.

I turned and looked down at Estelle. This had been a common routine since last year.

"Hi." She said quietly and quickly I gave her a small smile.

"Hi," I said back. From other's perspectives we some seem like a couple but we are far from that. Estelle is my very distant cousin which makes sense because there is a very clear difference in the way we look, she has gorgeous curly hair and sun-kissed skin.

We met 2 years ago she's a 5th year though. She's like my sister and best friend kinda like Hermione.

"Hurry up let's get to class slowpoke." She said jabbing me in my shoulder although she's small in size she's quite strong

"Alright, alright let's go."