
My Life, My Story

Ye Beom, as an author, lived her life by dedicating everything to her works. But, a strange phenomenon happened to her. Ye Beom transmigrated into her unfinished novel, unknown to her what has caused this and what will happen to her. As she continues to live on, on her unfinished novel, the flow of her story will be changed. But, what will be those things that will change? No. The first question that matter most is, how did she transmigrated into the unfinished novel? Did she really died? But how come Ye Beom has no recollection of her, dying? Thus continues the enthralling life of Ye Beom in her novel

Paranoias · História
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

The relayed message

In two months—after the Emperor Hwang Kang Joo's final verdict, and the vigorous rummaging of the crown prince Eunhyun's study room—there was nothing but a piece of paper saying 'You are ruined.' Is found, to be used as an evidence that may lead on who was the perpetrator inside the empire.

But not until tonight…


In the middle of the night, the sound of fast but cautious running footsteps were heard as it echoed along the narrow street.

"Haah…hah, hah, hah… eeek!!" Panted and squeaked by the man, who was running along the narrow street.

"Search along that way! You three, come along with me and search that way!" Sound of an angry man instructing orders to his men.

"Yes, sire!" Replied the other men. There were at least seven voices that replied to him.